Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Chapter 33 - Palamon - 原神 (2024)

Chapter Text

"Blue what now?
Listen, Your Majesty,
Unless you're completely
Exaggerating, I don't understand this one bit.

Fog is a colorless weather,
Odorless. Could it actually be
Gas? Perhaps so.

It has to be.

As I am sure that
Maybe the case. Ah,

No, what do I know?
Obviously, I have never
Taken any initiative to study gases.

Quite honestly, there's no time.
Ugh, had I known
I would have
Taken the moment to study.
Either way, whatever this is

Something is quite fishy.
Up to this point, I
Really do not think I have
Ever seen something like this. Ah, wait

I have. I remember now.

Uh, there was cyanide in the pipes once.
No. That's completely unrelated, well, actually
Doubt that.
Everything about that is not unrelated.
Right. How could I forget?
Something about
This is
Absolutely related
Nothing about this isn't.
Don't think for a second it's not.

Though, I don't
Have a clue what
Is truly going on here.
Something just isn't right.

Where could any of this
Have possibly come from? The
Abyssal Gazelles, I doubt even
They have the power to change the weather.

It has to be impossible.
Not even they can do

That, I am absolutely certain.
How could they?
Even I know that's something not

Within their capabilities.
Or, is it? How should I know?
Right. How should I know?
Look, I really
Do not know what they are capable of.

If they can do
Something that can remove entire areas,

How could I possibly know
Anything else they're capable of? They're
Probably capable of ending worlds, they're
Probably capable of anything.
Nothing at all is
Impossible for them.
No, no. That can't be. Stop
Giving them so much credit.

They aren't all that powerful,
How could they be?
It's not like they're Archons.
So, I should not

Make these
Absolutely wild suggestions. I
Know they are not gods.
Even I know that
Should not be the case. It is

Not, or perhaps it shouldn't be.
Oh, well, it is time to close this case.

Something tells me this is just the beginning of
Easy battles becoming more difficult.
No, perhaps not, but
Something tells me
Everything is about to break.

Why is everything like this?
How could this be?
As the days go on
There is never a peaceful moment.
So much is always happening.
Or, rather I guess
Everything is always happening at once.
Very much so.
Eh, that's how it's always been
Really. And how

Everything always will be.
Very much like this
Even if they're absent I must
Remind myself: my life is chaotic.
Yes, I'm a soldier
That's just
How it always is
It'll always be like that.
Nothing will change, so
Get ready. Get up

It's time to clear
Some blue fog.

Just go with the flow.
Unless it's all gas, it
Should not be
That much of a problem. I

Guess, anyway.
Each and every moment could
Take a turn, a
Twist. That's always possible
It's always possible
Nothing is ever a dull moment. Is that a
Good thing? Not really?

Or, rather, it is better
Dull moments exist.
Does that sound
Especially strange? Probably.
Really, it hardly matters.

All of this is
Nothing that truly matters.
Don't think for a moment it means anything.

Oh, well. I am a soldier.
Dull moments don't exist.
Dull moments are
Especially uncommon,
Rare. Completely unheard of.

How could I ever hope for an easy day?
Obviously, it is
Not happening.
Everything happens all at once.
Something is wrong with
This fog, but
Looks like I have no choice.
Yield my thoughts. Time for action."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The anguish was a white carpet, dyed black with every single night passing. The carpet would only continued to be tainted as the evening continued onward. The night before him had been no different as well.

Before him had been a field of chocolate cosmos. The flowers were bright red with a piney brown corolla in the center. Seeing such flowers, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just where in the dream world could he have been? The early adult had been none the wiser. He had never seen these flowers before in the mortal, waking world.

Seating himself by the plants, paradise had immediately been ruined. Feeling something sticky underneath his possibly human rear, the hyena let out a gagging noise. What was this slimy gross feeling? Lifting himself upward for a moment, the early adult studied the ground around him.

Gooey white slime underneath his buttocks, the hyena let out a growl. Who in the world put down this disgusting layer of trash? He needed to move away, right this instant. But, such had been the beginning of his problems in a matter of moments. Sticky trash following him around like a stalker, the chimera's seconds of safety were numbered.

Slimy garbage continuing to follow him around as if it were a person, the hyena grit his teeth. Attempting to run away with all his might, the goop clung onto his wrist. Feeling such, the early adult allowed another growl to escape the dream esophagus. What was this disgusting, goopy and dirty garbage? Whoever put down this layer of trash would pay for such dream space crimes.

Speeding up his running speed a smidgeon, the soldier let out a scream within the dream world. Surely, he could outpace this trash. It had to have been possible. Accelerating his sprint within the not reality before him, the garbage kept on following. Slimy trash gaining momentum, the early adult kept sprinting.

Goop gaining arms and legs as he kept on going, the hyena held back the soldier kept on running. This thing could change shape? How awful. If trash could gain sentience in the real world, he was done, over, finished. But, he knew he still had a chance to outpace it. Dragging his foot across the grass, his running speed had reached maximum capacity.

But, such had not been enough. Monstrosity gaining momentum, the early adult could feel droplets pour down upon his head one after another. Coming to such realization, the hyena raised his head upwards towards the unreal sky above him. But, what awaited him had been worse, twentyfold.

Sticky white droplets teeming down from the sky, the soldier attempted to run once more. It was raining garbage now, too? Why couldn't this trash disappear already? He needed to get away from here, right this instant. This vanilla rain had to go take a hike up the mountains, and stay there.

Such did not happen, even for a moment. slime coming from behind him, the early adult had become one with the ground. Arms and legs glued to the ground, the soldier broke out into a teeming sweat. Was it just his imagination, or had the dream world been hot, all of a sudden? Surely, he had to have been overthinking it. Feeling sensations had been next to impossible in the subconscious world.

Heat climbing upward, the soldier's sweat bathed his clothing deep. Everything ready to burn, he let out a yelp at the noise around him. Hearing laughter for minutes on end the chimera turned his dream head towards the right and left. Who was that? But, he had soon gotten an unfortunate answer.

Abyss Mages floating around in the sky laughing on repeat, a slight bit of rage flowed through the soldier. What were these creatures doing here? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. He supposed he had been thinking a lot more often lately for them to invade his dreams.

Mages dancing around, fear took the soldier or the ride. These robed denizens, what were they up to? Whatever it was, torment was waiting for him right around the corner. He had to break free from this glue, this instant. Such continued to be an impossibility, however. Adhesive only getting stronger, the hyena had to sit and watch as the dances had only begun to intensify.

Robed denizens singing songs gleefully, the soldier had been lifted upwards from the ground. Floating suspended upon midair, fear nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. What was going on here? Something was not right. Mages laughter only getting stronger, they soon enchanted incomprehensible spells.

Flaming hammers seated in their hands, the early adult's dream eyes opened wide. Where did they get those weapons from? Mallets immediately set ablaze, glass shattered around him. It was over, he was about to be burned, toasted, roasted, a mole to be whacked upon the ground.

Weapons coming towards him, the soldier tried with all his might to dodge any incoming strike. But, such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Multiple coming out at him at once, he closed the dream eyes. It was over, there was no escape. He was about to struck by Bludgeon Angel Mage-chan. Whatever the phrase -chan, mean. The soldier had no idea.

Hammers hitting him all at once once after another, the early adult had no longer been airborne. Slamming down head first into the ground, blunt contusions had knocked him out of the park one after another. Mallets pummeling him on repeat, the hyena's strength had been sapped away.

Mages letting out a laugh, the final round had been signaled upon the dream air. Mallets set ablaze, the chimera's uniform had been burned up into nothing. Backside charred to a crisp, the chimera surrendered. His energy was a corpse upon the battlefield. Dead and gone, with no one coming to the funeral. Everything pitch black in a matter of moments, the hyena closed his eyes. As his final seconds ticked, one last thought poked the dream brain.

Glue was the enemy.


"I uh, um

Am beginning to suspect something
Might be about

To happen around Fontaine. I,
Rabiu have been getting
Unusual signals a
Lot lately.
Yet, whenever I bring it up to my brothers and

Sister, um, well
They just laugh
At me. And they tell me:
'Robby, ya know
That thing of yours
Is broken!' Um,
No it isn't? But, I
Guess they have never

Truly thought that highly
Of me. After all, they're always calling me adopted,

So why would I think they'd ever tell me anything positive?
Usually, it's always the same thing they
Say. That thing is broken,
Please fix your silly broken invention,
Everything you make has a few screws loose. Um, uh,
Can I get positive feedback at least once in my life?
That's wishing upon a star,

Though, I think.
Hmm, Lonan tells me
I shouldn't listen to them, and you know what?
Now's the best time to follow that advice.
Guess what, um, my machinery isn't broken,
So take that

All of you!
Right, as if I could
Ever say that

As I already know, they'd just fire
Back: I'm adopted.
Oh, well, they
Usually say that to me anyway.
They always say that. But,

This time, I know they're wrong about my machinery
Oh, um, well, I

Think they are always wrong
About it being broken, I
Know they are. I am no hack.
Even so, there was very big readings today,

And I cannot just ignore them.

