Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Chapter 36 - Palamon - 原神 (2024)

Chapter Text

"Hmm? What is going on here?
Ugh. Why is someone pushing my shoulders?
Huh? Ugh, it's the Eleventh.

What does he want from me doesn't
He know how late it is?
You know, I don't think he does.

Ah, well, well
Maybe he's

In the wrong room.

Bring yourself out of here. It's
Extremely late into the morning
It's past midnight.
No way am I
Getting up for him, goodbye.

Why isn't he leaving
Of all the Harbingers, they had to send him. I don't
Know why, but
Every time I see him, I feel
Nothing but fury.

Ugh. Maybe if I just
Pretend to sleep he will leave.

It's definitely going to work. Goodbye. I'm asleep.
No way. He's still

Tugging my shoulder.
How can he still be at this?
Exit my room please.

Maybe he does not know
It's after hours.
Does he not know?
Did he not realize?
Look at those dead
Eyes of his, is he blind?

Okay, that was quite rude of me.
For the record, I know next

To nothing about
Him. What would I know?
Everything about him is a mystery to me. And I

Never wish to learn.
I care nothing about him.
Guess he will not be going away
How can he be
This stubborn? Well,

Takes one to know one,
However, I will say
Absolutely nothing
There is nothing

I can say.
So, I lift myself

Up. He's looking right at me.
Now, I cannot believe the words he
Unleashed upon the cold air.
So, Her Majesty wants an audience with me.
Uh, Eleventh, excuse me?
As you may or may not have noticed, it's
Late. Way past midnight.

After hours.
No way this was

An order he received.
Undo this order, if you'd please!
Does it look like
It's time for this?
Eh. Well, I know I have
No choice in the matter.
Cannot say no.
Even though I

Wish to do so,
I cannot, whatsoever.
That word is not allowed to me.
Her Majesty, what does she want?

How could she ask for me this late after
Evening? Is it urgent?
Regarding whatever this is,

Now is hardly the time.
Oh, well. I have no choice.
Whatever could it be she

Wants, and why now?
Hahaha, listen
Your Majesty. You

Shouldn't wake up people
Haphazardly. I do not have sleep rage
Or anything, but some might and might
Unleash their wrath upon you.
Look, I am not saying that will happen
Do not take my word for it. Maybe I'm being
Nonsensical. Probably. I am just
Tired, I suppose. That's how

It all goes. Well, it is what it is.
Tired or not, I must seek this audience.

Why not wait until morning?
Ah, well who knows?
I cannot even begin
To fathom what Her Majesty is

Usually thinking. There is
No way to ever predict
That. She's quite the
Intricate god, if you ask me.
Look, it hardly

Matters. I know it doesn't.
Onward to her palace.
Remove myself from bed.
No more dawdling.
It is time to leave.
No more dawdling. It's time to
Get ready."

It had been the stark depths of the night hours within the permafrost north. Feeling a tug on his shoulder, the early adult had awoken from his especially deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes, for a moment, nothing but colored blobs awaited him. Wave of confusion flowing through him, he could not help but question. Who had removed him from his slumber? But, such inquiry had an immediate answer as a grating voice ruptured his inhuman eardrums.

"Hey, buddy, get up," the annoying voice demanded.

Reaching for his glasses, a wave of disgust flowed through the soldier at the face in front of him. Eleventh Harbinger standing by his bedside bundled up in a white coat, another wave of confusion flowed through him. What was this pesky Harbinger doing here? Was he being ordered to change rooms again within the military barracks? But, such had far off course.

"Her Majesty has requested an audience with you," the Eleventh said. "Come on, get up."

Eleventh demanding he get up, the bewilderment only continued to eat him. Her Majesty requested an audience with him now, of all times? It had been after midnight. He had still been in his bed pants; he was hardly presentable to appear in front of the Cryo Archon. What a terrible time for such news.

Words ringing in his head, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Why couldn't this meeting wait until morning? Surely, whatever it is she she wished to say to him could wait until daytime hours. But, he supposed orders were orders. Whatever says, goes. Nothing could be done if such were the case.

"Hey, why are you spacing out?" the Eleventh Harbinger called out again. "You need to wake up!"

Snapping himself out of it, the chimera let out a barely audible groan. Of all the soldiers to send, why did it have to be him? White coat handed off to him, the winter world soon engulfed him. Barracks soon exited, snow crunched underneath his feet as the eleventh harbinger led the way off towards the palace.

Long walk ahead of him, the chimera stared off into the white space in front of him. What could possibly be going on here? Why had he been summoned now, of all times? When was the last time he had been in front of the Cryo Archon? The hyena did not know. It had to have been quite some time ago.

Moving forward through the snow, the question repeated itself. Why was he summoned so suddenly? Had something bad happened to require an audience? The chimera did not know. Her Majesty requesting an audience with him had been quite rare. He could count the amount of times such had occurred on one hand.

But, the chimera shook his head. He had answered orders directly from her, dripped through an Agent grapevine. He supposed, such summoning should not have come as a surprise to him. But, he still could not help but ponder. What could have this been all about? It had to have been important if it could not wait.

"Hey, buddy, try to keep up!" the Eleventh Harbiner's distant voice shouted. "Unless you want to freeze to death, you have to keep moving."

Flinching, the soldier had begun running. Right, this was Snezhnaya. If he were to stay still for too long, the ice would bite him, guaranteed. Such could not happen, for any given reason. Continuing to run, the hyena attempted with all his might to catch up with the annoying tall man far ahead of him.

Reaching the palace after about an hour of walking, the soldier took a deep breath as Tartaglia opened the doors in front of him. Time was up, the time had come for him to appear in front of Her Majesty whether he liked it, or not. Stepping across the carpet, a fearful sight soon awaited him.

Her Majesty's right leg crusted into her left thigh, fear ate the chimera up like a plate of beef stroganoff. Was a punishment about to await him? Bowing in submission, the soldier pledged loyalty to the Cryo Archon. Raising his head upward, a cold face adorned Her Majesty's face.

"My lovely chimera, it was so nice of you to join me," Her Majesty said, tone cold. "I have been made aware of the trash getting in your way."

Hearing such, yet another wave of confusion flowed through him. What was Her Majesty talking about? What trash could she have possibly been talking about? Had there been a traitor amongst the Fatui? He had no idea. Not a single thing was coming to him. But, a laugh had soon brought him back to reality.

"Do you need a refreshed, my lovely chimera?" Her Majesty asked. As she said such, treated paper waved around in her hand. "Perhaps this will remind you." As she said such, she threw the sheet like it was a shuriken.

Catching the photo with his right hand, an instant wave of shock flowed through the soldier. Image of the Abyssal Gazelles staring back a him, he turned his head towards the right and left. Where did she get this? But, he threw such thoughts away. Her Majesty was always watching him. She heard all, she saw all. How could he forget such a thing? Hearing something metallic jingle in her fingers, the hyena turned back towards the Cryo Archon.

"I have a present for you, my lovely chimera," He Majesty said, her tone was cold. Her index finger then jerked. "Come over here."

Stepping towards her, the chimera's eyes opened wide at the gift seated in her hands. Rose staring back at him, he tilted his head as he received the presented to him. What was this for? He did not quite understand. Metals eating his palms, he broke out into a shiver. Whatever this could have been, it was most certainly not a good thing.

"Press a button, and that trash will be dealt with accordingly," Her Majesty said in a low voice. As she said such, she caressed her property's cheek.

Her Majesty's cold, hard hands upon his cheek, dry ice decorated his face. Legs quivering, he gazed at the god of the frozen north. Right, he had to do as she said. He had to get rid of the abyssal gazelles. This gift, he had to use it, no matter what. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the hyena responded, bowing his head. "I will take care of them." As he said such, a finger pointed towards the door.

"Get out of my sight this instant," Her Majesty said, tone cold.

Removing himself from the palace, the soldier dashed back to the Military Barracks. Reaching the soundproof room after a short amount of time, the hyena placed the white coat upon his door. Wave of tiredness taking him away once more, one final question readied itself to rip him apart.

What was that all about?


"Ah, Your Majesty, you have put in quite the predicament. There is
No way I can truly
Defeat the Abyssal Gazelles.

How do you expect me to do such a thing?
Of course I cannot do that.
Why would I be able to?

As you know, they are far
More powerful than anything that has ever been seen.

It is downright impossible.

So, how will this rose be able to do anything?
Unleash something upon them?
Please, enlighten me.
Please, tell me how any
Of this is supposed to work.
Something just isn't adding up here.
Especially this rose.
Did Her Majesty put something inside it?

That has to be it, surely.
Or, perhaps not. I don't quite

Get this at all.
Even if she has her ways,
This something I am

Rather puzzled about.
It can't quite be this simple.
Does Her Majesty really think

One little black rose could take them out? She's
Fooling herself if so.

There is absolutely no way that could be possible.
How is this
Even something she has considered?

