The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)

Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, Sunday, September 21, 1986 forecast Elsewhere Continued cloudy and cool weather can be expected today, with scattered showers. Tonight and Monday will be partly cloudy with a chance of showers. Today's high will be 58, tonight's low about 37 and Monday's high near 60. Precipitation probabilities: 30 percent today, 20 tonight and Monday. Weekend weather: -Glacier Park International Airport (midnight-9 p.m.

Saturday), high 56, low 44, .08 inch precipitation. -Whitefish (8 a.m. Friday-8 a.m. Saturday), high 58, low 40, no precipitation. Sunset tonight: 7:38 Sunrise Monday: 7:23 A year ago today: high 60, low 39, .08 inch precipitation.

Records: high 87, 1967: low 33. 1966; .69, 1899. Extended outlook Tuesday through Thursday West of Continental Divide: Mostly dry with mild days. Highs 60s. Lows 35 to 45.

East of Continental Divide: Mostly dry with mild days. Highs 60s and low 70s. Lows 35 to 45. Zone forecasts West Central Sunday scattered showers and cool. Sunday night and Monday partly cloudy with widely scattered showers, mainly over the mountains.

Missoula temps 40 58 37 60 pop 30 30 20 20. Hamilton temps 38 60 38 62 pop 40 30 20 20. Northwest Chinook Sunday cloudy and a little warmer with scattered showers. Sunday night cloudy and cool with scattered showers. Monday partly cloudy with light southwest winds.

Widely scattered showers. Great Falls temps 38 55 42 60 pop 5030 20 20. Cut Bank temps 34 52 38 58 pop 70 40 30 20. Southwest Sunday and Sunday night mostly cloudy with widely scattered showers. Monday a little warmer and partly sunny with widely scattered showers.

Helena temps 40 55 38 60 pop 40 20 20 20. Bozeman temps 38 54 34 58 pop 50 20 20 20. Butte temps 36 50 32 54 pop 50 20 20 20. West Yellowstone temps 30 48 26 52 pop 70 20 10 20 Central Sunday cloudy with scattered showers. Sunday night cloudy and cool widely scattered showers.

Monday partly cloudy with light southwest winds and some widely scattered showers. Lewistown temps 36 52 36 58 pop 5030 20 20. Northeast Sunday and Sunday night mostly cloudy and cool with scattered light showers. Monday partly cloudy and a little warmer with widely scattered showers. Glasgow temps 40 55 42 62 pop 60 4030 20.

Glendive temps 44 62 44 68 pop 50 3030 20 Temperatures By The Associated Press City High Low Pep. Anaconda 51 37 .06 Baker 62 48 19 Belgrade 56 43 .04 Big Timber 55 40 .52 Billings 52 46 03 Bozeman 54 39 .06 Broadus 63 52 .03 Butte 49 37 Cut Bank 38 Dition 56 Drummond 53 Glasgow 54 42 Glendive 56 Great Falls 48 Hamilton 55 42 .13 Hardin 62 .02 Harlowton 56 40 .46 Havre 47 43 Helena 50 .08 Lewistown 49 40 .13 Libby 56 28 .03 Livingston 53 40 .47 Miles City 58 06 Missoula 55 43 14 Plentywood 53 48 .20 Red Lodge 47 37 Roundup 49 .07 Superior 57 40 50 T. Falls 58 40 .06 Yellostn 46 36 Wisdom 53 31 08 Clarification Firefighters were called to a fire alarm Wednesday afternoon in a common area of the Kalispell Center Mall near Orange Julius, not at Orange Julius itself as reported in Thursday's Inter Lake. Inter Lake Vol. 79, No.

133 USPS 143-340 Published daily except Saturday and New Year's Day, Memorial Day. Independence Day, Labor Day. Christmas Day by Inter Lake Kalispell, Zip Code 59901 1 Entered as second Publishing Company. 727 East Idaho, class matter at post office. Kalispell, Montana.

Patrick King. publisher, editor Dan Black, managing editor Kalispell subscribers who tail to receive their paper by 5:30 pm. or on Sunday py 8 00 am should 755-7000 telephone before the 6.30 circulation department at pm. weekdays or on Sunday by noon for customer service. ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Classed (went ads) 500 p.m.

day prior, Monday paper Noon Saturday. Display ads (retail) 5 00 P.M 3 days prior, Sunday paper Wednesday, 500 m. Member of The a Associated Press Montana Press Association AM VERIFIED Soviets ready for Hi Anchorage 60. Atlanta 89 Baltimore 77 Bismarck 58 Boise 58 Boston Casper Cheyenne Chicago 89 Cincinnati Cleveland Dallas Ft Worth Denver Des Moines Detroit Honolulu 92 Houston 85 Indianapolis 87 Kansas City 88 Las Vegas 80 Los Angeles 75 Memphis 91 Miami Beach 86 Milwaukee 64 Mols-St Paul 71 Nasnville 89 New York City New Orleans 33 Oklahoma City Philadelphia 78 Phoenix 95 Pinsburgn 90 Reno St Louis Salt Lake City 61 San Antonio 91 San Diego 70 San Francisco 72 Seattle Spokane Washington, C. 74 50 .23 cdy La Pre Olk arms compromise cir.