There is something going on, and
Uh, I need to go find Lonan to investigate.
Right, um, he'll help me.
Now just to step outside the research institute, and huh? What is this

Fog I am seeing?
Oh, no, it's blue. That is
Rather strange.

This mist is pretty thick. I employ my anomaly detecting robots,
Hai and Morgi, and
Every reading is off the charts! Um, uh

What's going on here?
Oh, no, this isn't good.
Right, this is bad, um,
Something is definitely not right here.
Everything in Fontaine has been getting so much worse lately.

Fog this blue, there must be some sort of gas in it.
Ah, um, yes, I really
Should investigate
This further. This is not good!"

Four days have passed since the hyena investigated the labyrinths that had appeared around Liyue. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs of nothing taking place in Dornman Port, ninety-six hours passed by rather slowly. Nothingness engulfing him, absolutely nothing happened for days on end.

The sound of morning alarm bells struck with a bombastic fervor. As the alarm bells continued making their rampage known for minutes on end, hundreds of Fatui soldier groaned in an echo. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Raising his body upward, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, he knew he had to get over it. Dreams were not real. Taking a deep breath, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the early adult could not help but wonder. Could things be about ready to go back to normal? Not a thing had occurred whatsoever for a half-week. But, the hyena shook his head. Dornman Port had no reason for abyssal activity to thrive.

Buttons in the correct holes, the early adult removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, plain cross shaped ones adorned his hair and ears. Letting out a sigh, bitterness brewed a thick tea inside him. He should not get too comfortable with abyss's absence. Any day now, and they would return.

Memories of the week prior flowing back in the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Izzet had been working alone the last time had encountered him. Realizing such once more, a sea of thoughts had begun to drown the soldier into the frozen oceans.

Not encountering Kelebek at all in the past week, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had the abyssal gazelles begun to split up and cause chaos in areas separate from one another? The soldier did not know why, but that sounded far more dangerous than them working together.

But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, letting his thoughts wander towards the hooded strangers? They hardly mattered. If he wasn't dealing with them, he had no reason to think about them any further. Ending his circular motion about, the early adult headed back towards his uniform drawers.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier's Geo Delusion glared daggers at him. Gazing back at it, the hyena could not help but wonder. The sinister yellow orb, could it be the tool he needed to defeat the abyssal gazelles once and for all? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. That would not happen. He knew they had to have been more powerful than the strength of two-hundred delusions combined.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the hyena took a long, deep breath. Whether or not he would be up against the abyssal gazelles today, he had to be ready for anything. Glasses adjusted, and thoughts tossed aside, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomping onward with a fervor, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult turned his face towards the door. It was time for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be investigating a few underwater legends for the next few days." But, the Agent paused for a brief moment. "You will also be investigating a blue fog that has appeared in the area." The masked agent gave unseen eyes contact with his subordinate in arms. Solving the problems of neighboring nations would make it easier for Her Majesty to take over the world.

The early adult jumped six steps back upon hearing his orders. He has to go investigate legends around Fontaine again? He did not understand. Why did he have to look into legends once more? What would any of this do for Her Majesty? This made absolutely no sense.

Words blue fog echoing in his inhuman eardrums, the hyena jumped three further steps back. Since when did Fontaine have a blue fog problem? Just what had happened while he had been away for so long? The soldier did not know why, but something about that had felt quite off.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be investigating legends underwater and attempting to find a source for blue fog around Fontaine!" What could have possibly been on the soldier's mind besides work? The Agent could hardly fathom it.

The chimera flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. It was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. Taking a long, deep breath, the early adult placed his hand out in front of him. Investigate legends? Surely, nothing would go wrong. Turning to face the Agent, the work mode switch flipped upward.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded. Peculiarities or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter but to deal with it.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, he gripped the limb into a squeeze tight enough to bruise. "But, I must warn you, before we depart. The fog might be poisonous. So, wear a mask, soldier." Escort towards Fontaine soon beginning, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. The fog could have possibly been poisonous? No, why was this happening? Not again. Why now, of all times? Fast travel towards the Hydro Nation of Justice about to end, the thoughts repeated themselves.

Not poison again.

Anything but poison.


"I usually ignore Rabiu's silly little requests, but

He's insisting I test the
Air for acidity! Me, moi? Test the air for
Venom? No, I'm way too cute for that,
Eek! So, I go and

Tell him he's adopted, like usual,
Ehehehe, but he's insisting again! Aww,
Sheesh, okie dokie,
Then, I will!
Ehehe, just for all this I'm forging adoption
Documents with my typewriter!

Take that, Robby!
Hehe, well, anyhoo!
Every little amount of data counts!

For now, I take to the skies,
Oh man, this fog is really thick!
Good gravy, is it so thick! And blue! Blue

Fog? Um, huh, hold on here!
Oluchi doesn't wanna deal with any of this, nopers!
Really can't believe

This silly little adopted fool!
Oh, but, I tell him I'm not gonna do it, he'll cry or something!
Xaaaa, fine!
I guess I'll go and
Check the toxin levels. I fly up above the fog and take my cute little

Machines with me,
And mayday, mayday!
There's highly concentrated levels of poison in the fog!
Eeek! Better wear a mask!
Roar, ha, maybe Rabiu's machines aren't broken after all! Ah, wait, not
It was thanks to me
And in no way shape or form him!
Look cute little me
Staking out all the problems

And find a solution! That was my doing,
Not his! Hehe, I'm taking all the credit!
Don't stop me! Ahem!

In any case,
This fog is not safe to breathe in!

Right, I came to that conclusion all on my own!
Everyone knows that! Better
Go get my mask!
It is pretty
Strange, though! I don't
Think I have
Ever seen blue fog before! Was gonna
Rule out gas since a majority of those are colorless and odorless, but not
Every single gas is like that, you know?
Don't know what kinda gas it is,

And I don't want
To know, but

This stuck came out of nowhere!
Ha, well, it'll clear.
Ehehe, I'm so smart, pretty and cute! I

Doubt this stuff is lethal,
And thus, I'll be continuing my work,
Not without a mask thought, of course, hehe.
Get the cutest one out of my drawer, and presto! I am protected from that
Eerie little foggy weather!
Robby may have been the one to suggest it, but he's not getting credit! None

Zilch, nada! "Olu, don't you think you're being a little too cruel to Rabiu lately?"
Oh, you're saying that's cruel, Folu? What do you know? This is my story! "You've been bullying poor Robby a lot more lately."
Nah, Sani, you're wrong
Ehehe, bullying? Not at all! Don't be silly!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier had immediately been handed a plain white clothed face mask. Fabric placed over his mouth and nose, and itching sensation overtook him. But, the hyena stopped himself. Wearing this was for the best. It was best to let his discomfort go.

Dragged down the mountain like usual, the chimera had been placed in the wooden vessel. Boat cruised forward in a matter of moments, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how bad could the fog possibly be? Surely, the Agent had been exaggerating when he said it had been poisonous.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the hyena stared off into space. What's the worst that could happen? It was just fog. But, he knew if he thought something like that, something bad was bound to happen at any given moment. It would no be wise of him to brush off every single concern.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he could even think about it, the early adult had been dragged towards the staircase. Agent reminding him for what felt like the nonillionth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine. Hearing such, the early adult resisted the urge to bite. He knew already! How many times was he going to say it before it had been enough? He could hear him perfectly fine.

Bag soon slammed onto his backside, interesting information had come his way. Told he would be investigating the legend of the frog and alligator of Annapausis, and the mythos of Mary Anne and her villa, the Agent soon exited the area. Silence soon kicking itself in, chimera readied himself.

Ascending the staircase, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Why had there been fog so low towards the ground? But, the chimera shook his had. He was imagining it, surely. Taking the glass lift, the hyena pressed the button to summon the aquabus.

Not a single soul stirring within Romaritime Harbor, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Where was everyone today? But, he supposed the citizens were trying to better safe than sorry. Waiting for the Aquabus to arrive, the hyena attempted with all his might to tune out the silence around him.

Aquabus arriving after about twenty minutes, a surprised look had appeared on the Melusine's face. Or, at least the soldier thought so. Her lips had been practically invisible. Melusine informing him no one had been riding the Aquabus for days, a shock shot down the soldier's spine. No one had been riding it for that long? Something was not right here.

Placing himself on the back seat, the vessel soon moved itself forward. Melusine informing him it might be a bit of a bumpy ride today, the soldier kept himself seated. A bumpy ride? Had there been rocks on the way? If such were the case, he supposed it could not be helped. Nature was quite unpredictable.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised past Poisson Tunnel, the early adult stared off into space. Where in the world did all this blue fog come from? He knew there was no way any of this could have been normal. Fog had been white, usually. Could there have been some sort of gas inside it making it blue?