And, if she had a tool all this time?
But, I guess this is a brand new development.
Yes, that has to be it,
Surely. This is a brand new development.
Something that hadn't happened
At any point before.
Looks like that's the case. I

Guess that's it, that's
All this is. So, these chimeras messing with the order of everything, it's about to reach its
Zenith. Ah, so I see how it is. The
End is here.
Listen to the sound of the end,
Listen to it calling out.
Everything will
Soon reach its climax.

This is the end of the road for these
Horrific villains that I have seen
Across Teyvat.
This is the end of the road, and

I will be putting a
Stop to all this,

Perhaps, it will go
Round and smoothly,
Or maybe it will go poorly.
But I don't know,
After all, they are a force to
Be reckoned with. I might have defeated their playthings, but I have never won against them. Will I
Lose to them?
Yes, that is possible.

I know that it is the
Most likely outcome. But,
Perhaps I will be able to
Overcome them.
Surely, this rose
Shall be the one that'll defeat them.
I am far from confident,
But it is what it is. I know it is
Likely they have already prepared.
Eh, well, it's not like I have a choice in

The matter. I
Have to take care of them,
Even if I am unable to.
Yes. I have to take care of the

Abyssal gazelles. Or, I'll be
Ripe for the picking.
Eaten alive, it'll all be over.

All of it will be over if I
Lose here. I cannot
Lose. I have to defeat them.

Please, rose seated
On my uniform
Will you lend me your power?
Even though I say that, this
Rose, just what kind of powers does it have?
For all I know, it could be completely
Useless. That outcome is very
Likely. I know that. But, I mustn't falter."

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked out a yodeler at the top of the mountains. As the alarm bells kept their rampage going, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in unison. The alarm bells had been right on time, as usual. But, despite such protest about every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the hyena lifted himself upwards from the bed. There was no time to waste. He had to get ready for the day at hand. Removing himself from the covers, the time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but feel an extremely heavy weight of confusion drop onto his back. How did Her Majesty learn of the abyssal gazelles? But, the chimera shook his head. She was watching him from everywhere in the Teyvat.

Staring at the pitch black rose gifted to him, the chimera scratched his cheeks. What could this metallic flower possibly do? But, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. He supposed, when the time were to come to use it, he would find out. Clipping it upon his chest, he took a long deep breath.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching sunflowers adorned his hair and ears. Gazing at the rest of his prized possession within the container, he kept staring off into space. Was turning his jewelry and accessories into weapons what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret filled the hyena.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, his mind wandered back towards the black rose. This black rose, what could it possibly be capable of? But, he supposed it could be a customized Delusion. Gazing down at the yellow-green orb below him, the questions rolled themselves around once more.

His vision, should he make more use of it? But, he threw such thoughts away. He should not waste the finite uses of his elemental energy. It had to have some sort of limit that was ready to tick down at any given moment. It would be unwise to speed such countdown up.

Heelless shoes on, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. What did he know, anyway? He hardly had his vision long enough to have any knowledge about the ins and outs. But, he supposed as time were to go on, he'd learn more about the way of the seven elements.

As the chimera ate his rations, a repeat question rolled a pebble around in the hyena's partially human brain. Kelebek and Izzet, just how much did she know about them? But, the chimera shook his head once more. She was aware of everything, for sure. Weren't gods all knowing beings? Leaving such at that, the chimera adjusted his glasses. Everything else fixed, and bowl set aside, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

The louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots marched onward inexorably. As the steps readied to break glass, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be investigating paranormal activity reported around northern Fontaine and Lumidouce Harbor." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "As well as investigating clues left behind about your enemies."

The hyena jumped six steps back upon hearing his orders. He had to do what now? Investigate paranormal activity? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Is this even real? The Agent had to be messing with him right about now. Was this some sort of prank to make sure he was paying attention? It had to have been.

The chimera stared off towards the steel walls. Paranormal activity, his butt. And, how would he deal with such a thing? He did not have the ability, in any capacity to see the unseen. What was he supposed to do? He was useless, in every single way. There was no way he could do anything.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be investigating paranormal activity spotted around northern Fontaine and Lumidouce Harbor!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this dawdling! Get a move on!"

The soldier flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. He had a job to do. Able to see the unseen, or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter. Turning back around, he placed his hand out in front of him. He supposed he would just have to wing it, for the time being.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. He knew, no matter what, he had no choice in the matter.

"Good, soldier. Let's go," the Agent responded. "But, you must be cautious. There might be something toxic lurking about." Arm out in front of him, the Agent gripped the limb tight enough to bruise. Escort towards Fontaine starting itself up, the chimera stared off towards the icy cold walls in front of him.

Why was it always been poison?

He's tired of dealing with it.


"No way, this this isn't good,
Oh no, oh no.

What are those thingies?
Aaaaaaaaah, I was just knocked out of the sky!
You can't be serious!

This is scary, sooo scary!
Help! Oh, gosh, oh, Archons
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, there's bug people everywhere!
Roar, I Oluchi, despise buggies!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeek, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

I want no part of this! Hehe,
Should I send them after Robby? Hehehehe, I totally

Should. I'm way too cute to
Play this game!
I'm not dealing with these
Dumb little buggies, no way!
Remove these
Sick little creatures from my sight!

Hehehehe, Robby, you'd better watch out!
Every single little spider will
Roll towards you!
Eeeeek! Hehe,

That's what you get for
Having the galls to tell me off.
And since you went and did
That, this is your punishment!

I'm never wrong about anything!
So, here's your punishment for opposing me!

No more of that silly stuff, I
Oluchi am the cutest person in all of
Teyvat, so I'm right about everything, tehee!

Get with it, or you will be so
Over! Ehehehehe,
Over, over, over, over! And
Done! These silly little

Ugly spideys, this will be your last
Moment in life, but it will have

Nothing to do with me, nope! I
Oluchi wouldn't dare
Touch these

Gross little things!
Oh, boy, hehehe,
Oh, boy,
Don't you see?

All of this is his fault
This is something he went

And did, so I'll
Leave him to deal with these
Little bitty buggies!

I'll go my to my research now,
So, bye byeeeeeee!

I won't be dealing with those
Silly foolish little spideys, so

Bye byeeeeeeeeee, off I go.
All of this will be
Dealt with while I'm away!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, the soldier broke out into a shiver. He did not know why, but he could sense heavy danger in the air. But, such thoughts had been thrown out almost immediately as he had been dragged down the mountain.

Placed inside the wooden vessel, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Why did the air feel so thick? Something was definitely wrong here, for sure. But, he didn't know what. Boat about to leave for the next destination, the soldier kept himself still.

As the vehicle of human movement headed off towards the harbor, the chimera broke out into a sweat. This heavy atmosphere, could it have been some sort of gas? If such were the case, he would need to proceed with utmost caution. Covering his nose, the hyena filtered everything out around him.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after about fifteen minutes, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just him, or had the atmosphere here only gotten heavier? But, he knew he had to shake such feelings off. Work mode switch flipping upward, he tuned such feelings out.

Dragged towards the stairwell, the Agent told him for what felt like duodecillionth time not to teleport anywhere within Fontaine. Hearing such, the hyena resisted the urge to bite the hands that feed. How many times was he going to repeat such a line? He knew already. Couldn't he tell him something useful, for a change?

Satchel soon slammed onto his backside and list handed off to him, the Agent had passed off an unusual set of orders for him. Told to got find himself a detective outfit, the early adult tilted his head. He had to do what now? But, the Agent soon exited the area. Left with more questions than answers, the soldier shrugged his shoulders. Whatever the Agent said, goes. He supposed he would head for the Congele Boutique and buy one.

As the hyena ascended the staircase, and took the glass lift, he turned his had towards the right and left. Why was it so quiet here? It was almost too quiet. Not even the waves had been moving. But, the hyena shook such feelings away. He needed to focus on the mission at hand.

Pressing the button to summon the Aquabus, the early adult shivered up a storm. There had been absolutely no one here, not a soul. Where was everyone? But, the chimera threw such questions off a bridge. It was hardly important. There had been next to no one at Romaritime Harbor various times prior.

Aquabus shortly arriving, the Melusine tour guide had a fearful look in her eyes. Or, so the soldier thought. It had been quite difficult to tell. The sea denizen's face had been quite different from that of a person. Seating himself on the furthest edges of the vessel, the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward.

As the vessel departed from the station, the early adult gazed at the list in front of it. Paranormal sightings spotted written at the top, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the sky? Paranormal sightings? His foot. This couldn't have possibly been the case whatsoever. These were some choice words, for sure.

Reading the first order upon his list, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at what he was reading. Investigate respawning zombie-likes in Lumidouce Harbor? What absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had to have been a major misunderstanding of some sort. It had to have been.