50 59 edy cdy WASHINGTON (AP) Soviet the French and British missiles 43 2688 cdy Foreign Minister Eduard A. were aimed at Soviet territory and 55 cay Shevardnadze said Saturday his gov- should be counted together with the ernment was prepared to work out American Pershings and cruises 62 65 .13 39 an agreement with the United against the equal levels sought in 66 States on equal nuclear missile the Geneva talks. 71 cay levels in Europe that exempts Shevardnadze said "it was per62 40 cdy French and British forces from the haps difficult for some to believe 65 cay ceilings. that the Soviet Union will take this 75 42 72 cir was not a simple step to kind of step." But, he said. Moscow 64 1 27 cdy take." Shevardnadze said at a news was seeking "accommodation and 72 cdy conference at the Soviet embassy.

57 cir But he said Moscow was taking it in The Soviet concession could im59 Cle 73 COy help "rid Europe of nuclear prove chances for an accord with 79 danger." the United States. The two sides 59 cdy 59 Reagan administration, in already had moved closer to each 65 cdy negotiations with the Soviets in Ge- other's position. 75 21 cay neva, had insisted the French and President Reagan last week in70 59 cay British missiles were independent structed Ambassador Max M. Kamcoy 56 cdy of the American Pershing II and pelman to take up with the Soviets 73 cdy cruise missiles NATO has installed their proposal to reduce to "token' 64 cay 28 cir in Western Europe. levels in Europe.

72 cay The U.S. position was that equal However. Soviet leader Mikhail 44 coy 73 22 coy levels should be set between the Gorbachev. in a message 60 coy U.S. missiles and the mobile SS-20 Shevardnadze delivered to Reagan 50 55 cir missiles the Soviets have targeted on Friday, is understood cdy to be call38 coy on the allied countries.

ing for the total elimination of the 64 coy The Soviets had countered that U.S. and Soviet missiles. Anti-apartheid protest hits Yale NEW HAVEN. Conn. (AP) About 200 people protesting Yale University's $400 million investment in South Africa demonstrated at the inauguration of the Ivy League school's 20th president Saturday, and at least three people were arrested.

The demonstrators, some wearing white death masks and carrying miniature coffins, shouted "Apartheid Kills. Yale Pays the Bills" and other slogans denouncing Yale's South African investments. Protesters shouted and clapped their hands as Benno C. Schmidt Jr. 's inaugural procession marched from the Gothic-style Sterling Memorial Library to Woolsey Hall for the ceremonies On the lawn of Cross Campus.

about 50 members of the Yale Black Student Alliance wearing black clothing and white masks confronted the procession. White is symbolic of death in many Third World cultures, the protesters said. At the feet of each protester was a miniature wooden coffin. Dozens of police on foot. horseback and motorcycles scrambled alongside the procession as it neared Woolsey Hall.

shoving away demonstrators who tried to sit in the road. Schmidt was not accosted, but he encountered the same demonstrators as he left the hall after the ceremonies, which began about a half-hour behind schedule. At least three people were arrested, said New Haven Police Set. Richard Burgarella said. Several anti id banners were hung inside the nearly filled 2.700-seat hall.

Protesters inside the hall remained quiet as Schmidt livered his inaugural address, despite constant shouting that could be heard from demonstrators outside. stifle expression because it is obnoxious. erroneous. embarrass- -co*ckroach- Continued from Page Al- said. God, Florida hos bigger roaches "than said John Butherus.

district sales manager of Truly Nolen Pest Control in Clearwater, which along with WFLA radio offered $500 to the winner of an Aug. 15 contest. "People really got into it." Butherus said. "One lady had a hole connecting a duplex. She kept roaches out of her place.

But for the contest, she unplugged the hole and used a funnel to catch the ones from next door as they came over to her half. She brought in about 50 of them." The winner measured just over 2 inches. "I used a baseball bat and tranquilizer darts. and it took three of us to wrestle him to the ground." boasted Charles Rigby of Clearwater. Butherus predicts California will be the next battleground.

Dallas crowned its co*ckroach -Summit- said there were long discussions about Daniloff and said. "It is hard to think that progress is made (towards a U.S.-Soviet summit) as long as he is there and unable to leave." Asked about Shevardnadze's veiled warning of Soviet retaliation, Shultz said the U.N. action in which the the United States moved to limit the size of the Soviet delegation because of past espionage was unrelated to the Daniloff matter. Shultz said he explained that to Shevardnadze. and "He argued with it." Before Daniloff was arrested August 30, it was expected that the queen on July 11.

