Walls - SANS10400-Building Regulations South Africa (2024)

Walls Support the Roof and other Loads-Part K

The fundamental structure of a house is formed by its external walls, which must support the roof and take any other load that is built above. The section of the National Building Regulations that deals with walls is SANS 10400-K and it has several parts, each dealing with building walls, and the elements of how both internal and external walls should be correctly constructed.

Changes to the Legislation

Like much of SANS 10400, Part K: Walls has changed quite substantially, both in terms of the legislation and the section that deals with The application of the National Building Regulations, which is the document prepared by the SABS and published separately to the legislation.

(NOTE: Previously SABS 0400, which became SANS 10400, was published by the SABS in its entirety, with the legislation and a Code of Practice which took the form of “deemed-to-satisfy requirements”. When the legislation changed on May 30, 2008, this was gazetted. The SABS then progressively updated its guidelines and published them over a period of years, as a series of individual documents. These are available from offices of the SABS and from the Bureau’s webstore, HERE. The new version of Part K was published on 29-03-2011 and it costs R517.56 including VAT.)

This article deals primarily with the changes to the legislation, and how it applies to building walls, rather than the South African National Standards.

Structural Strength and Stability of Building Walls

Part K 1 of the regulations states that,“Any wall shall be designed and constructed to safely sustain any actions which can reasonably be expected to occur and in such a manner that any local damage (including cracking) or deformation do not compromise the opening and closing of doors and windows or the weather tightness of the wall and in the case of any structural wall, be capable of safely transferring such actions to the foundations supporting such wall.”

This has been substantially expanded. Previously the legislation simply said the walls should be capable of safely sustaining any loads to which they would be likely to be subjected. It also said that structural walls should be capable of safely transferring such loads to the foundation supporting a structural wall.

There are various walling materials available, made primarily from clay and cement-based products. You will need to decide which is the best material for your particular purposes. Walls can also be built with stone or timber, but each material has its own set of methods to satisfy the requirements.

Solid brick walls normally consist of two brick skins that are joined together and strengthened with brickforce or brick reinforcing and/or wall-ties (a mild steel wire laid between some of the courses to add strength). The interior and exterior surfaces are normally plastered but may be fairfaced (facebrick). Concrete block walls are a more economic option and are often used for garages and outbuildings.

Water Penetration of Walls

Whatever materials you choose to use when you build, the method used for building walls must comply with Part K 2 of the regulations. Primarily they must be built to prevent water penetrating into any part of the building. All cavity walls must be well drained by means of weep holes above a damp-proof course. All cement bricks and blocks are relatively porous and should be plastered or rendered on both sides for thorough waterproofing.

Basem*nts and semi-basem*nts are also referred to in the “new” legislation, and any room below ground must be adequately waterproofed.

The legislation reads: “Where a building includes a basem*nt or semi-basem*nt, the local authority may, if it considers that conditions on the site on which the building is to be erected necessitate integrated designs for the penetration of water into such basem*nt or semi-basem*nt applicable to all construction elements or components thereof, require the submission of such designs for approval. Construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the approved design.”

In recent years, a variety of alternative construction methods have been developed, most notably in the sphere of cheaper housing. These include the building of walls with insulated fibrecement panels; with fibreglass panels; creating the basic structure with shuttered no-fines concrete; using polystyrene sprayed onto a basic framework; or piling up sausage-shaped bags of sand and cement. If you want to use any altrernative method it would be best to contact your local authority planning division, or building inspector, for guidance.

Roof Fixing

Part K 3 deals with the way in which the roof of any building is attached to the wall and states that this must be done securely and safely and must be able to withstand any natural forces such as high winds or rain and hail. Specifically, it states:

“Where any roof truss, rafter or beam is supported by any wall, provision shall be made to fix such truss, rafter or beam to such wall in a secure manner that will ensure than any actions to which the roof may normally be subjected will be transmitted to such wall.”

While this clause of the legislation is basically the same as it was previously – one word has changed with forces deleted and actions replacing it – there are substantial amendments to the so-called “deemed-to-satisfy requirements” published in SANS 10400, Part K Walls. Similarly there are many changes – more so in the form of additions – toSANS 10400, Part L Roofs.