Reaching the Court of Fontaine before he even realized, the Melusine soon called out of it. Flinching, the early adult stood up from the vessel. He had reached the capital city already? How was this even possible?
Disembarking from the vehicle, the chimera readied himself to head off somewhere he knew he would regret going to.

But, as the chimera stepped foot into the capital city, the streets had been practically empty. Seeing such, he couldn't help but feel a heavy wave of unease. Where had everyone been today? He did not know why, but the lack of people around was incredibly terrifying.

Knowing he had to head to Congele Boutique to purchase himself a detective outfit, the chimera snapped himself out of it. So what if there wasn't anyone here? Why should something like this matter to him? It was not important. Perhaps, just maybe, everyone had been busy and off the streets.

As the hyena pushed through the northern streets, the soldier stared of into space. Were his orders serious? This had to have been some sort of gag order. There was no way zombies were real. Who would ever believe such a thing? This had to be some sort of miswording, on Her Majesty's part.

Moving right along, the chimera could not help but wonder. Could these so called zombies that had been reported been the reason for the generic nobody's absences? But, the early adult knew such had been a huge jump to conclusions. The apparent undead group had been in Lumidouce Harbor. Why would anyone need to hide themselves so far away?

Not a single soul around whatsoever, the chimera attempted with all his might to quell the fears deep within him. Perhaps the real paranormal activity had been the ghost town right in front of him. Holding back a laugh, he kept moving forward. That may as well have been the case, at this point in time.

Spotting a few people lurking around the western streets with a look of fear on their faces, the soldier scratched his head. Had word reached the rich people that there had been something spooky going on? He supposed such could have been the case. Ignoring them, he kept moving forward.

But, the oddities had only continued to pile themselves up as he walked past the Adventurer Guild's booth. Generic nobodies speaking incomprehensible garbage, the hyena blinked. Why were these people speaking in code? What kind of nonsense was this?

Code speech only continuing, the early adult gazed at the rich nobodies. Had the people of Fontaine been replaced by aliens, or something? But, the hyena shook his head. What in the world was he thinking? There was no way such a thing could be the case. This was not science fiction. This was reality.

Gibberish threatening to gnaw his ear off, the chimera attempted to tune everything around him out. What did it matter if these people were extraterrestrial or not? That was hardly his problem. The generic nobodies most certainly meant nothing to Her Majesty.

Pushing towards the stairs, the chimera swore he could see a water creature floating around the city. Blinking and missing it, the hyena disregarded such. Maybe he had just imagined it. Why would there be monsters in the city? There was no possible way they could even get past the door long enough to live.

Congele boutique inching ever so closer, the chimera swore he could see another water creature hopping on by. But, the hyena turned away. Maybe it was just a costume for some stage play for one of the acting troupes. That had to have been it, surely. Keeping such assumption at the top of his mind, he dragged himself forward.

Penguin fashion establishment front and center, the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time to get this over with. The quicker he were to depart from this place, the better. Placing his hands upon the door, he braced himself for the aggravating penguins to bite down on his nerves.

Door jingling as he opened the entrance, the early adult allowed a sigh to escape the esophagus. Why was there a bell on the door now? When was that added? Absolutely wonderful, whenever he were to come here now, the entire world would know of his presence, how annoying.

Boutique incredibly quiet with barely any customers to speak of, a heavy wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Why had there been next to no one here? How incredibly unusual. Something wasn't right here. But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. It was normal for business to have some slow days.

Malika's head lowered onto the counter in the corner, the hyena almost turned back around. Had she been sleeping? If she were, maybe he should leave. Did it even matter if he were in a detective outfit? Perhaps not. But, such turn around had been cancelled. He had to follow orders, no matter what. Penguin woman raising her head, he once again turned his attention off towards the bells on the door.

"Welcome to Congele Boutique. How may I help you?" Malika asked in her business voice. Turning her attention towards her customer, she placed her finger on her chin. Siorc staring at the bells on the door, she pondered. Had the alarm disturbed him? She should say something about this new addition to quell such feelings within. "Hello, darling. Apologies, did the bell on the door disturb you?" As she asked such, her acrylic nails pointed off towards the door. "Sorry about that, there have been a lot of thieves around here lately stealing this and that. So, I had Esquire install a bell on the door to hear when people are coming in and out." She folded her arms on top of the counter. "So, what can I help you with, darling? If you're looking for Earl, he's at the Opera Epiclese along with everyone else."

Malika mentioning there had been no Earl here to disturb him, the hyena puffed a barely audible sigh of relief. The pesky thorns in his side weren't here to bother him with their presence. He was free. He could see the storm clouds fade away from above his head. Peace and quiet, what a nice feeling.

Shaking such off, the chimera focused his eyes on the prize. Placing his hand out in front of him, the soldier folded every digit except his index finger inward. Pointing, he rubbed his mostly closed palm onto his chest. Opening his hands once more, he placed his palms off towards the side, Hands moved downward twice, the words detective outfit had been signed for only one person to see.

Watching Siorc's hands carefully, Malika placed her fingers on her chin. He was looking for a detective outfit? Had he been looking to investigate the paranormal activity that had been reported recently? It was nice to see him so fashion minded for the occasion, if so.

"Sure, darling I can do that for you," Malika responded, nodded. "What color outfit would you like?"

Question coming his way about what color detective outfit he would like to purchase, the hyena shrugged. Did it matter what color the outfit was? He was not quite picky. Pink, blue, white? None of that mattered to him in the slightest. He would accept any thrown his way, even the wretched purple, if necessary.

Malika stepping towards the back for a moment, the soldier waited in silence. Standard brown detective outfit handed to him without a hat, a question had soon come his way. Inquiry about whether he wanted to borrow some detective themed hairpins and earrings, the soldier nodded. Why waste such an opportunity? This was a once in a blue moon offer.

Tall penguin woman stepping in the back again once more, the hyena removed the hairpins and earrings. Malika soon returning with a matching magnifying glass set, the chimera reached for his wallet. Undoing the zipper, he removed some Mora from deep within. But, a headshake had immediately come his way.

"No need to pay me, darling," Malika said, shaking her head. "You're just borrowing this for work, right? I'll cover the rental fee for you."

Guided towards a changing room, the soldier closed the curtains behind him. Undoing the buttons on his uniform, the soldier placed the checkerboard brown shirt upon him. Matching pants slipping off his waist a smidgeon, he tied a small rope upon the bottom region. He had been given the incorrect size, but he supposed he had ways to remedy such error.

Clicking the magnifying glass hairpin in place, he could feel a wave of relief wash over him. For once, he had accessories that had not been weaponized. Such was a momentary relief, for sure. Earrings slipped into the holes in his ears, the magnifying glasses dangled downward.

Leaving the changing room, the soldier placed his uniform into his satchel. Heading towards the door, the soldier took a long deep breath. It was time to take the Aquabus and head off towards the southernmost harbor in Fontaine. Knowing he had to make haste, the temporary detective's legs erupted into a sprint.

As the soldier headed upon the eastern path, he could not help but wonder. What should he be looking for? He did not know. He supposed the zombies could come in any shape or form. Could they have been people afflicted by poison with their minds shut down? He supposed that was a possibility.

Moving through the city at lightning speed, other ideas threw themselves out in the open. Could the zombies have been just a new type of monsters that had gone undiscovered that had unusual movement? If such were the case, there was no way there was anything supernatural about it.

Soon reaching the Aquabus, the usual Melusine tour guide had been aboard with absolutely no one. Sea denizen stating this line had been next to dead for the past few days, the soldier blinked. Had there really been next to no one heading to Marcotte Station lately? Something had been quite off with that, for sure.

Seating himself on the furthest seat once again, the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward. Melusine informing him she wasn't in the mood for a tour, the soldier blinked. Was Elphane alright? He did not know why, but such had seemed quite unlike her. Was a storm about to cloud over Fontaine?

Melusine tour guide up front talking about zombie spottings and how they are a danger to Fontaine, the soldier blinked. She had known about the issue as well? If she did, then it had to have been true, surely. He had been far too skeptical about this. He had to keep his mind open to the abstract and impossible.

Aquabus reaching Marcotte Station, the young soldier leaped off the vehicle faster than his legs could keep up with. Melusine telling him to watch his step, the chimera regained his balance. Stepping off towards the eastern pathway, the hyena prepared himself for the possible zombie crisis ready to overtake the Hydro Nation at any given moment.

As the hyena prepared to leave the theater world behind, false hopes flittered in a layer of sprinkles. These so called zombies, surely they were nothing to worry about. Didn't Melusine see things differently than humans did? Maybe that was it. Something that looked normal to him could have been an entirely different story for sea dwellers.

Continuing to run off towards the southern pathway towards the Foggy Forest, the temporary detective stared off into space. What was the worst that could possibly happen? All of this had to have been a deeply rooted misunderstanding. It had to have been. Repeating such over and over, the soldier continued to move eastward.

