The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)

Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, Monday, -Weather- Flathead forecast Chance of mountain afternoon. Scattered snow showers today, mainly in the mountains. Partly cloudy and a little cooler tonight with areas of valley fog developing. Increasing cloudiness Tuesday with a chance of showers by afternoon. High today: near 37.

Low tonight: 16. High Tuesday: 37. Precipitation probability: 20 percent today, 10 percent tonight, 30 percent Tuesday. Afternoon ventilation: good. Sunday in the Flathead: -Glacier Park International Airport: high 39, 1 low 19, .23 inch of precipitation.

-Kalispell: high 46, low 31, .12 inch of precipitation. -Columbia Falls: high 41, low 29, .25 inch of precipitation. -Whitefish: high 40, low 28, .17 inch of precipitation. Polson: high 42, low 30, .05 inch of precipitation. Sunset Monday: 6:15 p.m.

Sunrise Tuesday: 7:25 a.m. Last year this date: high 33, low 24. .09 inch of precipitation. Records: high 53, 1921: low minus 13, 1922; .44 inch of precipitation, 1940. Normals: high 38, low 19.

.03 inch of precipitation. Extended forecast (Wednesday through Friday) Montana East of Continental Divide A few periods of snow showers. Occasional gusty winds. Temperatures near normal with highs 30s to mid 40s and lows 15 to 30. Montana West of Continental Divide A few periods of snow showers and local gusty winds.

Temperatures near normal. Highs 35 to 45 and lows 15 to 30. Snow report The Big Mountain reports 6 inches of new snow with total snow depths of 52 inches at the base and 111 inches on top. Conditions are powder, packed powder. Zone forecasts West Central Tonight partly cloudy and cooler with areas of valley fog.

Tuesday increasing cloudiness with a chance of showers by afternoon. Missoula 36 19 40 pop 20 10 30 Hamilton temps 37 18 42 pop 20 10 30 Northwest Chinook Zone Tonight partly cloudy and cooler, lows 10 to 20. Tuesday increasing cloudiness with gusty southwest winds. Scattered snow showers western mountains by afternoon. Highs 35 to 45.

Great Falls temps 35 19 43 pop 201010 Cut Bank temps 33 14 40 pop 20 10 10 Southwest Tonight partly cloudy and colder. Tuesday increasing cloudiness Helena temps 38 15 42 pop 30 10 10 Bozeman temps 37 8 40 pop 30 10 10 Butte temps 30 0 35 pop 30 10 20 West Yellowstone temps 28 10b 30 pop 20 10 20 North Central Tonight partly cloudy and cooler. Tuesday increasing cloudiness with gusty southwest winds west. Havre temps 35 13 42 pop 20 10 10 Central Tonight partly cloudy and cooler. Tuesday increasing cloudiness with gusty southwest winds.

Lewistown temps 36 12 40 pop 30 10 10 Northeast Tonight partly cloudy and cooler. Tuesday partly cloudy. Glasgow temps 35 12 38 pop 20 10 10 Glendive temps 36 15 40 pop 20 10 10 Southeastern Tonight partly cloudy and cooler. Tuesday partly cloudy. Miles City temps 38 15 42 pop 20 10 Broadus temps 40 8 44 pop 20 10 10 Baker temps 38 10 38 pop 20 10 10 Southcentral Tonight partly cloudy and cooler.

