The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)

ON -Weather- A-2-The Daily Inter Lake, Kalispell, Montana, Monday, August 1, 1988 The forecast for 6 P.M., Tuesday, August 2 70 80 SHOWERS T-STORMS 70 HAZY 90 HOT T-STORMS SCATTERED T-STORMS 80. MOSTLY 90 90100 SUNNY FRONTS: 90 Stationary 1988 Accu-Weather, Inc Warm Cold Flathead forecast Today, mostly sunny with increasing clouds and scattered showers or thundershowers this afternoon, also cooler with west winds. Tonight, mostly cloudy with a good chance of showers and thundershowers. Tuesday, cooler with showers decreasing, partly cloudy by afternoon. High today: near 75.

Low tonight: near 45. High tomorrow: 70-75. Precipitation probability: 30 percent today, 50 percent tonight and A 30 percent Tuesday. Afternoon ventilation: excellent. Sunday in the Flathead: -Glacier International Airport: high 92, low 50, zero precipitation.

-Kalispell: high 93, low 53, zero precipitation. -Columbia Falls: high 89, low 52, zero precipitation. -Whitefish: high 91, low 49, zero precipitation. -Polson: high 92, low 55, zero precipitation. Sunset Monday: 9:14 p.m.

Sunrise Tuesday: 6:13 a.m. Last year this date: high 72, low 39, zero precipitation. Records: high 98, 1971, low 37, 1953, 1.50 inches of precipitation, 1948. Normals: high 83, low 49, .03 inch of precipitation. Extended outlook (Wednesday through Friday) Montana West of Continental Divide Mild with scattered showers and thunderstorms.

Becoming drier and warmer toward the weekend. Highs 70 to 85. Lows 40 to 55. Montana East of Continental Divide Mild with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Becoming drier toward the weekend.

Highs 70 to 85. Lows 45 to 55. Zone forecasts West Central Today partly cloudy and cooler. A few late afternoon showers or a possible thundershower. Tonight and Tuesday partly cloudy and cool with scattered showers.

Missoula temps 80 45 78 pop 20 30 30. Hamilton temps 83 48 80 pop 20 30 30. Northwest Chinook Today low clouds north and much cooler. Partly cloudy south. Scattered showers and thundershowers mainly north this afternoon.

North winds today 10 to 20 mph. Tonight and Tuesday cooler with occasional showers and north west winds. Great Falls temps 75 50 70 pop 20 40 60. Cut Bank temps 65 48 65 pop 30 60 60. Southwest Today partly cloudy and cooler.

A slight chance of a shower or thundershower this afternoon. Northwest winds at times. Tonight and Tuesday cooler with scattered showers and locally gusty northwest winds. Helena temps 85 53 75 pop 30 30 50. Bozeman temps 85 50 75 pop 20 40 40.

Butte temps 80 45 70 pop 20 40 40. West Yellowstone temps 80 42 68 pop 20 40 40. North Central Today partly cloudy and cooler with northwest winds 15 to 25 mph this afternoon. A slight chance of a shower late today. Tonight and Tuesday cooler with scattered showers and northwest winds.

Havre temps 78 50 70 pop 20 40 40. Central Today partly cloudy and cooler with northwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Tonight and Tuesday partly cloudy and cooler with scattered showers and northwest winds. Lewistown temps 78 50 70 pop 10 30 40. Northeast Today partly cloudy and cooler with a slight chance of a shower.

Gusty winds shifting to northwest this afternoon at 20 to 30 mph. Lake wind advisory in effect for area lakes. Tonight and Tuesday scattered showers with northwest winds 15 to 30 mph at times. Cooler Tuesday. Glasgow temps 88 55 80 pop 20 40 40.

Glendive temps 88 60 85 pop 20 40 40. af Inter a Lake 81, No. 91 USPS 143-340 Published daily except Saturday and New Years Day. Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Christmas Day by Inter Lake Publishing Company, 727 East Idaho, Kalispell, Zip Code 59901. Entered as second class matter at post office, Kalispell, Montana.