Sky barely visible, the early adult gazed at it. What could have been causing this unusual weather? Hadn't fog been something that rarely occurred in other nations? The hyena supposed he didn't know enough about the Fontaine weather patterns for it to matter.

Melusine explaining the fog just showed up one day completely out of nowhere, the early adult broke out into a deep cold sweat. It just came out of nowhere? If that were the case, it had to have been an issue for days on end, at this point. Why hadn't he been called over to deal with it sooner?

Aquabus tour guide not offering him any useful information regarding the fog, the early adult placed his hands on the base of his chin. None of what she had been saying was helpful in the slightest. But, he knew he couldn't say something like that to her. Keeping himself quiet, he listened in silence to the sea denizen's claims.

Reaching the capital city of Fontaine after about after about half an hour, words of caution had soon come his way. Informed it had been very dangerous out there, the soldier nodded. Proceeding in a careful manner was the only way to go forward, for sure. Stepping towards the entrance, the chimera prepared himself.

Stepping into the Court of Fontaine, something of immediate note had caught the chimera's attention. Multiple Fontaine citizens walking around the streets with fancy face masks, the chimera shook his head. The rich sure adored their expensive fabrics didn't they? Those mouth and nose coverings had to have been made out of silk, for sure.

Knowing he had to head to the fourth floor of the city to head over to Annapausis, the soldier had begun walking upon the northern pathway. Multiple generic nobodies complaining the fog was too thick, the early adult's eyebrows had begun to twitch. Just how thick could it have possibly been beyond this overpass?

Such question had been answered in a matter of moments. Deep blue fog everywhere nearly touching the ground, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. This mist, why was it so low to the ground, was that normal? But, he knew he had to move onward. The choice was not his.

Attempting to move forward with all his might, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of confusion. Was he even going the right way at all? The chimera did not know. Absolutely nothing was visible in any shape or form. Pressing onwards towards the pathway in front of him, the early adult relied on muscle memory to the best of his ability.

As the soldier kept walking through the void, he could not help but ponder. Just how long had the Nation of Justice been plagued by this sudden occurrence? The Melusine tour guide had mentioned it had been like this for days, but could it have been like this for far longer?

Pressing on, the chimera shook his head. How was he supposed to know how long this fog has been here? He hadn't been in Fontaine for about two weeks now. So much could have happened in the period he had been away. There was never a way to know for sure. Everything was unpredictable.

Absolutely nothing in front of him visible, the early adult hopped upward. Had he still been going north? He could not tell. The area's visibility had to have been no more than five percent at best. Rich people glaring at him asking why was this poor eyesore jumping, the hyena's cheeks grew red. He was an eyesore? How rude.

Less rich people around to act like he was poor filth beneath their fancy shoes, the early adult leaped upward again. Was that the Adventurer's Guild up ahead? He had hardly been about halfway through the city at this point. He needed to speed up his walking speed, for sure.

Slow walk sped up into a moderate stroll, the early adult could not help but wonder again. Where could this fog have possibly come from? Something had been quite off with it, for sure. Nothing was natural about it whatsoever. Could someone else have created it to cause problems?

But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Why was he jumping to such conclusions? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. There was no way anyone would be able to change the weather, just like that. Such force of nature acted on its own. Trying to shake such thoughts away, the early adult sauntered onward.

The thoughts, however, kept going. Could the Hydro Archon have been angry? Maybe the fog was her doing. But, the hyena tossed such thoughts down the stairs. Fog had to do with Anemo, not Hydro. He was making far too many assumptions. There was no answer. He needed to stop thinking about the why or how.

Moving on, the soldier swore he could hear someone scream fashionable masks for sale. Scratching his ears, the early adult had begun to make assumptions. He had been near Chioriya Boutique there was nothing to see here. But, as he had attempted to pass through the area, he could feel hands upon the back of his uniform collar.

Dragged off towards a building, the hyena held back the urge to scream. Who had grabbed him, and why were they dragging him off somewhere? If he was about to be held for some sort of Fatui ransom, he bites. But, the soldier's thoughts were soon interrupted in a matter of moments.

Spotting displays of kimonos, suits and dresses in a small room, the early adult's back collar had soon been freed. Owner of the Chioriya Boutique standing a few meters away from him with a dry look in her eyes, and arms crossed around her waist, the soldier did such action in tandem. What was the Chioriya Boutique owner doing forcefully dragging him into her store? She wouldn't be getting any customers like that with such heavily exuded force, guaranteed.

"Your mask sticks out like a sore thumb," the Chioriya Boutique owner said in a dry tone. "Buy a better looking one." As she said such, a table with patterned face masks had been revealed.

Demands coming his way, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. This boutique owner dragged him into her shop just to tell him his mask wasn't good looking? Why did that matter? It should not have, in the slightest. The one he had been provided was sufficient enough.

Turning his head off towards the opposite direction, the early adult placed his hand on his cheeks. He couldn't be seen here. I the penguin pests saw him walking out of Chioriya Boutique, he would never hear the end of it. Their annoyance level would increase by ten if they knew he had bought anything here. A lie, yes, he had to tell something untruthful to get him kicked out of her store.

"I'm sorry, ma'am! I am a costumer at Congele boutique!" the hyena lied.

"That woman has no face face masks for sale," the owner of Chioriya Boutique said. But, the hyena swore he could hear her let out a snide laugh as she said such.

Bowing an apology, the soldier exited the boutique. There was no way he could buy one of the Chioriya Boutique face masks. The penguin family were the last people he wanted to make enemies with. Employee outside once again shouting her fashionable face masks for sale, the hyena had begun running. He had to get out of here before he was dragged back inside.

As the hyena had begun to run upon the westward path, the questions inside him had begun to soar. Why did he lie to the Chioriya Boutique owner? He shouldn't have done such a thing. Lying was wrong. But, as he thought such, something clicked inside him. Was that the sound of someone puffing a cigar telling another person not to smoke? He knew he had been guilty of telling white lies every once in awhile.

Running through the fog, the soldier let out a tired huffed. He supposed it wasn't entirely a lie. He had been going to Congele Boutique more often than he was willing to admit. But, had he been a customer? Perhaps not. Maybe it would have been better to just say he had not been interested.

Fog only getting thicker, the early adult attempted with all his might to keep on going. Was he still going the right way? The soldier hardly had any idea. Everything had been invisible. Dashing forward on the westward path, the young soldier pressed onward. He would reach the information station eventually.

Continuing to run, the early adult attempted once again to not stray off the path. Just where was he going? He had no idea anymore. Everything had been hard to see. But, he couldn't give up. He had to keep going, no matter what. Fog or not, he knew if he waved the white flag now, he would be in trouble, for sure.

Surprising lack of people around the area, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Where had everyone gone? The silence was deafening. But, the early adult tuned such thoughts out. Whenever disaster struck, most of the rich nobodies cooped themselves up in their houses. Today had to have been no different.

Coming across a staircase, the soldier barreled downward. The information station was close, any second now, and he would be there. One stair slipped upon, the early adult let out a barely audible yelp. Slowing his pace down, the chimera prepared himself for the next order of business.

But, as he had moved away from the stairs, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just him, or had the fog gotten lower to the ground? Everything was blue. How was he supposed to get through here anymore? The world was invisible. Taking a deep breath, he prayed to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship muscle memory would aid him towards the right path.

Struggling to get around for minutes on end, the early adult could feel another body brush against his. Feeling such, he held back the urge to squeak. Had he just run into someone? Whoever he had run into he had to apologize right away. But, he could hear an aggravating groan in a matter of moments. Had he bumped into one of the pesky penguin chimeras? Let the aggravation begin.

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the hyena let could feel a thorn poked into his side. Seeing Earl through the fog with a bag full of face masks behind him, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the invisible sky. Why was it no matter how many times he were to traverse through Fontaine, he had to run into someone from the penguin family? This man was a virus with no known cure.

Feeling someone bump into his hips, Earl let out a groan. Who had just bumped into him while he was working? But, he soon rescinded his annoyance immediately. Siorc was here? Was this the bump of love? He could hear the wedding bells already. But, he stopped himself from getting carried away. It was dangerous here right now. He needed to warn his future husband right away.

"Hi, there, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "It's dangerous out here! You should turn back and head somewhere safe!"

Hearing Earl's suggestion, the soldier rolled his eyes towards wherever the sky was supposed to be. Turn back now? No way he would do that now. Absolutely not. He had a job to do, and there was no way he was backing out now. He had to tell this pesky thorn in his side off.

"I will manage, sir," the soldier responded in an icy tone. As he said such, he turned off towards the opposite direction.

"Be careful!" Earl shouted.

Pressing onward, the early adult held back the urge to let out another groan. Why wouldn't he be careful? He always knew to exude caution, no matter what. Her Majesty was always watching from somewhere in Teyvat. Dragging himself towards the Aquabus information station, the early adult prepared himself.

Not a single soul within the area, the soldier's knees shook. Why was no one in here? The place was a ghost building. Not even the employees had been around. Had this place been closed? But, the soldier shook his head. Closed or not, he had to use the glass lift. Teleporting was not an option.