Moving through the dense forest with haste, the early adult let out a short laugh. Surely, there had been absolutely nothing haunted to worry about in the harbor. Repeating such over and over in the recesses of his mind, the hyena kept running. No matter what the case was, he had to deal with it, full stop.

Lumidouce Harbor getting closer with every second, a heavy, foreboding atmosphere grabbed the soldier from behind. Feeling such, the hyena's legs were jelly. Where was this sudden sense of doom coming from? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. He could not let such eat away at him.

Hearing loud screams off in the distance, the soldier's sprint had soon reached maximum capacity. Had someone been in trouble nearby? He needed to spring into action before something terrible could occur. Harbor reached at lightning speed, something of immediate note caught the hyena's attention.

Puppets almost looking indiscernible from humans adorning swords from every angle, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. These were the so called zombies He had to deal with? Such had to have been some sort of mistake. They were nothing more than dolls. This report was wrong, for sure.

Doll faces incredibly disfigured, the soldier shook his head. Was such the reason for their labelling? He supposed he did not blame them. Cracks across their porcelain cheeks and eyes, the chimera shook his head. Paranormal activity, his foot. Surely, this was just the scene for some film for some upcoming festival.

People around the harbor covering in fear screaming don't eat them, the soldier tilted his head. Surely, this had to have just been the scene of a film. These were nothing more than props being moved by a director nearby. This report was bogus, for sure. But, the table soon turned.

Puppets swinging their swords with a ferocity, while making incomprehensible noises, fear continued to eat the harbor up like a plate of croissants. Generic nobodies continuing to scream don't hurt them, miss zombie, he swore he could hear them laughing nonstop.

Menacing aura flowing through the creatures, the temporary detective leapt towards the possibly inorganic undead creature. Did they intend to harm a completely powerless person? He needed to put a stop to this, right this instant. Sifting through his satchel, he had soon come across a weapon of unusual factors.

Spray bottle in his hands labelled as the spookinater, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. The what now? Who in the world named this thing? They had been buying too much into this so called paranormal problem. Twisting the cover off the spray, the chimera ran behind the puppet.

Nozzle letting itself loose, green stringy liquid released itself upon the air. Puppet soon locked into place, the soldier stared at the spray bottle. What was this material? He had never seen it before in all his life. Spotting more puppets off in the corner looking ready for terror, the spray was ready.

More disfigured dolls locked into place, the hyena let out a sigh. What was he supposed to be, some sort of ghostbuster? But, the early adult shook his head. Wrong universe. There was no way he had been such in any shape or form if other versions of him existed in other worlds.

Puppets held back for a moment, the chimera investigated the area. Spotting nothing of especial note throughout the harbor, aside from the unwanted puppet visitors, the hyena could feel wave of doubts flow through him. Had there really been anything of note here? These dolls had been greatly exaggerated.

But, as the soldier kept observing the area, something unusual had caught the chimera's attention. Mechanical being rolling over a button on constant repeat beside a tree, the soldier blinked. What was this meka doing? Inorganic being continuing to press the clicker for minutes on end, the chimera sifted through his satchel once more.

Finding a large greatsword in the shape of an umbrella with a face on it, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. What in the world was this thing? This was supposed to be a blade? But, he supposed umbrellas had sharp bits on them that could take something out of the picture. Placing himself in a fighting stance, the hyena prepared himself.

Mechanical being turning to face him, the soldier blade had begun to do the talking. Bright red aura surrounding the weapon, the soldier let out a battle cry. Unusual noises coming from the claymore as he kept swiping, the soldier stared off into space. Is this thing supposed to be a toy?

Blade continuing to make noises as he kept swiping forward, the chimera jumped two steps back as a comical ghost creature popped up from the umbrella tip. What in the world was this thing? If he had been given a toy sword, this battle would fail spectacularly, guaranteed.

Machine soon lifting its mechanical parts upward, rocks had been sent the chimera's way. Jumping three steps back, the chimera swung the umbrella sword backwards. Minerals sent back towards the enemy, its movements had halted. Dashing back towards the enemy, pieces had come undone one after another.

Rust bucket looking ready to bite the dust, the chimera flipped the blade backwards. Pointy tip making its rampage known, the monster faded into the ether. But, such defeated only lasted mere moments. Monster returning from the world beyond, the hyena grit his teeth. Why in the world was it regenerating? How was that even possible?

Generic nobodies around the harbor shouting the loose zombies are heading off towards the cave up ahead, the chimera's heart skipped more than two beats. Had there been some hiding he forgot to imprison? How careless of him. Machine whirring itself up once more, the chimera concentrated everything on taking it down.

Such permanent defeat never came. Enemy continuing to respawn for minutes on end, the chimera stared at the blade bestowed upon him. Had he been doing something wrong here? This monster, why was it still regenerating? How annoying. Did it have some sort of repair feature? He needed to find a way to disable it right away.

Mechanical being continuing to revive itself on constant loop, the hyena backed four steps away. How was this thing still able to repair itself like this? But, he supposed he hardly understood enough about machinery to come to any sort of conclusive answer. Loop of strikes continuing, everything was a never ending cycle of disarray.

Such chaos had only begun to reach its peak as the minutes had begun to unravel themselves. Puppets freeing themselves from their slimy prison, the early adult dashed off towards them. Did they think they could get away? No way, absolutely not. He could not allow for that to happen.

Dashing towards the doll army's backside, the creature's blindsides had been within reach. Swiping to and fro for minutes on end, the soldier let out a shout. First puppet taken out of the picture, the chimera let out a huff. Just how weak had these monsters been? But, he knew he had thought too soon.

Dolls coming back from their mechanical death, the early adult's jaw dropped open. These creatures had been able to repair themselves, as well? How was this happening? Who in all of Teyvat had designed these puppets? He needed to find a weak spot right away.

Charging at the enemies with all his might, the soldier kept the momentum going. But such defeats had still lead to nowhere. Respawn loop speeding itself, the questions kept themselves coming. Just how many times could these creatures regenerate themselves as if nothing happened? There had to have been a limit to such.

But, such limit could not be found under any circ*mstance. Creatures continuing to go back to the way they had been since second one, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What was the point of trying to become the victor in such fight anymore? It was not possible, in any capacity whatsoever.

Monsters turning their synthetic bodies off towards the water, the soldier attempted with all their might to follow them. Mechanical beings moving on their own, the soldier pushed himself through the waterbed beneath him. Where were they going? Sea in front of him, the chimera leaped across the water like his life depended on it.

Puppets moving faster than he could keep up with, the chimera attempted to put a spring in his step. Just who was controlling these beings? There was no way a human could make them move so fast? Had the Abyss been behind this? Something felt quite fishy here.

Beings only beginning to move faster, the soldier kept his sprint going. How could they still have the energy to move like this? How ridiculous. Surely, their mechanical insides had to have some sort of limit that had to have bene reached at this point. He needed to strike the nonexistent iron while it was still hot.

Lunging across the remainder of the lake, the early adult was locked and loaded. Ghastly greatsword leaving its mark from behind for what felt like the hundredth time today, defeat continued to be nowhere to be seen. Cave about to be upon him, the chimera could hardly believe what he was seeing as he strayed forward.

Spotting a target on the wall with the words hit me painted directly in the center, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Hit it? This had to have been some sort of trap that would swallow up people unintelligent enough to listen to it. He was not about to fall for this whatsoever. Not a chance.

Puppet creatures pointing at the obvious ploy, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Did these so called zombies think he was easy to fool? He was not about to fall for this trap. Not a chance. If these brainless creatures thought that they could tempt him, it was not happening, no matter what.

Enemies demanding he hit the button already, the early adult grit his teeth. Was that a threat? He wasn't about to listen to this, not a chance. But, he had soon been given no other choice. Mechanical beings soon forcing his hands, the target had been decimated into nothing.

Robotic monster emerging itself from the destroyed target, the chimera let out a groan. This was never going to end, was it? Whoever was behind this mechanical chaos had put too much into it, for sure. Enough had been enough. It was time to end this immortality right here, right now.

Bucket of bolts reduced to nothing but scrap metal, the hyena swore he could hear a mechanical voice scream out in the open to surrender themselves. Hearing such, the soldier blinked. Had he just heard that correctly? But, he soon shook his head. No. It had to have been his imagination, surely.

Puppet army reversing their weapons back towards their torsos, the soldier's eyes opened wide at the sight before him. Sharp ends shaking hands with the mechanical necks, heads rolled one after another. Overpowering voice demanding they hurry up, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where were these shouts coming from?

Self destruction hitting its climax, it was raining doll parts, hallelujah. Sacrificial lambs out of the picture, the early adult blinked. What was that all about? How unusual. Whoever had control over this army had been a little bit too bent on destruction, for sure. Nothing remaining within the seaside cave, the chimera read over the next apparent paranormal sighting.

"Behind the waterfall in the Liffey Region lies a mysterious cave that remains completely uncharted!" the note in clear Snezhnayan exclaimed.