Roy Wellman, publisher, editor Dan Black, managing editor Kalispell subsorbers who fail to receive their paper by 5:30 p.m. weekdays or on Sunday by 8:00 a.m. should telephone the circulation department at 755-7000 betore 6:30 p.m. weekdays or on Sunday by noon for customer service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Home Delivery By Carrier $8.25 Per Month Mall Within Flathead County $8.50 Per Month Mail Outside Flathead County $9.50 Per Month Sunday Only By Mail $2.00 Per Copy ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Classified (want ads) 5:00 p.m.

day prior, Monday paper Noon Saturday. Display ads (retail) 5:00 P.M. 3 days prior, Sunday paper Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. Member of The Associated Press Montana Press Association VERIFIED Speaker Wright snares fed bucks for home county FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) The home county of House Speaker Jim Wright, D- collected the most federal money on a per capita basis of any large urban area in the nation in 1986, a newspaper's analysis found. The Dallas Morning News, which tracked federal spending for fiscal years 1986 and 1987 through 50 states and 3,041 counties, reported Sunday that Tarrant County achieved its top ranking primarily through the awarding of multibillion-dollar defense contracts.

The federal government spent more than $5.5 billion, or $5,481 per person, in Tarrant County in 1986. The next year, amid a steep decline in defense spending, the county dropped to the No. 4 per capita position with $4.4 billion, or $4.030 per person. Tarrant County's 1986-87 total was $9.9 billion, or $9,511 per capita. The average U.S.

county, studied received a two-year total of $3,577 per person for 1986 and 1987. Wright district includes most of Fort Worth and the suburban cities in northwestern Tarrant County. He has represented the district for more than three decades, and the county's high ranking in part is a reflection of Wright's increasing influence in how tax dollars are spent. Wright is unopposed for reelection this year but faces an investigation by the House ethics committee into allegations that he improperly interceded on behalf of troubled savings and loan executives in Texas and that he wrongly profited from royalties on a book. Wright's critics say the spending ranking only reinforces Wright's image as a provincial, pork-barrel politician.

Jim Wright generates more pork than is hanging in a Kansas slaughterhouse." said Don McNiel, the Alvarado, Texas, Republican who tried to unseat Wright in 1986. "It's the pork barrel capital of "Pork barrel is an abused and grotesquely overused Wright said in response. "I think it's a sloppy word used indiscriminately to belittle projects that one doesn't understand and from which one doesn't benefit." Military spending makes up the greatest slice of Tarrant County's federal pie, with 83 percent of the $9.9 billion in funds received coming from defense contracts. Bush, Dukakis try to score points on day-care issue SECAUCUS, N.J. (AP) With a few minutes to spare in a long campaign day, Michael Dukakis stopped by the Harmony Early.

Learning Center to shake a few hands with preschoolers. Looking to campaign on a tight preconvention budget, George Bush 3 day later rode out to Tysons Corner. in the Washington suburbs to do the same thing, tossing a foam ball and pushing youngsters on a tire swing. For both it was time well spent. Dukakis was rewarded with prominent photographs in newspapers and the television networks; and Bush reaped similar coverage.

The twin events on the presidential campaign trail last week underscored what already has become apparent to both campaigns: Child care is a hot issue in the 1988 race for the White House. It's politics dictated by demographics. The Census Bureau says more than half of new mothers go back to work before their children are a year old. Neither party wants to find itself outmaneuvered on the issue. Dukakis, the Democratic nominee, and Bush, who will become the Republican nominee in less than three weeks, have introduced competing proposals on day care.

The proposals reflect their differing philosophies on government involvement, yet, importantly, both candidates support in principle some form of government initiatives to assist parents in providing care for their young children. "We can ignore the fact that most women with small children now hold jobs, or we can work to make quality, affordable child care available to every family that needs it," Dukakis said. "You have to have choice, parental choice, family choice, and you have to have diversity," Bush said. The vice president's plan i is basically a tax break for low-income parents of children 4 and under. It would cost an estimated $2.2 billion a year, and in its first stages would benefit only families earning less than $12,000 a year, according to Bush domestic affairs adviser Deborah Steelman.