Tuesday increasing cloudiness with gusty southwest winds. Billings temps 37 20 44 pop 20 10 10 Livingston temps 37 15 44 pop 20 10 10 Hardin temps 37 15 45 pop 20 10 10 Temperatures The Associated Press February 25, 1985 Ice-jammed rivers overflow banks showers west by City High Low Belgrade 44 Billings 49 33 Broadus 46 35 Butte 38 18 Cut Bank 21 Dillon Drummond 29 Glasgow 50 30 Glendive 33 Great Falls 19 28 Havre 31 Helena 49 27 Kahspell 39 28 Lewistown 30 Livingsion 29 Miles City 43 32 Missoula 38 30 Yellostn 23 14 Elsewhere Hi Lo Pre Anchorage 22 12 Atlanta 63 55 .35 Baltimore 79 56 Bismarck 34 .01 Boston 70 45 Butalo 58 36 .12 Chicago 39 32 .11 Cincinnati 66 .02 Cleveland 61 36 .18 Dallas- Ft Worth 55 Denver 52 35 Dalroit 54 34 .13 Fairbanks -03 18 Fargo 37 Honolulu 82 71 Houston 57 .68 Indianapolis 57 .08 Kansas City 36 30 Las Vegas 40 Los Angeles 78 51 Miami Beach 75 72 Milwaukee 08 Mpls-St Paul 35 27 Nashville 66 45 New Orleans 70 58 3.01 New York 75 50 Philadelphia 52 Phoenix Pittsburgh 36 03 Portland. Or. 53 40 St Louis 55 38 .01 Salt Lake Cily 38 .01 San Diego 51 San Francisco 62 48 Seattle 36 .15 Spokane 42 25 Washington 78 59 Doubts remain about Chernenko's health MOSCOW (AP) President Konstantin U. Chernenko has appeared in public after being out of sight for two months, but his faltering manner and the way Soviet television managed his appearance did little to dispel doubts about his health.

Carefully edited television footage less than two minutes in length was aired Sunday on Soviet television. It showed Chernenko, 73, sitting. standing and murmuring a few words as he voted in an election for the Parliament of the Russian Republic. Western diplomats said they doubted Chernenko voted at a regular polling place. In contrast, Mikhail S.

Gorbachev, said to be the secondleading figure in the ruling Politburo, appeared smiling and confident as he and his family voted at a polling place crowded with Western reporters. Gorbachev turned to the cameras several times during his visit to the polling place, and posed with his granddaughter as she stuffed his ballot into the box. Western diplomats, who spoke on condition they not be identified, suggested Chernenko's surprise television appearance was staged to show the leader without straining his evidently poor health. He is said to suffer from emphysema, a lung ailment that makes breathing difficult and can cause heart strain. Diplomats said the telecast at least showed Chernenko was capable of speaking, sitting and standing, and ended rumors that a stroke had left him unable to talk.

During his 59-day absence, rumors persisted in Moscow that Chernenko was seriously ill. "They've done the best they could in the said a West European diplomat. "It would have been difficult not to have a picture of the leader voting." Chernenko, who was a candidate in the election, failed to give a traditional election speech Friday because of illness. He had not been seen in public since Dec. 27.

when he was shown on television at a Kremlin awards ceremony. Tired of playing PILESell these unwanted items that take up space. DIL CLASS ADS INDUSTRIAL Roller Chain Hydraulic Hose Sprockets Fuel Hose Sheaves Air Hose Pillow Blocks Valves V-Belts Rain Gear STEEL MA SONS 71 Meridian 755-6588 By The Associated Press Rivers and streams remained over their banks from Oklahoma to Vermont today and warm-temperature records continued to melt after floods forced hundreds of people from their homes and caused millions of dollars in damage. Parts of Montana. Wyoming and the Dakotas were buffeted today by rain and snow, and winds gusted to near 60 mph between Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyo.

Flood warnings continued today across western New York, northwestern Pennsylvania, northern Ohio and northeastern Indiana. Ice jams caused flooding on the Winooski River of Richmond, and floods continued in Oklahoma. The temperature early today at Atlantic ('ity, was 68 degrees, 3 degrees above the 1976 record for the date. A weekend of unseasonably warm weather sent snow -swollen rivers to flood levels in Oklahoma, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Vermont. High water took at least three lives in Indiana and Missouri, but flood waters were receding by late Sunday in most areas, officials said.

Dense fog in Michigan was blamed for five deaths in traffic and plane crashes. "We're hurting quite drastically, but we're busy digging said Mayor Bob Kehler of Skia took, where flood damage was estimated at more than $1 million after Bird Creek overflowed. "Floors buckled, sheetrock is falling: it's a state of mass confusion around here right now." Temperatures on the East Coasting were summer -like Sunday. Roanoke, and Worcester, had their warmest February days ever at 80 and 71 degrees, respectively. Record highs for the day fell in 27 cities and for the month in 12 of those, the National Weather Service said.