Reading over such line a second time, the chimera clicked his tongue. There was a cave behind a waterfall? Yeah, right, sure there was. This wasn't a role playing game! Whatever that was, he had no idea what that even meant. But, he quickly snapped himself out of it. It was time to go. There was no time to waste.

As the soldier had begun heading off towards the westward path, he could not help but laugh. Yeah, right, there was a cave behind a waterfall. Who would ever believe such obviously manufactured tall tales? This was complete and utter nonsense. Did Her Majesty ever double check the trash she wrote down?

Dashing off towards the north, Marcotte Station had been upon him once again. Preparing himself to brush himself towards the research institute, he stared off into space, for a moment. Just how legitimate were these claims? There was no way any of this held any water to speak of.

Research Institute straying ever so closer as the hours dragged on by, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. He did not know why, but had the sense that something was glaring at him. But, he quickly shook such feeling of. Of course someone had been. Eyes were always on him everywhere.

Continuing along the pathway, the chimera kept himself on his toes. Could there have been more quote on quote zombies lurking in the shadows? If there had some he had forgotten to take care of, they would be brought down to their inorganic graves in an uneven heartbeat.

Reaching the northern most edges of the Research Institute, the hyena could hear a familiar sound of a flaming jet from up above him. Hearing such, the chimera could not help but let out a groan. Had Oluchi been around here? If such had been the case, he was out of here, without question. But, he had soon been spotted, in a matter of moments.

Uncute bully of a researcher jackal landing right next to him, the chimera attempted to leap across the water. But, his pathway had soon been cut off. Pesky partially human person looking ready to laugh at him, the soldier prepared to turn the other cheek. Whatever she had to say, his ears were closed.

Seeing purple hair from down below, let out a giggle. It was Rabiu's crush. He looked like quite the delicate little flower. He looked like he would be fun to bully. Maybe she should rub it in his face his was nothing more than a thief. That's all he'd ever be, after all, a silly little criminal who deserved to hear it twice over.

"It's Mr. Thiefers again!" Oluchi exclaimed, letting out an annoying giggle. "You're so uncute, stealing from people all the time!"

Attempted insult going in one ear and out the other, the soldier hopped across the water once more. Whatever she had to say to him, he wasn't listening under any circ*mstance. She should turn to a wall and talk to it. It would definitely give her something as valuable as her to do.

Spotting a waterfall off into the distance, the soldier prepared himself for a whole world of nothing to await him. There had been a cave behind the towering waters? Sure there was. He'll believe it when he sees it. All of this had been utter nonsense. This was the oldest trick in the book.

But, upon reaching the area near the waterfall within the eastern most layer of the Liffey Region, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Was it just him, or had the gap that had been much wider from behind the falls than previously? But, the chimera shook his head. There was absolutely no way that was the case.

Heading off towards the waterfall, the chimera peered through the liquid bed, for a moment. Had there really been something behind here? He could feel a heavy wave of doubt flow through him as he continued onward. There was absolutely no way there was anything behind here. It was a trick of light, for sure.

Knowing he had no choice but to investigate, the temporary detective forced his way through the falls. Strong force attempting to push him back, the chimera braved the storm. Did this force of liquid think it could hold him back? It had thought wrong. Pushing himself through, something eerie awaited him.

Eerie cave awaiting him upon the other side of the waterfall, the soldier shook his head. There had been actual cave back here? Surely, this had to have been one of those mirage spots. There was no way any of this was real. But, the chimera shook his head. Wrong universe. This was not some creature collecting story.

Looking over his notes again, something he had missed prior screeched at him upon the paper. Smudged handwriting underneath the second point, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Reading it as carefully as he could possibly muster, the temporary detective almost did a triple take at what had been scribbled down in a haphazard manner.

"Inside the waterfall cave resides arachnid people," the note in sloppy Snezhnayan writing had said.

Reading such, the early adult flinched. What did Her Majesty mean there had been arachnid people within this cave? Surely, this had to have been some sort of mistake. It had been scribbled in the margins. There was no way it was true. But, he had soon been greeted with terror upon the walls.

Arachnid army climbing upon the wall the chimera placed his hands over his head. Pitch black eight legged creatures with smiley faces on their abdomens, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. Great, just what he needed right now, insects to slow him down. But, such had only been the beginning.

Long, black haired feminine appearing individuals sticking themselves out of the spider bodies, the hyena let out a shout. These insect people, where could they have possibly come from? Turning towards their backsides, their stingers had been sharp and ready. Seeing such, the soldier's heart skipped more than two beats. Any second now, and he would be struck with toxic threads, guaranteed.

Hearing footsteps approaching the cave, the soldier held back the urge to groan. Who had chosen to disturb him this time? Oluchi running into the crevices with her goggles downward, the hyena placed her arms across his chest. Whatever it was she had to say to him, he wasn't interested in the slightest.

"Wait a sec, stop right there! It's dangerous in here!" Oluchi cried, huffing. "You see those spideys? They might not be attacking now, but once they lock eyes with you, you'll go splat! On the wall!" She waved her hands around as she said such. "When Folu went inside that domain inside the cave, these spider ladies ran in right after them and beat them up!"

Siorc rolled his eyes upon hearing such nonsense. There was no way Oluchi had been telling the truth here. She was trying to mess with him. Why should he take her word for it? Did she really think he was falling for her obvious dishonesty? Absolutely not. He wasn't buying what she was selling one bit. Stepping towards the entrance, he could hear shouts call out to him.

"Mr. Thief, are you listening to me?" Oluchi asked in a frantic tone. "I said it's dangerous in there you can't go i--" But the fool had not listened to her. "Man, he's more hopeless than Robby! I'd better follow him!"

Blinding light soon overtaking him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Opening them once more after about a moment, a forest soon awaited him. Spider women crawling in right with him, the chimera's umbrella blade had been beside him. These creatures were dangerous? His weapon would take care of them plenty.

Oluchi soon following in right after, the soldier out a groan. Did she follow him in here? How annoying. What did she want from him? Hadn't she already said her piece? If she had anything else to say, he would not hear of it. He knew already. These spider people were dangerous? He did not need to hear it again. Once was already too much. Jackal girl huffing, barely useful information had come his way.

"Thiefy Mc Thieferson, I told you it's dangerous in here!" Oluchi exclaimed. "These spideys are super poisonous! If they lock eyes on you, wham! Game over!"

Spotting strange stone tablets off in the distance, the hyena tuned Oluchi out. Did she ever stop talking? When would she realize he wasn't buying what she was selling in any capacity? She could stop trying so hard to get his attention. He wasn't listening whatsoever.

Moving right along through the thick of the woods, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Where could the stone tablets have been? But, the soldier shook his head. When he were to be near it, he would surely know. Pressing on, he had soon be in the presence of the first stone tablet.

But, what awaited the hyena had been no words he could understand to any capacity. Staring at the large stone carving, a wave of regret flowed through him. How he wished he could read the Fontaine language. He would need to teach himself how to read it in the future. Oluchi running up to him, he held back another groan. She was still following behind him? Why couldn't she tread down her own path? How annoying.

"You can't read it can you, thiefers? Hehe, let me translate it for you, then!" Oluchi exclaimed. As she said such, she shoved Mr. Thief aside, Fontainan language right in front of her. "Méfiez-vous du papillon et de la gloire. Ils ont des pouvoirs de déformation de la réalité." Reading such aloud, she let out a giggle. "Hehe, it says be wary of the butterfly and the glory. They have reality warping abilities! Aren't I such a little cutie for translating that for you?"

Spider soon crawling behind her, Oluchi let out a little shriek. Dual axes seated in her hands, one arachnid after another had been squashed silly. Seeing such, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. All it took to vanquish them was a blunt contusion? He supposed she had been a forced to be reckoned with, but the soldier knew he could never admit to such. Keeping such to himself, the duo kept moving forward.

Multiple arachnids destroyed one after another upon the pathway, the chimera's blade had been one contusion away from being the bludgeoning queen. But, as he moved himself forward, something had felt incredibly off. Was it just his imagination, or had the atmosphere gotten much thicker?

Thick, foreboding fog engulfing the forest, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Had he been transported back to the Foggy Forest in Fontaine? But, the chimera promptly shook his head. No, that couldn't have been it, surely. He merely had been sent somewhere very similar to such.

Oluchi saying she would fly upward to scout ahead, the chimera shrugged. If that was what she wished to do, he supposed he no reason to oppose her. Barely visible figure floating upward beyond his sight, he shook his head. What would she hope to be able to locate from up there?

Flight capable jackal telling him from up above to head east for awhile, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was she, some sort of compass? If she was, she was most certainly not a good one. Compasses only pointed north. She was far from being accurate. But, he had soon been guided towards the next stone tablet.