Eventually families earning up to $20,000 would benefit. Bush's plan generally would exthat the middle-class families pay $100 a week or so to put a child in the centers the two presidential candidates visited last week in New Jersey and Virginia. Dukakis' plan, according to his aides, largely is embodied in legisis now before Congress that similar to day care assistance being provided in his own state of Massachusetts. It is aimed at helping lowaf- moderate-income families child care, and would reserve 75 percent of its money for that aid. States could use the rest to encourage developing and upgrading centers through grants.

It would establish standards for care, and states would have to match a portion of the federal money. Dukakis expands bid for black vote FLINT, Mich. (AP) Michael Dukakis begins an expanded effort this week to win over the black voters he largely ignored in the primaries and who have yet to respond in any big way to an endorsem*nt by Jesse Jackson. The Democratic presidential nominee travels to Detroit tonight to address an Urban League convention and, according to an aide, his campaign this week will begin distributing literature highlighting his gubernatorial record on issues such was affirmative action and judicial appointments. "Michael Dukakis is not a known quantity to black Americans but this should help change that," said Donna Brazile, the Dukakis campaign's deputy national field director.

Dukakis also plans to invest in black media advertising and will schedule campaign events in inner city neighborhoods and other predominantly black areas, Brazile said. He rarely ventured into black communities during the primaries and still draws relatively few blacks to campaign events. Brazile and other top Dukakis advisers conceded in interviews during last week's seven-state campaign trip that Jackson's endorsem*nt of Dukakis at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta has yet to translate into visible support Columnist pleads innocent in handgun case WASHINGTON (AP) Syndicated columnist Carl T. Rowan, an outspoken supporter of stricter handgun controls, pleaded innocent today, registered to charges pistol to he shoot used a an teen- unager who took an unauthorized dip in his backyard -pool. Rowan also defended himself against charges of hypocrisy from pro-gun groups.

Rowan has been charged with one count each of possessing an unregistered weapon and possessing ammunition for the gun in connection with the June 14 shooting, both are misdemeanors. District of Columbia Superior Court Hearing Commissioner Kaye Christian set a trial date of Sept. 22. Rowan also requested that a jury hear his case. If he is convicted on both Temperatures By The Associated Press City High Low Pop.

Belgrade 96 54 01 Billings 96 77 Broadus 101 71 Butte 92 50 Cut dank 88 49 Dillon 91 Glasgow 90 Giend. ve Great: Fails 91 51 Havre 61 96 62 92 50 Lewistown 91 60 Livingston 97 61 99 77 tr Missoula 93 51 Elsewhere Hi Lo Pre Ottk AlDuquerQue 89 66 coy Anchorage 70 05 coy Atlanta 95 73 cd, Baltimore 90. 73 cir sprarck 05 68 03 coy 8 ,8 95 53 cir caston 84 67 cir alo 82 60 cov Casper 99 61 cd, Crejenne 89 cdy Chicago 93. 78 cIt Cincinnati 89 67 cir Cleveland 82 63 Dallas- Ft Worth 93 77 cd, Denver 93 62 cdy Detroit 95 66 Fargo 98 E4 02 coy Honolulu 90 76 cdy Houston 90 78 coy Ind anapolis cir Jacksonville 97 71 13 cO, Kansas City 102 76 cir Las Vegas 100 78 04. coy Los Angeles 82 69 coy Memphis 92 77 co, Miami Beach 66 75 40 cdy Milwaukee 66 79 cdy Mpts-St Paul 105 74 Nashville 73 cdy New Orieans 93 16 coy New York City 87 73 CIr Orlando 92 73 cd; Philadeipnia 31 74 cir Phoenix 98 83 P.