An estimated 100,000 people surged into Central Park in New York City on Sunday as the mercury climbed to 75 degrees, 10 degrees above the previous record for the date set in 1971. Flooding in north-central Indiana, especially along the Wabash River, "will be the worst it's been in 20 to 30 years," weather service hydrologist Albert Shipe said Sunday. "In portions of the northern part of the state, it will be worse than it was in 1982," he said, referring to heavy floods that inundated Fort Wayne and other areas. In addition to high water, floatice caused damage. At Vermilion.

Ohio, on Lake Erie. Mayor Hobart Johnson estimated damage at about $10 million. He said 50 to 75 families! had evacuated but returned Sunday. Scattered flooding also was re- Jubilant Meese takes oath as nation's law enforcement ent chief WASHINGTON (API Edwin Meese Ill was sworn in today as attorney general. his year-long struggle to become the nation's chief law enforcement officer finally at an end.

President Reagan attended the brief, informal ceremony at the White House. according to White House spokesman Robin Gray. Vice President George Bush, Reagan chief of staff Donald T. Regan and other staff members also attended. Gray said.

The oath of office was administered in the Oval Office by Daniel J. Marks, the deputy executive clerk of the White House. Following his approval by the Senate, Meese, 53, said he intends to work with members of Congress "in a spirit of reasonableness and common effort to secure the best system of justice for the country." Accompanied by wife. Ursula, and daughter Dana. 18.

Meese beamed jubilantly as he talked with reporters at the White House following his confirmation by the Senate on a 63-31 vote Saturday. His enthusiasm for the new job was not diminished by the fact it took him 13 months to get there, Meese said, declaring: "I am not bitter at all. I think politics played a very big part in what took place, but that's all behind us now. Right now, I'm just glad it's Meese becomes the nation's 75th attorney general, succeeding William French Smith. 67.

who held the post during President Reagan's first term and who has returned to his private law practice in Los Angeles. Meese said President Reagan, who was spending the weekend at his Camp David. mountaintop "congratulated me and said it had been a long time and appreciated the fact that we had held up. Meese surmounted allegations that he helped obtain government jobs for friends who loaned him money and that he improperly accepted a promotion to colonel in the Army Reserve and a $10.000 payment from a presidential transition fund. Subway gunman Goetz defends vigilante act NEW YORK (AP) New York City is "sick from one end to and residents should be armed.

subway gunman Bernhard Goetz him said after he attended the arraignment of a man charged with the fatal stabbing of a man authorities say tried to steal candy from a subway vendor. Goetz said he showed up Sunday at the arraignment of Andrew Frederick because he believed Frederick acted in self defense after he was attacked with a bottle. "I told him the people were on his side everything's going to be all Goetz said later in a television interview. Frederick, 24, of New York City. is charged with second-degree murder.

He was released Sunday on his own recognizance. Frederick intervened Thursday when two men tried to steal candy from a subway newsstand, police said. He reportedly told the men to quit stealing. got into a dispute and stabbed Felix McCord. 28, after McCord struck him with a bottle, police said.

Goetz, who Dec. 22 shot four black youths in a subway, said in an interview Sunday night with W.NEW TV that he went up to Frederick after the hearing and told that "I knew what he was going Inter lake Vol. 77. No. 267 USPS 143.340 Publist ad daily exCept Saturday and New Year's DAY Memorial Day Independence Dey.

Labor Day, Chr Day by Inter Lake Publishing Company East Idaho Kalispell. Zip Code 59901 Entered at ond class matter At post office Kal elt Montana Patrick King publisher. editor Dan Black. managing editor Kalispell Subscribers who fail to receive their paper by 600 pm 5 or on Sunday by 9 00 a should telephore circulation department at 755-7000 betore 6 30 pm. weekdays or on Sunday by 1 00 p.m for customer service ADVERTISING DEADLINES Classified (want ads) 5.00 day prior Monday paper Noon Saturday Display ads (retail) 5 00 3 days prior.

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The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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