Multiple arachnids wringed out to dry as the stone tablet had been approached, Oluchi translated the piece in front of her. Such statue reading, the little butterfly dethroned the abyss queen, questions threw themselves around the hyena's brain. Who was this butterfly that had kept being mentioned?

Next stone tablet reading, crowned the faux leaders of the abyss, the glorious butterfly spread their wings and shook up everything, a heavy wave of questions flowed through him. What story was he being told just now? He did not know, but he knew it had to relate back to someone.

Moving right along upon the forest pathway, the soldier repeated such thought within him. This story, it had to relate back to someone But, who? Why did he feel like the butterfly had been someone heinous he had knew in the outside world? But, the chimera shook his head. It was just a story, a work of fiction. It was in no shape or form real, for sure.

Multiple arachnids taken out of the picture one after another, the soldier swore he could smell a rancid stench in the air. Plugging his nose, he tried with all his might to ignore it. But, such had been an utter failure. Putrid stink making its presence known, it had become impossible to ignore.

Forest's end soon reached after about an hour of walking, the soldier's eyes practically fell out of his face at the sight before him. Large arachnid lady whose spider bottom almost looked like that of a horse, the soldier's legs shook with a fervor. Stench only worsening around her, everything soon broke.

Oluchi's dual axes and hyena's claymore finishing the job, another stone tablet had entered the equation. Rocky piece written in Snezhnayan writing for some reason, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Words reading they knew of the old world, he tilted his head. What old world? None of this was making any sense.

Domain exit soon upon him, the horrible stench had soon come out with him. Finding himself back where he started, a sudden wave of tiredness overtook him. Feeling himself fall backwards, the chimera's eyelids drooped. Eyes closed, he could feel himself about to drift away.

Why was he so tired all of a sudden?


"Please tell me this is some kind of joke.
How am I supposed to believe something like this?
Eh, so can you
Repeat that please? Because I am not understanding this,
Obviously. Please, enlighten
Me. What do you mean those spider ladies have a lot
Of toxic pheromones.
No way. That's ridiculous. I
Especially don't believe
Something like this.

Aren't pheromones
Like some sort of attraction thing? I smelled something
Rancid. Honestly,
I quite highly doubt it had any sort of effect on me.
Guess it's not what really all that
Hard to attract over creatures
To your pheromones, but

What would I know? I
Haven't ever really experienced such
A thing. And,
To be honest, why would I?

Those spider ladies,
How could I ever be
Attracted to such pheromones?
There's absolutely positively without a shadow of a doubt now way. I

Could have just hit my physical limit.
Ah, yeah, that's it. It has to be.
No way it's linked to pheromones.
No way that's even remotely close to possible.
Of course it isn't.
There is just absolutely no shot of that.

Because, to be perfectly honest, I don't
Even see the logic here. So, I

Regard all this as
Egregious nonsense.
All of this is just a
Little too much for me

To take in. So, I
Hardly believe it.
Ah, well,
To be honest, it is what

It is. What happened happened.
So little of what I was told

Make any sense.
And I am just not having it.
Do I understand this at all?
Eh, to be perfectly honest, no. I far from

Understand any of this.
Perhaps it'll more clear to me later, but for

Now, none of it makes a lick
Of sense. I have
Never heard of
Spiders having pheromones. But,
Eh, what do I know?
Nothing, absolutely nothing.
So, I should stop letting my mind wander.
Eh, anyway, it's time for work. That's all that matters."

Coming to somewhere completely unknown to him, Rabiu had been beside him. Seeing such, the chimera scratched the side of his head. Where was he, and how did he get here? Worried look on the researcher jackal's face, the soldier blinked. What was he so concerned over? Whatever it was, he needed to quell them.

"Um, uh, Siorc, are you okay? I found you passed out outside that cave that popped up, so I, um, uh, took you to my home," Rabiu said, explaining the situation. "Those spiders you fought, um, they have strong toxic pheromones that can knock anyone out if exposed to it enough."

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier blinked. He had been affected by spider pheromones? How unusual. He didn't feel any different. Maybe they had already worn off while he had been in a deep dreamless slumber. Giving Rabiu a nod, the soldier lifted himself up from the blanket upon him. Readying to exit the area, a warning had come his way.

"Um, uh, try to be careful out there," Rabiu warned.

Nodding, the temporary detective soon removed himself from the unknown. Soon finding himself in the main research facility, the hyena removed his so called paranormal sightings paper. Reading what awaited him next, the soldier had winced up a storm for absolutely no one to see.

Third order of business upon the supernatural list informing him to go to the workshop and get rid of rogue bots, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Was this supposed to be a paranormal activity spottings list, or just a bunch of errands Her Majesty didn't want to take care of? The soldier did not know. Maybe it was a little of both.

Knowing he had no choice but to head off to the hidden workshop, the soldier had begun to head off towards the northwest. But, as he had done so, multiple questions flocked through him. What was the point of all this in the first place? None of this seemed to mean a thing, so why bother?

But, the chimera shrugged as he kept moving forward. He had no choice in the matter. Whatever his orders said goes. No matter what it said he had to do, he had to get it done. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living. Workshop getting closer with every breath, the chimera prepared himself.

Moving himself along, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. He did not know why, but he could sense a heavy feeling of someone watching him. But, the chimera immediately threw such thoughts away. He was overreacting, for sure. There were no eyes on him anywhere.

Preparing himself for the inevitable robotic monster battles, the hyena tossed himself towards the workshop entrance. Just what kind of mechanical beings would await him inside? Whatever they were, he new he had to defeat them all as fast as possible. Her Majesty was definitely watching him today, guaranteed.

Reaching the secret workshop after about an hour from the main research institute, the early adult took a long, deep breath. It was time to get the next stage over with and move on. But, what awaited him inside the ruins had been an annoying obstacle he had no interest in being in the same room as.

Spotting Folu up upon the top floor breathing rather heavy, face flushed, the chimera backed thirty steps away. Was the fancily dressed jackal chimera ill? He had seen enough here. It was time to go. But, the chimera stopped himself from turning around. He could not just leave. He had a job to take care of. Pesky jackal looking his way, their hoarse voice bounced around in his inhuman eardrums.

"Oh, it's just you, thiefy. Please excuse my disposition," Folu said, voice hoarse. As they said such, they let out a cough. "Those silly spiders did me in with their even sillier poison."

Hearing such, the early adult crab walked off towards the opposite direction. They had to have been contagious, or something. Whatever disease the spiders gave him, he didn't want any of that. Walking off towards the opposite direction, he had soon come across the first set of rogues to send to their metallic grave.

Oddly humanoid looking robots out in front of him, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. These were the rogues he had to deal with? Something wasn't adding up here. Creatures slithering towards him, he shook his head. Robots came in many shapes in sizes. These had been no exception whatsoever.

Metallic creatures slithering towards him, the soldier grit his teeth. What were these things supposed to be, snakes or humanoid? The temporary detective did not know. Maybe he should test out their patterns of movement a little before gifting them with the very first strike.

Creatures continuing to slither about, the soldier studied the robot further. Human face but metallic snake body, nothing came to him. Was this supposed to be some supernatural building? Where could it have truly been? Maybe if were to dig through a lost and found box, he would locate it.

Serpent robot looking ready to get on the offensive, the hyena responded in kind. Umbrella greatsword doing the honors, not a single dent had been provided to the serpentine robot creature. Seeing such, a wave of surprise flowed through the chimera. Had he not been hitting in the right place? Maybe he should try again.

Cracking his knuckles, the early adult kept the momentum going. But, as he kept on trying over and over again, not a single thing happened. Serpentine robot monster letting out a hiss and laughing, the pressure had begun to mount up against him. Trying once more, nothing clicked together.

Defenses of the opposing team remaining supreme, the soldier could feel the world around him crack into a thousand pieces. What was this creature, protected by some sort of impenetrable barrier? How aggravating, if so. But, perhaps, just maybe, the umbrella sword could break on through to the other side.

Swiping for minutes on end, the hyena swore he could hear something crack. Mechanical beast toppling itself over, the hyena ran off towards the backside. Behind slashed up a storm, a wave of shock soon flew threw him as the creature stood up once more. Did this enemy have regeneration powers, as well? He was done for, toast, a sitting duck. There was no way he was winning this battle.

Fight going on for hours on end, the soldier huffed and puffed. Just how much vitality did this creature have, one million hit points? Whatever a hit point was, the chimera had no idea. It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, and even beyond, everything had a vitality system which went from zero to varied numbers.

Knife soon thrown the monster's way, a metallic head had soon rolled. Looking upward, the soldier blinked. What had Folu done just now to be able to achieve such a victory from afar? Was the only way to beat these rogue bots to remove their cranium from the equation? Cough interrupting everything, he looked upward.

"You probably shouldn't try too hard to beat these things," Folu said. But, as he said such, he let out a cough. "You'll get yourself hurt." But, viscous coughs kept interrupting his speech. "Please excuse me, I will go isolate myself down in the furthest chamber. Do not follow me."