Trapped by two women in the basem*nt of their office building, the bug, now deceased, is ensconced in the Smithsonian Institution's insect zoo in Washington. "Bugs are big in Texas," said Michael Bohdan. owner of the Pest Shop and Bizzy Bees Pest Control in Dallas and local contest organizer. He presented the dead roach to the museum along with about 20 live runners-up. I hear they're big (in New York), but I've learned one thing co*ckroach hunters are like fishermen: They all lie.

and everyone says they've got bigger ones and bigger ones." he said. "We had a 3-inch June bug come in and the guy swore it was a roach." said Louisiana's Dyer. Dyer says his 10-second television and radio spots on the contest Continued from Page A1- weekend meeting would result in a date being set for the summit. Instead. no date was set and Shultz and Shevardnadze agreed there would be future talks.

In the midst of the controversies, the officials seemed oddly optimistic about summit preparations overall. Shultz was asked if there could be preparations for the summit in light of disagreements over the Daniloff case. "'Certainly, there can be preparations and we spent a great deal of time discussing the substance of issues that need to be worked out to make a summit meeting a successful TONIGHT AT THE MOVIES. KALISPELL THEATRE INFORMATION 752.7800 LIBERTY, 7:20 9:20 Strand 7:00 9:00 STAND Comedy Chiller "It's BY a charmer." ME HAUNTED NE Judith Crist, WOR-TV1 AN OR ON RES A CINEMA 7:00 9:10 SAUNA 7:30 9:20 TOP BOR AMERICAN Tom Cruise Freedom is just al Kelly McGillis you lose it. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 7:20 9:05 CAT 7:10 9:00 A BACK SCHOOL SUMMER RODNEY DANGERFIELD .0 SUNDAY The Movies With A WIN Show At 4:30 P.M.

Sun. EARLY Save General ALOO Save On Youth AND Accompanied By Parent. JERRY SHERER OD Complete Family Vision Care and Contact Lenses announces the opening of his office at the Kalispell Center Mall Evening and Saturday appointments available. Telephone 752-7419 FREE BOTTLE of WINE DIAMONI With each foursome dining, you will receive a free bottle of DINING wine when presenting this SALOON coupon. Call 752-3463 Bring your friends in with this coupon, and top off your dinner with a complimentary bottle of wine! Not valid with any other special offer.

1680 Hwy. 93. S. Kalispell Expires 10-31-86 OPEN HOUSE Mon. 9-19 to Sat.

9-27 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. creative Cabinetry, Inc. Offering a full line of high quality custom and modular cabinets. Newly remodeled showroom.

Valley's distributor for De Wils Cabinetry FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE Door prizes. Free Pepsi, Coffee Cookies 2185 Hwy. 2 W. Kalispell, MT 59901 755-5282 All You Can Eat $299 Crisp Tacos 3. Crisp Bean Burritos Crisp Meat Burritos This Good! only at Corner of Taco Time and Hwy.

2 West Tacolime Sunday Only Hi I need your help. We, at Western Outdoor, have set up a New Great Women's Department. Name Brands and Great Prices for todays Active Women In fact we are so proud, we think it should be named So won't you help us name our New Women's Department Just fill out the coupon below and bring in to Western Outdoor. You could win a $10000 Gift Certificate. P.S.

OPEN Sunday 11 till 3 Drawing Thanks, Inter Oct. 1, 1986. Register for Gift Certificate DEPARTMENT Be Sure NAME Name. Register Now Address For $10000 Gift Certificate Western Outdoor 752-7550 48 Main Kalispell 1-800-824-0183 4 ing. not instrumental to some political and idealogical end is quite apart from the grotesque invasion of the rights of others a disastrous reflection on he said Schmdit also said federal officials were threatening intellectual freedom, often in the name of national security.

"They seem to be under the misimpression that they are the ideological nannies of a population of pre-adolescents rather than the servants of a free and responsible people." he said. "And I speak of both parties, and liberals and conservatives alike." Schmidt said officials in Washington "exercise their discretion over such matters as visits to the United States by foreigners thought to carry a controversial message, or the degree of secrecy thought appropiate in relation to that most umbrageous of concepts. national securitv. with little thought for intellectual freedom." bring in 40 to 50 people at a time of the year when shoppers normally "don't spend money at hardware stores they spend it on the kid's blue jeans for school." And he says he's also becoming a home-grown celebrity. He's been on talk shows and was interviewed by the newspaper USA Today.

But a letter to the Amarillo Globe-Times from a puzzled reader asked why any state would want to boast of having the largest roaches. saying it is one of the rare things "even a Texan would be reluctant to brag 3..

The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.