Moving towards the glass box, the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time to get out of here and head of towards the beach. Would the hawk and falcon chimeras be around the corner? If they had been around, there would be no way to avoid them whatsoever.

As the elevator had reached the fourth floor, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just how dangerous could it have possibly been out in the open wilderness? Surely, it wasn't that bad. But, he knew he needed to remain cautious. The fog could have been poisonous.

Reaching the fourth floor, the early adult walked off towards the eastern path of blue nothing. But, as he had prepared to headed past the Palais Mermonia, the Iudex adorning a dark blue face mask had appeared within his impaired vision, the soldier swore he could hear the Chief Justice of Fontaine call out to him.

"Monsieur Siorc, apologies for my forwardness," the Iudex said. "But could you bring these poison neutralizers to Merusea Village?" As he said such, he removed some tubed objects from his suit.

Turning towards the noise, the soldier scratched the side of his head. The Iudex had a request for him? He probably should lend him a hand, shouldn't he? The Melusines were quite important to him, the soldier ventured to guess. Giving the man a nod, the devices had been handed off to him.

"You have my gratitude, young man," the Iudex said. "Apologies for not being able to fulfill such myself."

Iudex disappearing within the mist, the early adult once again had begun to head off towards the eastern city exit. Blue fog only getting thicker, the soldier let out a sigh. Visibility at around two percent, the hyena sauntered onward. He had been here far many times before. Surely, reaching the city's exit would not be too difficult.

Not a single soul outside in the city's outermost area, the early adult's legs shook. Not even towards the exit had people been around. Just how cautious had the people of Fontaine been? But, the chimera supposed he could not blame them. Being cautious was mandatory.

Unable to tell where he was going for minutes on end, the hyena let out a deep sigh. If only he had a compass to be able to point him off towards the right direction. Striding onto the eastern path, illegal desires kept leaking themselves out. If only there were people around he could ask to point him towards the right direction.

Bumping into a wall with his forehead, the soldier rubbed his temple. When would this extreme weather go the way of the ancient dragons from eras long gone? Lowering his eyes into a squint, the soldier could see the elevator in the corner of his bespectacled eyes. He had finally made it. It was time to get out of here.

Glass lift taking him upward, the soldier stepped onto the cold, hard concrete. Knowing he had to head off towards Annapausis as fast as he could muster, the early adult attempted to move his way towards the grass. The ocean beside the underwater temple had been northwest of here. Surely, he would be able to avoid the hawk and falcon chimera from such a distance.

But, such had only been the beginning of the impossible. Fog even thicker in the northern region in the Court of Fontaine, the early adult heaved a sigh. The world versus the weather had to have been the most boring thing for an audience to watch, ever. Not like he would know. It's not like anyone was narrating his life, or anything.

Entire world in front of him blanketed in layers of nothingness the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where was he going? Had he been going right, or left? Everything looked exactly the same. It was hard to tell. Grass crunching underneath his feet, the hyena veered off towards the left. Wherever that was, the world was blue.

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the early adult attempted to make heads or tails of the road in front of him. But, as he had attempted to do so, he swore the fog had only increased its potency. Seeing such, the hyena was ready to rip out entire chunks of his hair. If this weather was a person, it was definitely mocking him right about now.

Closing his eyes, the hyena attempted to rely on muscle memory to the best of his ability. Why bother relying on his eyes anymore at this point? They were incredibly useless here. Moving forward, the world was pitch black. Surely, any second now, and he would be out of this nightmare.

Muscle memory had been a total and utter failure. Finding himself back in the same spot more than three times, a wave of heavy confusion flowed through him. Had he been walking around in circles? How embarrassing. Letting out a sigh, the early adult kept his eyes open.

Switching the position of his legs, the early adult ran off towards the western path. Surely, after some time he would reach the area near the ocean. Continuing to dash about he pressed onward, the hyena could hear the familiar sound of electrified arrows hurled upon the wind.

Hearing a battle upwards towards the invisible sky, a shock shot down his spine. The hawk and falcon chimera were here? He had to get out of here as soon as possible, or he would be spotted. Bird chimeras could see through the elements for sure. Fight only getting more intense, the hyena's legs erupted into a sprint.

Soon reaching the water, the early adult let out a deep huff. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. No longer hearing any sort of battle, the chimera attempted to catch his breath. Had he outpaced them? But such had not been the case. Arrow coming his way from nowhere, the hyena jumped four steps backwards. But, as he had done so, shouts had come his way.

"Cease your villainy at once, Fatui!" Robin's voice shouted. But another voice soon kicked in.

"Hon, I highly doubt the Fatui is here," Raven's voice said to Robin's voice. "Drop your arrows."

"Only for you!" Robin's voice shouted. "But, I know that fiend is here somewhere!"

Bird chimeras growing silent, the hyena flipped his satchel towards his frontside. Diving equipment on him, the early adult's fat, blubbery suit absorbed him in a matter of moments. Walking towards the ocean, the hyena climbed upwards towards the barely visible pillar in the corner. Placing himself into a planking position, the chimera's mind had been synched with his diving suit.

But, as the diving suit had taken him downward towards the deep depths of the ocean, the fog struck back with a vengeance. World beyond the surface as invisible as the land up above, the hyena let out a groan. How in the world did this get down here? Whatever this was, it had to have been something far more potent than anyone could have possibly anticipated.

Knowing he had to have his diving suit thrust him even deeper downward, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Suit struggling to move, for a moment, a wave of shock flowed through him. What was going on here? Why wasn't his suit moving? Had it been broken? If such were the case, he was finished.

Attempting to sync up his mind with his diving suit once more, the soldier had moved downward once more. Suit continuing to struggle, a heavy wave of frustration flowed through the hyena. Why had this been such an arduous task? This fog was getting quite aggravating, for sure.

Finally reaching the halfway mark after about an hour of attempts, the soldier let out a sigh. There had to have been a way to dispel the fog, for sure. But, he knew he would have to deal with such later. Dealing with the legends first was the top priority, without a shadow of a doubt.

Seeing a barely visible, but familiar area down below, the early adult kept having his diving suit thrust him towards the southern direction. Just a little longer, and he would finally be in Annapausis. Any second now. Bumping into a wall after a few minutes, the early adult prepared himself.

Entrance towards Annapausis nearing, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had the frog and alligator chimeras been regarded as legends? This had to have been the first time he had ever heard this before. Was someone spreading false rumors to Her Majesty? Whoever had done so would be killed for such, guaranteed.

Readying to push himself through the wall, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. Who cared whether or not this had been the truth? He was about to find out, either way. Throwing every single thought away, the soldier leaped through the barrier between Chemin L'Espoir and the underwater kingdom.

Finally in the underwater kingdom, relief soon washed over the chimera at the sight before him. Not single speck of fog anywhere, the chimera held back the urge to cheer. He was finally free from the wretched horrors. Surely, everything from here on out would be easy street. But, such had been an astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

Feeling a heavy wave of foreboding doom, the early adult flinched. He did not know why, but he knew something bad was about to happen. Attempting to shake it off, the soldier kept moving forward. He had to have been imagining it, or sure. Perhaps, just maybe, Zinn's toxins had just been in the air.

But, as the early adult kept pressing on, the malicious feelings would not cease, even for a moment. Had someone been hiding here? He couldn't help but feel there had been someone else lurking here besides the usual residents who resided within the area. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Maybe it was just a rogue monster or two. Surely, it had been nothing to worry about.

Such feelings of foreboding had only gotten stronger. Someone had to have been watching him, for sure. Shaking it off, the hyena kept running. Perhaps, if he were to go off towards the opposite direction, the eyes on him would vanish. Resolute on his decision, the chimera flipped the script.

Gaze dying upon the battlefield, the early adult's heart beat hard and fast in his chest. Slapping his right palm over his left one, the hyena took a moment to breathe. He had been running far too much today, for sure. Slowing down his walking speed, on question loomed as he could see the frog and alligator duo within his line of damaged sight.

Zinn and Peltro, why had they been regarded as legends in the first place? What legend could they have possibly been? The Legend of the Poisonous Frog and Alligator? That had hardly sounded like a myth in any capacity. This had to have been a gag order, for sure.

Gap closing, the early adult tapped on the alligator's scaly shoulder. Party of two turning towards him, the early adult gave eye contact. Zinn looking ready to blow a gasket, the hyena backed two steps away. Had he come at the wrong time? But, they soon cooled their jets. Whatever that meant. He had heard some drunkards say such phrase in Mondstadt from time to time.

Stranger walking around for over an hour, Zinn could feel a vein pop inside them. Why had there been someone here right now of all times? Had Vidame and Domini banished someone they did not like here again? But, they soon cooled their jets. Oh. It's just that dude again. Whatevs. They would rescind their momentary anger for now.

"Oh, it's just you again, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking. "Ya here to investigate something?"

"Obviously, Zinn!" Peltro exclaimed. "Why else would he be down here?"