Folu soon out of the picture, the soldier headed off towards the next area within the factory. Army of roguebots ready to attack right left, and center, the soldier let out a sigh. What did any of this have anything to do with paranormal activity? This was far from it. Did Her Majesty need a dictionary? She probably did. But, he knew he had to keep such a thought to himself, or she would kill him.

Peculiar looking bots that had been shaped like a spider, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was with all these creepy crawlies everywhere? Disgusting. He was quite tired of seeing these four legged creatures, no matter what form they were to take. It was time to put these rogues out of their misery once and for all.

Knowing his best course of action was to aim for the head, the soldier braced himself. Would this help eliminate the arachnid bots? The chimera sure hoped so. Crouching downward, the sword toppled the creature's craniums like they were underneath a guillotine ready for judgement.

But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. Maybe that had been far too morbid. Arachnid bot army continuing to strut out, the chimera let out a sigh. Just how many of these pitiful creatures were here? He had to get rid of the rest of them right here, right now, before the population could pile up.

Final set of bots vanquished for an audience of no one to see, the chimera huffed a weak breath. Had it finally been done and over with? Surely, that had to have been it here. He did not wish to stay in this dungeon of contagions for a moment longer. It was time to move onto the next order upon the list.

Next order of business being a crystal investigation within the Hydro Tulpa battlefield, the soldier tilted his head upward. What did any of this have to do with the paranormal or supernatural? It definitely did not. He had been bamboozled quadruple order. This order had been four for four on the absolute nothing scale.

Knowing the Hydro Tulpa domain had been all the way on the other side of Fontaine, the chimera let out a sigh. Why did he have to investigate this, of all places? Hadn't it been only accessible from the world underwater? What was paranormal about crystals? This had to have been a gag order, for certain.

Heading back towards the south for quite awhile, the soldier headed off towards Marcotte Station. Aquabus taking him back to the capital city of Fontaine, a wave of unease flowed through him as he had begun to walk through back towards the fourth floor northern city exit. Was it just him, or had there been even less people around in the city since yesterday?

Shaking his head, the early adult moved off towards the Aquabus Information Station. Reading his next order of business ahead of time, the chimera tilted his head at the information laid out in front of him. At midnight, Fonta floated around by itself? Yeah, right, sure they did.

Glass lift soon taken to the fourth floor, the early adult shook his head. Sure, Fonta floating around at midnight. There was absolutely, positively, no way that was true. Someone was passing around a rumor and passing it off as real on this one, for sure. He didn't believe this one for a second.

Heading off towards the city's exit, the chimera let out a gulp. Any second now, and the hawk chimera would arrow him down, guaranteed. But, as he pushed forward, such action did not occur whatsoever. Robin and Raven nowhere to seen, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. He did not know why, but the absence of those two had felt very wrong.

Reaching the deepest edges of Elynas after about an hour of walking, the chimera's fat blubbery suit had eaten him alive. Closing his eyes for a moment, a spark popped of in his brain. Mind and diving suit synched up to one another, the chimera dropped himself downward.

Soon finding the seabed that connected to the Hydro Tulpa, the chimera prepared himself. What kind of so called paranormal activity was about to await him? The chimera did not know. But, whatever it was, he knew he had to take care of it right here, and right now. Stepping foot upon the battlefield, two unlikely faces soon appeared within his vision.

Diver boy and catgirl magician's assistant fighting the Hydro Tulpa together, the soldier could see the crystals stashed in the corner. Hearing them both shout out battle cries, the chimera attempted to excuse himself. He was definitely not meant to be here. He needed to make this trip quick. But, the diver boy's eyes had soon been on him.

"It's you again," the diver boy said, voice monotone. "Are you here about the crystal spiders in the corner?"

Hearing such, the early adult let out a groan. There had been more spiders here? No, no, no, no. Why was this a never ending battle? Couldn't these spiders go away already? He had had quite enough of them at this point. But, he knew he had no choice but to do as he is told. Giving a nod, sour words had soon come his way.

"Why is he here?" the catgirl magician's assistant asked, irritated.

"-------, something wrong?" the diver boy asked.

"I smell a rat," the catgirl replied, finger pointed at the hyena.

Catgirl her usual self, the chimera shrugged. He supposed that not everyone could like him. He had his fare share of fans and detractors, and everything in between. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, dawdling like this? He had some crystal spiders to fight.

Crystal spiders soon awakening themselves from their dormant state, the soldier unsheathed his umbrella sword once more. Attempting to slay the beasts, such had been an impossible task from the start. Creatures dividing and conquering, he swore he could once again feel a rancid scent in the air.

More spiders than he bargained for, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. What was going on here, why were they multiplying so quickly? Something wasn't right here. Attacking to fight on with all his might, the chmera let out a battle cry. But, as such continued to go down, the struggle showed itself.

Crystal spiders spraying him with something, the early adult wobbled. Instant wave of tiredness overtaking him, the early adult could feel his body get heavy. What was this all of a sudden? Why had he been so sluggish? Spray taking him once more, his consciousness soon slipped into nothing.

Coming to sometime later, Rabiu appeared in the chimera's fatigued field of vision. Seeing him, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Where was he? Why was he down for the count? Had something happened? Researcher jackal lifting him upward, concerned inquiries had come his way.

"Um, uh, those spiders you faced have toxic chemicals in them," Rabiu said in a concerned one. "Did you, um, uh, get struck anywhere?"

Concern coming his way, the chimera shook his head. Had he been struck anywhere? He hardly recalled. Maybe he did, but he didn't feel especially out of the ordinary. Researcher jackal soon asking him it were alright to scan his bodies for abnormalities, he soon nodded. What was the worst that it could tell him? Health robots soon doing their scan, something rather unusual had come his way.

"Um, uh, this rather unusual," Rabiu said in a nervous tone. "Um? There's a sack inside you that is bouncing off the spider venom."

Hearing such, the soldier blinked. Did he have some immunity sack sitting inside him? He supposed such could have been a possibility at hand, even if a slim one. Rabiu soon exiting the peculiar battlefield, the soldier placed himself back into a laying position. Maybe he could get some more sleep before midnight were to arrive.

Midnight hours soon arriving, the soldier had defeated multiple robots on the way back towards the main laboratory. Odd influx of hostilities coming his way, the chimera could not help but wonder. Were they trying to prevent him from finishing this day and finding out the truth?

Reaching the main laboratory after about twenty minutes of walking, an unusual sight had been played out before him. Fonta bottles floating around everywhere without any clear reason, the chimera could hear multiple researchers scream about there being a ghost amongst them. Hearing such, he shook his head. Surely, there had to have been a logical explanation for this.

Researchers running away as they screamed about ghosts, the soldier shook his head. A ghost? Yeah right. It had to have just been an Abyss Mage from afar wanting to mess with people. But, such had been the most incorrect answer upon a multiple choice quiz. Unusual person floating around, astonishment ate the hyena up.

Sani snoring away while floating on the air jugging Fonta with his finger, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What was going on here? Something wasn't adding up. Removing the floating Fonta bottles from the equation, he swore he could see Sani open his eyes.

"Huh? Whoops! Sleep walking demons won again!" Sani exclaimed. He then lowered his singular eye left into a squint. "Huh? It's our favorite thief. What are you doing out here so late? Come, I'll let you sleep in our guestroom."

Dragged off towards the jackal chimera's home, the soldier stared off into space. Paranormal activity? His foot. Sani had just been using his anemomancy while he was asleep. That was hardly something supernatural at all. Comfy bed soon in front of him, the chimera closed his eyes. World of sleep readying to take him away, one last thought tossed itself down into the ring.

Paranormal activity? Yeah, right. Sure.


"At this point, I don't know.
These so called 'paranormal activities'

They are simply just
Hogwash. To be honest,
I can't even
See the supernatural, nor can I see

Phantoms of any kind,
Or spirits of any sort.
I just don't get it.
Nope. I really just don't understand
These orders. What

In in the world does

Any of this mean?
Maybe this was all

Some ploy to lure out the abyssal gazelles?
Uh, maybe not? I think they've
Removed themselves from all this.
Eh, or perhaps not?

There is just no way to know for sure,
Honestly, I don't know anything.
I really just know next to nothing,
So, that's just how it is.

Well, if this was just for the means of
Allowing the abyssal gazelles to
Stop hiding themselves

And cowering, I

Guess that's failed. Because
At this point, they have yet to
Grace me with their annoying faces.

Oh, well, so anyway. I have a
Rigid schedule, I guess.
Doubt anything
Even close to
Remotely supernatural will be happening.

Not at all.
Of course, I already knew that.

Why would anything happen
At all that is paranormal?
You know, I am just convinced now.

It was a gag order.
This was nothing more than a gag order. And,

I'm just one-hundred percent certain now.
So, after all this, I am done, finished.
No more of this soul searching.
There is nothing to see. I will be throwing in the towel shortly."