1sburgh 95 63 cd, Portland. Ore 75 55 ca, Raleigh 94 70 coy Reno 97 59 cir Sacramento 31 56 cir St Louis 99 79 Cit Salt Lake City 98 73 coy San Antonio 88 74 cdy San Diego A 76 68 cd; San Francisco 70 58 cir -Seate 71 54 coy Spokane' 88 55 Tampa- -St Pirsbg 94 76 Tucson .93 73 05 Washington 92: '76 Cir National Extremes High Sunday 109 at PALM SPRINGS Calf. Low Monday morning -38 at. GUNNISON. Colo charges.

the columnist could face a maximum penalty of two years in prison and a $2,000 fine. The district's 1976 handgun ordinance essentially bans posession of handguns and ammunition not owned at the time the law was passed, except for law After his court appearance, Rowan lashed out at those who say he is hypocritical for using a handgun, "I am aware that I am the pawn in a brutal game between those who favor and those who oppose handgun control." Rowan said, reading from a prepared statement. "I want to make it clear that I still favor a strict national law to control the availability of handguns. Outside the courthouse, a halfdozen handgun advocates showed up supertuesday 11am till 11pm Draft Beer. DeLuxe Personal All you can eat Pan Fried Steak $795 BUFFET DINNER 5 til 10pm All you can eat $6 99 OPEN 024 HOURS PANCHO MAGOO'S restaurant Teasing 1301 Hwy.

93 S. Kalispell families exthat child New his legisis being 3 lowaf- aid. encourage would and portion for Dukakis among blacks. One assessment of Dukakis' problem came from Sam Riddle, field director for Jackson's winning effort in the Michigan caucuses. you got in Atlanta was that Jesse got a little prime time, a credit card and an airplane," he said.

"Black America is still not sure what's in it for them and until that gap is bridged I don't think you'll see them being too enthusiastic about Dukakis." Dukakis and his staff are trying to erase such sentiments. In Newark, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Louisville, Raleigh, N.C., and here in Flint last week, he met with Jackson backers, all of whom, according to Dukakis aides, pledged their support. Shortly after Riddle spoke to reporters during a Dukakis rally in Flint, he was approached by Boston attorney Fletcher Wiley, a senior Dukakis adviser who is among the LIBERTE Gateway 7:30 Co Who framed ROGER campaign's ranking black officials. "Sure we've got a problem right now," Wiley said later. "But we're meeting with the Jackson leaders this trip to start the process of taking care of it.

"We'll get to his people, at the grass-roots level, but you can't go to the people without first coming together with the Leaders who met with Dukakis last week gave positive reviews. Others already have begun helping the nominee. Dukakis was greeted at the Louisville airport by Georgia Davis Powers, a longtime state senator who was a Jackson backer. Ernest James, a Jackson supat in the primary who was the airport to help with the greeting, said the area's black community "is ready to go for Dukakis. The Jackson people have been spreading the word, and I think blacks will go with Dukakis." NIGHTLY GATEWAY 7:10 9:25 EDDIE MURPHY in (ha COMING TO.


6 per vehicle SUMMER MOVIES 9.15: SHOW AT DUSK MATINEE SEATS $1.00 Columbia Fall $6 00 WED. THUPS. per 1:00 BIG DUNDEE SPACE CAMP BACA They TOP were PEE FOR MORE. launched into MUCH WEE MORE! TO PG ARY STEMPIN MADE THE SMART CHOICE. When we bought our house in Columbia Falls, we couldn't afford not to convert the heating system to gas.

The existing system was electric radiant heat. Boy, was it expensive! "Our heating bills took a tremendous drop with, our new gas fired hot water radiant system. It has really added to the comfort of my family. And I think it will increase the value of our Gary Columbia Stempin Falls home if we should ever want to sell. Compare the cost.

Compare the convenience. Give us a call for the facts. Let us help you convert to natural gas space or water heating equipment. The smart choice. right we're of the to together Louisville supat "is the with to support the columnist's right to bear arms.

"We think that Carl Rowan may be guilty of raving hypocrisy, but he shouldn't. be charged in a court of law today for protecting his home with a gun." said Lee Bellinger, the leader of the pro protesters. "We welcome him into the family of people protecting their home with guns." A place to remember Flowers by 752-1313 Hansen MC.

The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.