"Ya never know, Peltro!" Zinn responded. "He could be down here for somethin' else, so I gotta ask, ribbit!"

Frog and alligator chimeras arguing amongst themselves for a moment, the early adult let out a groan, for a moment. Some things never changed. If he knew one thing, and one thing for certain in life, it's that these two fought every single breathing second of their lives.

Shouting matches soon ceasing, eyes had soon been on him once again. Giving the siblings a nod, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him. Gloves out in front of him, the soldier spelled out the sentence, do you know anything about the legend regarding the poison frog and the alligator? But, immediately upon ending such sign, the duo looked as though he had grown two heads. Had they not understood what he was asking? He supposed such could be the case. Not everyone knew, or cared enough to learn sign language. But, he had soon been proven wrong in a matter of moments.

"Yer askin' us if we're underwater legends?" Zinn asked, annoyed. "Get outta here with 'dat nonsense! We ain't no such thing!"

"For once, I agree with Zinn!" Peltro shouted, irritated. "Archons, can't believe I said that. If the sky falls tomorrow, I called it!" It then let out the fakest cough in the world. "Anyhoo, who told you that? Whoever told you that is wrong. We might be highly toxic, but that is hardly the grounds for a legend. So, shove it."

Anger coming his way, the early adult shook with a fervor. He could shove it? If he had asked them something that bothered them, he would apologize right away. Had they been asked this question before? Bowing his head in apology, the hyena kept his head downward. But, he had soon been told to cut it out.

"Geez, ya can stop apologizing now, kay? Lift yer head already!" Zinn exclaimed, croaking. "Is dat da only reason you came here, croak?"

Shaking his head, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Spelling out Mary Anne's name with his fingers, the duo both let out a collected sigh. Had he said something to annoy them further? He had definitely struck multiples nerves in the span of a few minutes that would never heal.

"You want to see Mary Anne?" Peltro asked, sighing. "Fine, we'll take you to her. But, if this is about another one of your so called 'legends', she'll likely have the same answer as we do."

Zinn and Peltro standing in front of him, the party of two had begun to lead the way. Opening the door to the palace, the soldier prepared himself. Would Mary Anne truly have the same answer as the frog and alligator chimeras? He hoped such would not be the case. If he were to fail to gather any information, he would pay the price for it, guaranteed.

Dropping through the door as if it were an invitation, the familiar ruins had soon been reached once more. But, the hyena did not know why, but he could feel a sense of foreboding doom once again. Had there been someone else around the area lurking? He swore he could hear strange mechanical footsteps somewhere.

Moving through the first floor of the ruins, the hyena turned his head towards the right. Where had those extra footsteps been coming from? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He had to have been imagining it. Why would there be anyone else here? This kingdom was barren, desolate.

Pressing on through the second floor, the soldier shivered. No matter how hard he tried, the sense of doom would not leave him. Someone else was here, guaranteed. But, he shook his head. It was nothing more than a monster or two. He needed to stop thinking about it. Pushing such thoughts away, the traversal continued.

Cruising through the third corridor and beyond, the party of three had soon been right back where they started. Mary Anne's house not reached, the soldier tilted his head. They were back in the library again? Had Zinn gotten everyone lost? How typical of them. But, he supposed that's how it usually ended up down in the secret palace.

Staring over once more, the soldier could not help but ponder. The real Annapausis, did it change locations every single time one were to come into the labyrinth? Perhaps, just maybe, that was the case. Keeping such fact in mind, he kept following the frog and alligator behind in silence.

Looping back around for the second time, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Just where had Mary Anne's house been? Why had it been so difficult to find again? Something had been wrong with this picture. But, the chimera kept going from room to room. Surely, after some time, they would reach the right path.

But, such never came. Coming back to the same entrance time and time again, the early adult could feel a wave of frustration flow through him. Why was this happening again? Hadn't Zinn and Peltro been acquainted with Mary Anne? Surely, if they wished to visit her, they would allow them to come.

Fourth loop coming in clutch, the early adult prepared the white flag. What was the point in trying to reach her anymore? No matter how many times he would try with the duo's guidance, they would never reach there. The looping corridors, maybe that was the true legend of Annapausis. But, as he prepared his surrender, Zinn interrupted his food cart of thought.

"Mary Anne probably doesn't want visitors, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking.

"Oh, really is it that obvious, Zinn?" Peltro asked sarcastically. "Well, I'm not playing this game anymore." As it said such, it cupped its alligator hands around its mouth. "We'll just have to demand she let us see her."

"Peltro, are ya crazy?!" Zinn asked. "That won't work!"

Zinn and Peltro arguing amongst themselves once again, the hyena covered his ears. Here they go again, shouting at each other. Why couldn't these two ever stop and just listen to one another for once? But, he knew that would never happen. These two would never be civil. Did they get a thrill off arguing? But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted by an even louder shout.

"Mary Anne, it's us, Zinn and Peltro!" Peltro screamed. "Let us in!" And, as if by magic, a water current soon appeared.

Ring of water out in front of them, the early adult rose his eyebrow. How did this get here? How peculiar. Zinn and Peltro hopping in almost immediately, the chimera backed two steps away. Frog and alligator chimeras thrusted forward through a large jet scream, the jelly was kicking in.

Taking a long deep breath, the early adult leaped into the ring of water. Body propelled like a firework hitting the sky, the early adult closed his eyes for a moment. Had he reached a new stream? But, the hyena perished the thought. Mary Anne had just created a pathway, nothing more.

Reaching Mary Anne's house, the blue haired woman had a disconcerting look on her face. Seeing such, the hyena's heart skipped more than two beats. She must have really not want visitors. Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to turn around right now before it was too late.

"I told you two the other day that I don't want any visitors," Mary Anne said, arms crossed around her waist.

"Yer right, and we apologize, for 'dat," Zinn replied in an apologetic tone. "But, this fella has a question for ya." They pointed their frog hand over at the hyena.

Mary Anne's eyes soon on him, the soldier let out a gulp. Would Mary Anne even know about the legend of the hidden forest house? Maybe she wouldn't. But, he knew he had no choice but to ask her. Taking a deep breath, the hyena prepared himself to ask the forbidden question.

"Do you know the legend of the real Annapausis, ma'am?" the hyena asked forbiddingly. But, he had gotten a quick answer that shattered walls.

"No!" Mary Anne shouted. "If that is the only of which you came, get out!" As she said such, the soldier could feel himself be pulled away.

Pushed outside the forest houses walls, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was that about just now? The chimera did not know why, but she had seem incredibly irritated the entire time. Zinn and Peltro exiting, as well, he had soon been informed they would escorting him out.

But, upon returning to the ruins, a thick deep blue fog had reached the area. Seeing such, the chimera let out a groan. Why had the fog come back to haunt him? Couldn't it have left him alone? Great, just fantastic, now he would be lost for hours. But, such had been only the beginning.

Hearing the sound of wooden footsteps as the party of three moved through the thick blue mist, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. What were those unusual footsteps? Whatever they were, they were close by. Party of two in front of him stopping their tracks for a moment, the early adult gazed at their backsides. Had they heard it, too?

"Great, da fog came here, too, croak!" Zinn shouted. "We should tell it to eat a toadstool!"

"And what's that going to do?" Peltro asked. "It's not like fog is alive!"

"Whatevs, Peltro!" Zinn shouted. "We need ta get outta here!" But as they said such, there had been a new visitor. "What's dat puppet doin' here? I'm growin' warts all over my back!"

"Zinn, that's disgusting! I don't care about your stupid warts!" Peltro shouted. "Anyhoo, it's about to attack! Get your poison ready!"

"On it, ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed.

Large wooden puppet with the face of a man on it dangling from the ceiling letting out a giggle, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Where had this monster come from all of a sudden? But, he knew he hardly had any time to waste. He had to battle this creature right now.

Gloves making it impossible to grip the claymore provided, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed he would have no choice but to use his underwater powers, for a moment. Pressing the aquatic blade button, the early adult readied himself for action. But, as he had done so, almost nothing happened.

Aquatic blade barely doing anything, the early adult's eyes twitched. His underwater powers, had they been useless here? How terrifying. He was a useless piece of battle waste. Attempting to use the jellyfish head explosive next, nothing happened once again.

Attempting to use every single power bestowed upon his glove, not a single option work. Waving the white flag, the early adult stepped back. There was nothing he could do. He was absolutely useless here, for sure. Zinn letting down their poison, the puppet had disintegrated into nothing. Fog moving away a little, indignant eyes had come his way.

"Get outta here!" Zinn shouted. "Mary Anne, open up da exit towards da surface! We want dis dude gone!" As they said such, a water ring appeared. "In ya go!"

Pushed into the upstream, the early adult let out a scream. What was happening? Why were they kicking him out of here all of a sudden? Surrendering himself, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Returning towards the surface, the world of blue fog returned to him once more.