Waking up the next morning, the hyena clapped his hands together. Would there be more paranormal garbage awaiting him today to deal with? If such, today was the last day. He was tired of dealing with this nonsense. He would be retiring from this detective business as soon as possible.

Stepping into the jackal chimera's kitchen, the soldier could see a scene play out before him. Folu's face far more flushed than yesterday, the early adult backed ten steps away. Had he still been down with some sort of poisoning? It was best to stay away from him. He was not about to return to the world of toxins ever again, no way.

Soon seeing Rabiu place a hand on top of Folu's forehead, the soldier prepared himself to exit the home. Whatever was happening here at this moment was absolutely no business of his. He had some faux paranormal activity to deal with. He had to get away from here straight away. But, the researcher jackal had soon called out to him.

"Folu, um, you feel really warm, that's not good. I think the poison is lodged deep into your system," Rabiu said, words quivering. He then turned towards Siorc. "Um, Siorc, if you're heading out, um, apparently, there's this uh, hidden passageway at the bottom of the tower north of the central ruins."

Hearing such, the early adult's jaw dropped open. There was a what now? A set of secret ruins? What in the world was paranormal about that? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had gotten so far off track, he couldn't make heads or tails of anything anymore. Just what about this was paranormal? This secret passage could have always been there, for anyone could know.

Reaching the northern area within the Central Laboratory Ruins, some makeshift so called secret entranceway had been discovered. Seeing such, the hyena slapped his palm across his forehead? This was the supernatural entrance? Sure, it was. This was merely just vandalism, wasn't it? Nothing about it had be out of the ordinary.

Finding a strange purple mirror as he threw himself towards the entrance, a blinding light soon engulfed the hyena. But, what awaited him had been an eerie sunflower forest. Floating painting moving towards him, the chimera stared back at what laid in front of him.

But, as he attempted to look at the moving painting in front of him, robot creatures blocked the way. Seeing such, the hyena let out a sigh. Did they really have to get in the way like this? Ghastly umbrella sword doing its duty, the robot creatures had soon been slain. Pathway cleared, he looked at the painting with shock, and horror.

Abyssal gazelles inside the painting up to no good, the soldier let out a sigh. What were these two doing in these paintings? Watching as the party of two had been coronated upon the abyssal throne, the soldier placed his finger on his chin. What was this all about? But a worse painting had soon been played.

Blood splattering through the painting, the next scene played itself out for him to see. Bleeding robed bodies all piled up on top of one another, the familiar maniacal laugh had soon kicked off into overdrive. Abyss denizen begging for his life at the last minute, he swore he could hear Izzet say it was too late, they're taking the throne.

Final member of the abyssal counsel decimated in cold blood, the chimera's knees shook at the painting before him. Kelebek clutching the corpse's chest, a dark light engulfed one. Laughing, the early adult's heart skipped seven beats. What in the world was he looking at? What's happening here?

Monsters soon coming out of the woodworks once more, the soldier let out a sigh. Here it goes again. Did he have to fight in order to be able to witness the rest of these memories? Had he been in some former prison planet's grand theater or something? But the soldier shook his head. Wrong universe. What was he even talking about?

Enemies fading into the ether after thirty strikes, the next memory of terrors played itself out. Memory playing of the desert god, a wave of confusion nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. What did this have anything to do with the abyssal gazelles? But, as he thought such, a vortex blew him away.

Finding himself back in the Central Laboratory Ruins, the hyena blinked. Where had the secret passageway go? But, he shook his head. Maybe he had daydreamed the whole thing. Removing his instructions once more, the hyena looked over his next order of business, for the moment.

Told at the Opera House, the organ was playing itself, the hyena let out a laugh. What in the world was this? The organ had been playing itself. Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had to have been the worst one yet. It was faulty keys, guaranteed. What about this was supernatural?

Reaching the Opera House after about two hours of slow walking, the chimera had entered into a world of chaos. Loud organ screeching everywhere, the pesky penguin family, the Hydro Archon all cowered in fear. Tall bodyguard doing nothing but staring off into space menacingly, chatter hit the walls.

"It's moving!" Earl screamed, quivering.

"It's playing itself on stage!" Kaiser shouted pointing. "Hideous!"

"It's dancing and playing a tune all on its own!" Marquis chimed in. "How ugly!"

"Disgusting!" Esquire exclaimed.

"Okay, guys, let's not call my finest organ in all of Fontaine ugly," the Hydro Archon said in a holier than thou tone.

"Miss ------, forgive me for this, but are you seeing the same thing we are?" Baron asked rolling their eyes. "The organ is moving on its own, playing itself." As they said such, they adjusted their monocle. "Who would be calm in a situation like this?"

"Baron is right, however, you all must remain calm," the Hydro Archon's bodyguard said.

Everyone clamoring in fear, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. This was absolutely ridiculous. What in the world was this instrument doing? He supposed he would have to fight this creature to put a stop to it. Placing himself on stage, he forced himself to take a bow.

Hydro Archon trying to argue that this organ is her finest work, don't touch it, the chimera let out a sigh. He had no choice but to fight this organ. Instrument hopping towards him like it was some sort of chained up dog, the early adult's greatsword had been upon him.

Organ lunging at him, the instrument's keys flew his way. Letting out a sigh, the soldier bounced the projectiles backwards. But, what awaited him had been absolutely no surprise. Abyss Mage becoming visible in seconds, he lowered his eyes into a squint. Of course it was the robed denizens again, who else could have done this?

Paranormal activity, his foot.

Mage demanding a rematch, the chimera rolled his eyes. He'll get one, alright. Lunging at the creature with full force, it had soon been dropped onto the ground. Spinning it around like a circular washer device, the creature soon surrendered itself. Mage admitting defeat, the instrument stopped singing.

Acting troupe resuming activities, the hyena read the final order of business upon his list. Reading the cubes in the central laboratory ruins had dropped to the ground, the hyena blinked. Why even bother questioning any of this anymore? None of this was supernatural.

Reaching the Central Laboratory Ruins, something of predictable note played out in front of the soldier. Kelebek and Izzet toppling the high up water cubes and grounding them, the chimera rolled his eyes off towards the now visible sky. Paranormal activity, his foot. All this chaos was because of them, wasn't it?

Abyssal gazelles floating towards him, he let out a sigh. They were closing in on him. It was time to user Her Majesty's gift. Clipping the metallic rose upon his detective outfit, he prepared himself to press the button. But, such action never came. Party of two laughing at him, they let the facts be known.

"His silly flower won't be able to do anything!" Kelebek shouted.

"Your silly little present? We're gonna-" Izzet said, cutting themselves off. As they said such, their nails had soon grown long and black. Metallic rose out of the picture, they had once again, cut a useless object. "-Cut that little gift of yours up, nyahahaha! Can't do anything to us now, can you, meddler? Hope you had fun with our games! While you were going around and dealing with our little distractions, we set our poison all around Fontaine!"

Hearing such, the soldier could feel himself boil over like sunny side up eggs. The abyssal gazelles did what now? How dare they do such a thing. Poison all of Fontaine? Who did they think they are? That was the wrong move, and he would not stand for it. Just how many lives did they have to affect with their little revenge? This was a step too far. They were going down.

"Fight me!" the hyena accidentally blurted out.

"Nyahaha, you hear that?" Izzet asked in a mocking tone. "This weakling seriously thinks he can beat us!" As they said such, their pitch black claws sunk deep into him enough to carve through bone. Hole through his uniform, they let out a laugh. "You'll never beat us. You don't stand a chance."

"Consider this a warning, meddler!" Kelebek said. "He doesn't know what you're capable of!" As one said such, they jumped through the portal.

Red liquid painting the detective outfit, the soldier shook with a fervor. Great, he had gotten this outfit dirty, how was he supposed to return it to Malika now? Cubes reversing back to normal as if they had never fallen, the soldier dragged himself back towards the city meekly.

Detective outfit and temporary hairpins and earrings soon returned, questions had come his way about the red stains. Bowing an apology, Malika had soon shook her head. Informed she would just wash out the stains, he had soon exited the boutique. Dragging himself off towards the city's, the ginger Fatui soon awaited him.

"You're done now, soldier, this 'paranormal activity' mission is over," the ginger Fatui said. "Go back to Snezhnaya now, this instant. You are dismissed."

Dismissal soon granted, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Dragging himself through the icy cold hallways, the early adult's thoughts buzzed. The abyssal gazelles, they had poisoned Fontaine, what was going to happen? Was it lethal? Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, a wave of tiredness soon engulfed him.

Heavy wave of tiredness erupting inside him, the soldier returned his weaponized hairpins and earrings into the jewelry and accessory box. Uniform soon put away as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. World of sleep about to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Were the Abyssal Gazelles unstoppable?

Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Chapter 36 - Palamon - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.