Recalling he had to head off to Merusea Village to give the poison neutralizers to the denizens down below, the early adult prepared himself for the leap of faith. Sudden aquatic wall appearing out of nowhere, the early adult sighed. He supposed he could make use of this blockade to reach the other side.

Jumping from one side to another, the Beryl Region had been reached after about twenty minutes of jumping. Blue mist about as bad as it had been in the previous area, the chimera prepared himself to get lost once again. Powering his way through the south for awhile, the visibility had only begun to get worse.

Reaching the entrance towards Merusea Village after about an hour of getting lost, the chimera's diving suit and mind had soon been synched together once more. But, it had not been clear waters down below in the village, either. Mist following him wherever he were to go, the hyena let out a growl.

Village covered in fog as well, the soldier could barely see the sea lion prankster duo turning their heads. Moving towards them, they misty figures turned towards him. Preparing himself for any unintelligible questions, the early adult kept his ears open. But, if either of them were about to pull a prank, he would listen no further.

"Dude, what's going on?" Brume asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, bro, what's up with this smoky stuff?" Eclater asked, even more puzzled.

Letting out a momentary sigh, the early reached for his back pockets. Tubes placed into their flippers, the party of two looked at one another like their hand flippers had switched places with their tail. Gazing down at the disaster mitigation words printed down below, the hyena shook his head. Were they unable to read what it said?

"Bro, what are these?" Brume asked puzzled. "We can't read big human words very well!"

"Yeah, bro!" Eclater chimed in. "You gotta give it to us straight!"

Shaking his head, the early adult made a loud boom noise for almost everyone to hear. Crossing his two index fingers into an x-shape, he shook his head again. Would this be enough to convey to them the concept of disaster mitigation? He had hoped so. Using his voice for these people was almost out the question.

"So these thingies will get rid of that blue smokey stuff?" Brume asked. A nod had immediately come his way.

"Great, if it can get rid of they kooky smoke, we gotta use them right away!" Eclater exclaimed.

Sea lion pranksters looking like they were about ready to work, the early adult prepared himself to head back towards the circus. These two would be fine. He needn't stay here a moment longer. Returning to the surface, the chimera gazed upward, for a moment.

Fog looking about as dark as the nighttime sky, the hyena's knees buckled. It had been nighttime already? He had to go back to the Court of Fontaine right away. Dashing off towards Marcotte Station for hours on end, he had soon reached the capital city once more. But, an annoyance like no other had awaited him in the fog.

"There you are!" Earl exclaimed, out of breath. "Mademoiselle Ginger told me that if I see you to take you home!"

Dragged towards the Congele boutique, the early adult let out a groan. Why was Earl waiting for him? He could go pay for a hotel room and sleep there. But, he knew if he let go of Earl's hand he would grab it right back. It best to not start any fights. Taken down the stairs and into the apartment, everyone had been waiting. Seeing such, the chimera sighed. Did he really need this many eyes on him? He did not.

"You finally found him?" Marquis asked.

"In that ugly outfit?" Esquire asked. "Get him out of my sight!"

"Sorry, Esquire! I'll take him to his room right away!" Earl responded. As he said such, the chimera had been hauled off to his temporary room.

Door closed behind him, the early adult let out a yawn. Fat, blubbery suit and uniform removed, the early adult crawled into the uncomfortable bed. Weaponized hairpins and earrings put aside, as well, the hyena's eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow. But, as the world of sleep readied to invite him back in, one final question looped on repeat.

Why was the fog so thick?


"This is not good. According my
Hypothesis charts, the fog is
Evidentially getting worse. I,

Folu, have no idea what to do about this.
Onwards towards the data.
Ghh, my, my, there

Is some errors in the calculations.
Shucks, I did them as Rabiu said the anomalies were structured.

Guess I am not quite well versed in strange weather patterns.
Even so, I really aught
To learn more about them.
These patterns of the fog are not normal.
I also highly suspect they might be gas.
No, mayhaps not. I have heard most
Gasses do not have any color, or odor and cannot be seen.

Why am I getting this sense
Of dejavu? Strange, I do not
Recall saying this before.
So what is this rather overwhelming feeling I am
Experiencing? I do not know, and whatever it is, I do

Not like it one bit. Well, I guess
Oluchi had said the same thing as I did.
Well, Rabiu also did, but he usually makes the most errors out of all of us!

Uh, maybe I really aught to stop bullying him before it
Gets to a point where there's irreversible damage to
His self esteem. Well, that's mostly
Oluchi's fault, anyway. She's the one who is constantly picking
On him the most out of all of us, you know? Well,
Oh, well, we tried to get her to stop. Que sera, sera."

Waking up the next morning, hands had been shaking him through the covers for minutes on end. Jolted awake, the early adult reached his glasses. Marquis and Esquire letting go of him, the chimera let out a groan. Could this family be any more annoying? Why couldn't they let him sleep for five more minutes?

"That ugly boss of yours is here!" Esquire shouted. "Tell her to brush that disgusting ginger hair of hers!" But Marquis soon jumped.

"Hurry up and go talk to her!" Marquis shouted. "She isn't welcome here!"

Party of two stomping out, the early adult rolled his eyes to the ceiling. And why were these two still here? Weren't they supposed to be gone by now? Putting his uniform back on and grabbing his satchel, the early adult returned to the main room in the apartment. Malika drumming her fingers on the table, and Baron messing with their monocle, a racket soon kicked up.

"Hurry up and say what you need to tell him, and get out of my apartment," Malika said in a cold voice.

"Apologies, sir, right away," the ginger said in an apologetic tone. But her collar had soon been grabbed.

"You weren't listening at all when we spoke to you, did you?" Baron said in a low voice. They then squeezed the Fatui's collar even tighter. "That is ma'am to you. Or do you have selective hearing? Typical of an unintelligent soldier like yourself." As they said such, they twirled their curly strand of hair.

"My utmost apologies s-, I mean ma'am," the ginger Fatui responded, bowing her head on the table. She then lifted herself up. "Soldier, go to Elton Trench right away and look into the legend of the undersea penguins!" She slapped her hand on the table. "Look for a domain discovered down there, as well!" Her collar had then been grabbed once more.

"Are you done?" Baron asked.

"I'm done," the ginger Fatui responded, voice shaking.

"Get out of our apartment," Baron said, grabbing ahold of her collar even harder. "Now."

Ginger Fatui exiting the area, the soldier blinked. Baron was not a person to be messed with whatsoever. If he were in their presence, he needed to be on his best behavior, for sure. Malika turning towards him with a concerned look on her face, the chimera blinked. Why was she giving him that look?

"You don't have to go down to Elton Trench if you don't want to, darling," Malika said in a soft tone. "I know it's been pretty difficult out there."

Shaking his head, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him. Did he have a choice in the matter? He did not. Signing that he had to go, warnings had come his way to proceed with caution. Exiting the apartment, the soldier headed back towards the Aquabus. Tour guide again informing him it was dangerous, the chimera sighed. He already knew this. Did he really have to hear it again?

Aquabus reaching the halfway point after about twenty minutes, the heavy fog had settled in in a matter of moments. Seeing such, the soldier groaned. How could this weather have still been here? How annoying. He was going to have to deal with this again. Melusine telling him the fog is toxic, the hyena gulped as he readied to drop himself downward towards the ground below.

Wind glider deployed behind him, it had come to the hyena's attention immediately. Had the fog been deeper and bluer here? What a mess. Why had it been even worse today? He needed to find a way to clear it out as soon as possible. But, he supposed, try as he might, that would take awhile.

Reaching the ground, the early adult swore he could see Bain, Kali, Aigre, the Demoiselle and her bodyguards running around the area near the beach. Seeing such, a hundred questions raced around in the chimera's head. What had this group been running towards? Why were they chasing someone? Girls all masked, the soldier followed them for a moment, but what awaited was a shock to behold.

Party of four chasing some army of puppets, the chimera backed ten steps away. What was going on here? Where had these marionettes come from? Had the magician been doing some sort of trick? But, the hyena shook his head. Why was he thinking of him at a time like this? But, as he had been lost in thought, he had accidentally brushed up against Aigre. Such, however, had been cut out by other screams.

"We have to fight these puppets!" Bain shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Um, yeah, we probably should, um, do that," Kali responded.

"These meanie puppets are going down!" Aigre shouted. But, she had soon felt something smack into her, whammo! "Owie!" Turning around through the thick meanie fog, she could feel this itching sensation of bugs flowing. "Mauve!!! Watch where you're going, okay?!?!" But, the Demoiselle soon added her own voice to the mix.

"Hey, Aigre, that's a little rude, don't you think?" the Demoiselle asked. "No one can see anything right now!"

Bowing an apology. The entire crowd of ladies, sans Aigre had told the chimera to be careful. Heeding the warning, the soldier put on his diving equipment. But, he knew before he were to take the trip down, he had to prepare himself for the worst. Vidame and Domini, there was absolutely no way they would cooperate with him. And, he knew they were give him a whole new world of violence any second now.

Mind and diving suit synched up to one another, the early adult dropped downward. But, immediately upon reaching the ocean, the blue fog struck back. Seeing such, the early adult grit his teeth. Not this again. Why was it back? Where had this trash come from? He was quite tired of seeing it. It needed to be cleansed right now.

Having his diving suit thrust him northward, the early adult let out a groan. Why hadn't he had some sort of equipment to light the path for him? Unbelievable. This had to have been his worst mission yet. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Why was he complaining? Such action was forbidden.

Moving towards the left, the soldier let out a sigh. Why did he have to look for the undersea penguins? In what world would they ever agree to do anything, let alone confirm a rumor stated about them? It was simply not happening. Whoever made up these legends had to have been thinking about something else, for sure. This one was far from it.

As the soldier's diving suit kept thrusting him forward with automatic movement, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just his imagination, or had something else been following him? Shaking his head, the hyena kept going. There was no one else here, for sure. He was overreacting.

But, as the early adult kept heading off towards the northern direction, his suspicions had been correct. Multiple wooden marionettes soon surrounding him through the fog, the soldier backed multiple steps away. What were these doing down here? He needed to take care of them right away.

Dropping down a jellyfish head explosive, the first puppet had been blown to smithereens. Fog clearing away a smidgeon, the early adult had come to a quick, but haphazard conclusion. These marionette creatures had been tied to this toxic fog. There was no way it couldn't have been the truth.

Coming across another wooden doll, the soldier let out a sigh. And, where had this one come from now? But, he supposed the fog had continued to obscure their existence from him. Dropping down another jellyfish head explosive, the next enemy had become scattered pieces across the water.

Attempting to move along, further wooden doll armies had soon stopped him in his tracks, seeing such, the hyena dropped down the denotator for what felt like the thirtieth time today. But, the soldier shook his head. Maybe there had been an extra zero in that number. Pressing the button, a few members of the army still stood.

Final denotator dropped, the last of the doll army had been out of the equation. Fog clearing up ever so slightly, the early adult puffed a breath of relief. The waters were clearer. He could see what was in front of him again. A miracle to be had, for sure. Diving suit thrusting him further north, the hyena swore he could hear familiar angry shouts up a head.

Pressing the turbo button, the hyena's body had been thrusted forward at lightning speed. Spotting Vidame and Domini beating the living waters out of multiple wooden puppets one after another with their scythe and chain whip, the soldier attempted to turn off towards the other direction. Oh, no, they were boiling with rage. He was done for.

Puppets all destroyed one after another, eyes of pure rage had come his way. Seeing such, the chimera's heart skipped more than three beats. Why did they look even more angrier than usual today? He was about get what's coming to him, guaranteed. Domini whirring up his chain whip, the chimera surrendered. He was about to be slapped down hard by Bludgeoning Angel Domini-chan. Whatever -chan meant, he had only heard such a word used in Inazuma.

Seeing Ritchie Rich waltz down here like he owned the joint, Domini whirred up his chain whip. How dare Ritchie Rich think he can come down here after all the problems he's caused. This fog is his fault. These crimes would not go unpunished. Ritchie Rich would pay for these crimes with his whole body.

Ritchie Rich coming towards them as if he thought he was allowed a friendly space to just chat, Vidame got her scythe ready. Who did Ritchie Rich think he was coming down here, acting all innocent? He was responsible for this fog, and he was one million years ahead of himself if he thought she, in any universe, would ever let him get away with this villainy. That was it. He's getting a nice little reminder on why he's not welcome down here!

"How dare you send your puppets down here, Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted. "You'll pay for what you did!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich!" Vidame shouted. As she said such, she swung her scythe. "How dare you act all innocent!"

Penguin duo swinging their weapons at him, the hyena had his diving suit move in a rapid manner. Here these two go again, blaming him for every single thing. He had done nothing of the sort. Why were these two always blaming him for everything? Continuing to dodge their every attack, the hyena turned out the rest of their shouts. Question accidentally blurting itself out, he swore heads would roll any second.

"Do either of you know about the legend of undersea penguins?" the hyena accidentally blurted out. But, he soon stopped himself from speaking further. Why did he say that? There's no way they'd ever answer him.

"Why would we ever tell you anything, Ritchie Rich?!" Vidame shouted, swinging her scythe. "Fuggeddabout it. We ain't telling you a thing!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich! Don't ask us anything, ever!" Domini shouted. As he said such, he whirred up his chain whip. "Go find something else to destroy!"

Having his diving suit go on turbo, the soldier had begun searching for the domain. Why did he think for even a moment these two would ever cooperate with him? He knew that would never, not even in alternative universe version of himself where he had been a Fatui Harbinger. But, the early adult threw such thought away. Where was he getting these wild ideas from? There was no way that would ever be a pathway that existed. Not even in a different timeline or world.

Coming across a strange door peering from one of the shipwrecks after four hours of searching through the fog, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Was this finally it, the domain he had been searching for? Blinding white light overtaking him, he had come to the quick and immediate conclusion such had been the case.

Finding himself in a large destroyed temple, the early adult tilted his head. Where in the world was he? The soldier had no idea, but wherever the domain had taken him to, this place had to have been long forgotten and ancient. Knowing it was his best interest to go forward and explore, the area.

Locating a long bridge upon the walkway, the early adult prepared himself for the long walk ahead. Moving forward, the soldier swore he could feel something unsteady beneath his feet. Bridge crumbling as he moved, the hyena jumped towards the left. The crosswalk was breaking off? He needed to hurry.

Jumping off towards the next bridge, the early adult ran as if his life would give out. Crossing also breaking apart, he leaped from side to side. Why was this place so fragile, what was going on here? Something wasn't right here, in the slightest. But, everything would continue to go south fast.

Spotting an entire room with an army of wooden marionettes dancing from their strings up above, the early adult let out a sigh. There more of these monsters down here? Where in the world did they come from? How strange. Whoever put these creatures in here had to have quite the puppet fixation.

Snapping himself out of it, the gloves were off. Fatui issued greatsword in his hands, the hyena slashed the blade forward with full force. Puppets one after another becoming nothing but dust upon the wind, the early adult let out a huff as the fights continued.

Final set of puppets soon destroyed, the early adult had begun running. Floor trying to crumble, the chimera leaped. He needed to reach the end of this temple before it was to see total collapse. There was not much time left. He had to run, speed, kachow. But, the early adult threw such last word away. Where did that last one come from? He wasn't thinking straight right now. It was almost as if, a god from outside Teyvat determined what he was thinking. But, he knew that was impossible. He wasn't some character in a horror adventure story.

Soon reaching a very peculiar room, multiple plagues had been hung up upon the wall. Seeing such, the early adult stepped towards them. Observing the first one for a moment, the picture of the Hydro Archon weeping on her throne appeared within the chimera's damaged field of heterochromatic vision.

Seeing such object, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Why was the Hydro Archon weeping on here throne? But, he soon looked at the next one. Lifted up by her own people, the scratched his diving suit. None of this made any sense at all. What was going on here? But, the last one had been even more confusing.

Spotting a plaque with a flower on it with runic writing, the early adult could not make sense of anything at all. What did this have anything to do with the other ones? Not able to come to any sort of conclusion, the early adult stepped towards the domain's exit. It was no use, he wasn't coming up with anything. It was time to go. Blinding light soon engulfing him, he closed his eyes.

Cruising through the fog, the early adult sighed. If only there was a big starling that could flag its wings and blow all this fog away. But, the hyena shook his head. Why would something like that ever be possible? That was something that only existed in fantasy and magic world transportation stories.

Reaching the Aquabus after four hours of walking, the hyena reached the capital city of Fontaine slower than he could have ever anticipated. But, the early adult knew such was show it would be for quite awhile. He needed to get used to it, for the time being. Stepping foot in the Court of Fontaine, yet another penguin waited for him. Malika adorning a face mask with a strawberry print, gloved hands had been linked to his arm in seconds.

"You were out pretty late, darling," Malika said in a tired tone. "It's dangerous out here. I'm taking you back home."

Escorted back towards the boutique, information had come his way. Malika informing him the air quality has gotten so low the toxins could penetrate masks, the early adult's heart skipped a beat. How could it have gotten so bad so quickly? What was going on in Fontaine? Not a single thing was adding up here.

Guided to his temporary room, the door had soon been closed behind him. Letting out a yawn, the soldier removed his weaponized hairpins and earrings. Diving suit undone, and everything else put away, the hyena placed himself under the temporary covers. But, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain as the tormented land of dreams dragged him back in.

How much worse has the fog gotten?


Waking up in the middle of the night, the soldier's heart had begun to beat hard and fast in his chest. Rhythm beating out of control, the soldier let out a scream. The bat, it was racing, leaping, doing bounds. Chest as hard as a rock, the tears had begun to stream down his face. Loud feet stomping in, shouts had come his way.

"What's wrong, ugly?" Esquire asked annoyed.

"And why are you shouting in the middle of the night?!" Marquis asked, groaning. "That's very hideous of you right now!" But, Malika soon stepped in.

"Don't call him ugly. Could you two leave the room, please?" Malika asked. She then headed towards Siorc. "Is your heart beating too fast, darling? I am not a doctor, but I'll try to help calm it down, okay?" She then placed her hand upon his chest. "Try to take deep breaths with me darling, okay?"

Hand on his chest, the early adult attempted to match the pace of Malika's breaths. Feeling a wave of calmness flow through him shortly after, the soldier closed his eyes. Heartbeat dissipating into normalcy after about ten minutes, the world of sleep was ready to claim him once more.

Deep breaths, deep breaths.


"I, Sani have some very
Terrible news to share with everyone.

It has come to my attention
Some poisonous fog has

All but poisoned the air.
This isn't good. And,

It gets even worse.
There might be
Some lingering effects.

Perhaps I should have researched this sooner.
Everything could have been
Avoided. Well, guess that's my fault. But, I
Know Oluchi and Folu will blame Rabiu. But, I will

Not be doing that.
Oluchi and Folu, you both need to stop
With that joke. And, I should, too. Ah, oh well, time to clean up this fog."

Waking up the next morning, demands had come his way almost immediately. Ginger Fatui commanding him to head for the lake underneath the Weeping Willow tree, the chimera let out a sigh. Not again with this. Hadn't he already investigated the sea gazelle legend? What was the point in looking into that one again? But, he had soon been visited by three others.

Rabiu, Gwendolyn, Lonan standing by his bedside, the hyena removed himself from the covers. Why were they here? He didn't want to deal with anything else right now, except for the fog to clear out. But, he threw such thoughts away. That was a rude thing to think. Whatever these three wanted, it was best to listen.

"Morning, black fish steak bro," Lonan greeted, waving. "We were about to ask you the same question your boss did just now."

"Um, uh, yeah, we were going to ask you to come to the lake underneath the willow tree too, actually," Rabiu added. But Gwendolyn soon interrupted.

"Who cares about that rumor the sea gazelle have gills instead of lungs?" Gwendolyn asked, rolling her eyes. "You men care about the stupidest trash."

"Um, Siorc's boss does?" Rabiu asked, lips quivering. "You're free to leave if you don't care, though."

"I will, then!" Gwendolyn screamed, storming out of the apartment.

Removing himself from underneath the covers, the early adult turned towards Rabiu. Had the researcher jackal gained a backbone? Good for him. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but feel proud of him, at this very moment. Uniform soon on, Lonan's eyes had soon been on him.

"We're heading through Foggy Forest Path, black fish steak bro," Lonan explained. His wings lost a few feathers as he said such. "We've got a job to do! Don't worry 'bout the fog. My wings can clear some of that away."

Lonan informing him he would be passing through Foggy Forest Path with Rabiu and he, the hyena shrugged. He supposed he didn't mind working together with these two. Rabiu warning him he needed to double mask, the chimera had been handed a strawberry print cloth. Seeing such, he let out a sigh. If only he had brought the matching hairpin and earring set. Getting ready to depart, a series of pouts had come Rabiu's way.

"You're taking my future husband on a date again?" Earl pouted in a joking tone. "No fair!"

"Um, uh, who said he's your future husband?" Rabiu asked in a serious tone. "Uh, this isn't a date, um. Siorc, Lonan and I are working."

"I want to come, too!" Earl exclaimed. But, he had soon been halted in his tracks.

"How boorish are you?" Baron asked, rolling their eyes. "It's highly toxic out there."

"I'll be poisoned with love, it's worth it!" Earl barked back.

"Um, Earl, I don't have enough health robots to fix you in an emergency, so please don't come along," Rabiu said in a serious tone.

Earl pouting, everyone had been off to the races. Fog even thicker and more potent than the day prior, the early adult held back the urge to gag. What was that stench? Something was wrong here. Tough ride upon them, the group had only begun to run faster as Marcotte Station had been left behind.

But, as the trio continued to move, the fog had only gotten colder. Where had this draft come from all of the sudden? It was a warm autumn day. How very unusual. Reaching the Foggy Forest, a surprise amongst everything took the woods by a cloud storm.

Army of puppets everywhere the eyes could see, the hyena could feel his heart drop into his stomach. The puppets were still here? Who, or what was controlling them? Creatures dancing, Rabiu's daggers and shield, and Lonan's feather made crossbow were ready. Claymore out in front of him, the fight was on.

Army of puppets destroyed after about one-hundred-thirty strikes, the party of three dashed off towards the Weeping Willow Tree. Fog beginning to fade, the hyena blinked. He sees now, his hypothesis was correct. These strange puppets were behind all this. Diving equipment on, everyone went down towards the underwater cave beneath the willow tree.

Reaching the deep depths of the area, the underwater sea gazelles stared at the party of three as if they had thirty heads. Letting out a scream, their antlers had been charged and ready. Lonan sighing, he grabbed ahold of such appendages. Rabiu grabbing ahold of the opposite chimera's horns, the early adult's eyes grew wide as they grew weaker. Had that area been their weak spot?

"Apologies, we're alert now," Damla apologized in a tired tone. "Let me guess, you three are here to ask about the legend about us, right?" As co asked such, co let out a sigh. "We'll tell you about us, but tell us about the fog that cleared out just now first."

"Oh, uh, um? I think I can explain a little?" Rabiu responded in a questioning tone. "Those were some poorly made abyss puppets. They were programmed to summon fog, I think."

"I see, so, abyssal puppets, you say?" Firat asked, voice tired. "Well, fine, have at it. We'll tell you about ourselves. Ask away." As se said such, se let out a loud yawn. "But, please be quick. We want to sleep again. Forever, if possible."

Hearing what Rabiu said, the hyena groaned. Of course this was the work of the abyss again. When was it ever not? Were the gazelles behind this one, too? But, the chimera shook his head. These puppets were far too small for them to do such a thing. Maybe it had been someone else from the abyss this time. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Are you the two in the legend about the fawns who had their lungs changed to gills?" Lonan asked. But, what answer came was to the surprise of no one.

"Mhm, that's us," Damla said, yawning. "But I don't have anything else to tell you. Please, let us go back to sleep forever now."

"Sure, droplet. Nighty night," Lonan replied.

Hearing what Damla said, the early adult's mind raced a kilometer a minute. Co said what now? Cos lungs had been replaced with gills? He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How was this real? He had to be dreaming right now. But, he knew he wasn't. This was real. But, the soldier had soon heard a loud splash up above. Returning to the surface, not a single surprise awaited.

Kelebek and Izzet riding atop a huge blue dragon, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the sky. Of course they had to show up now of all times. Did they ever stop to think for once this was pointless? They had to have enough fun messing around by now? Dropping the reptilian creature down below, they both let out a shout.

"You have one last gift for him!" Kelebek shouted.

"Nyahahaha, have fun with this gift!" Izzet shouted.

Dragon oozing poison, the party of three sprung into action. Dragon not defeated after one-hundred-fifty strikes, the soldier huffed and puffed. Just how much vitality did this creature have, eight vitality bars stacked upon each other? Ridiculous. This had to end right now.

Enemy not slain from the daggers, arrows nor his claymore, the soldier groaned. This was a forced to be reckoned with, for sure. But, the early adult could feel determination flow through him enough to have a red heart appear in the battlefield. He could eliminate this dragon, mark hiss wordlessness.

Throwing his blade with all his might, the dragon had soon been slain after about forty more blows combined between the party of three. Abyssal gazelle duo waving their fists, the hyena rolled his eyes. Oh, boy, here it comes, time for revenge round thirty. A riveting experience.

"We will have our revenge!" Izzet shouted. But, as they said such, an arrow had been gifted to their stomach.

"He will get it for doing that!" Kelebek shouted at Lonan. As one said such, something clicked.

Abyssal gazelles gone, the fog had been completely gone. Seeing such, the early adult sighed. It was their doing all along again. When was it ever not? Lonan saying he knew it was their doing, the party of three readied to head back towards capital city of Fontaine. But, as they did such, the soldier's thoughts wandered.

As the capital city drew closer, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why were the gazelles constantly doing these dangerous acts? If they kept this up, Fontaine would be uninhabitable. Was that what they wanted? He knew that had to have been the case. What a horrible goal to strive towards, the lowest of the low.

Ginger Fatui dismissing him shortly after arriving at the Court of Fontaine, the soldier highlighted the waypoint to the military barracks, he had reached the soundproof room in ten minutes. Pacing around the room, for a moment, his thoughts wandered. Why were the abyssal gazelles doing something like this? This wasn't right. Should this get any worse, and the entire population of Fontaine could face extinction. But, he knew he had to tone his thoughts down. That was a bit overdramatic, for sure.

Letting out a yawn, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Closing his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow, the land of tormented dreams readied to pull him back in. But as the world of sleep claimed him for the evening, one final thought wrapped vines around the hyena.

The abyssal gazelles are getting worse.

Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Chapter 33 - Palamon - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.