The Ways Walls Behave in Fire

Part K 4 deals with Behaviour in Fire, and state simple that, “Any wall shall have combustibility and fire resistance characteristics appropriate to the location and use of such wall”.

Brick, block and stone walls are generally accepted as fire resistant. Timber frame with timber or fibrecement cladding need to be certified, and you should check with the supplier regarding these rules for their type of walling, before you decide which material you are going to use for building walls.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Requirements

Part K 5 of the legislation states that Parts K 1 to K 4 will have been deemed to be satisfied “where the structural strength and stability of any wall, the prevention of water penetration into or through such wall, the fixing of any roof to such wall, and the behavior in a fire of such wall” complies with the relevant part of SANS 10400. This standard, “Establishes deemed-to-satisfy solutions for rain penetration and damp-proofing and contains simple design and construction provisions for masonry walls in single-storey and double-storey buildings and framed buildings that do not exceed four storeys; masonry balustrade walls and masonry free-standing boundary, garden and retaining walls.”


Roofs-Part L

Walls - SANS10400-Building Regulations South Africa (2024)


What are the building regulations for boundary walls in South Africa? ›

Solid boundary walls may not be any higher than 1.8 m on street boundaries, and no higher than 2,1 m on lateral boundaries. Palisade-type fences may not be higher than 2.1 m on either street or lateral boundaries. Fences may not be higher than 2,1 m on street boundaries.

What is the sans building regulations in South Africa? ›

Developed by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), SANS 10400 is a series of regulations that set the standards for building construction across the nation. These regulations are more than just recommendations; adhering to them is mandatory by law.

How high can you build a single brick wall in South Africa? ›

The wall should have reinforced concrete footings and support piers to give extra stability. Walls should be built no taller than a maximum height of 1.8 metres. The higher the wall, the larger the support piers need to be. If the wall is higher than 1 m, double bricks and support piers should be used.

What is the height of a boundary wall in South Africa? ›

Solid boundary walls limited to a maximum height of 1.8m. Palisade-type fences capped at 2.1m.

How close to my boundary can my neighbour build? ›

If you build on your land away from the boundary (even by a small amount), you will not need to notify your neighbour. However, if you are forming foundations, you may need serve a notice under Section 6 of the Party Wall Act, if their building is closer than 3m.

Who owns a boundary wall South Africa? ›

In accordance with the co-ownership theory (which is the theory most likely to be applied by the courts), ownership in the party wall is presumed to be shared and therefore the cost of maintenance and erection of the party wall is shared between the neighbours.

What structures can you build without planning permission in South Africa? ›

However, minor building work doesn't need planning permission. Examples include: Structures that people would not live in. For example, a garden shed or a wendy house (less than 5 m2) that you put up for your children to play in, a pergola, or a gazebo.

What are the sans codes in South Africa? ›

In South Africa, the term “SANS codes” refers to the South African National Standards (SANS). These are a set of technical standards and codes developed by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) to ensure quality, safety, and compatibility in various industries and sectors.

What does sans stand for in South Africa? ›

SANS stands for South African National Standards and SABS stands for The South African Bureau of Standards. It is therefore incorrect to refer to the SABS as a standard. This is because it is a testing and certification body who is allowed to sample and test products.

How much does a boundary wall cost in South Africa? ›

Boundary Walls can cost as little as R10000 (depending on design, materials used and running meters required to cover) or 100s of thousands of Rands for top quality materials / large perimeter boundary walls.

How high can a single brick wall be built? ›

As a general rule of thumb, expect to build a single brick wall up to 7 feet before putting in extra support systems. Of course, there are other factors to take into consideration. We are about to break down all of the factors you need to know to determine how high a brick wall can be built.

How many bricks to build a 3 bedroom house in South Africa? ›

How many Bricks do You Need to Build a 3 Bedroom House? If you are planning to build a 3 bedroom house, you will need between 15 000 and 25 000 bricks. As with a 5-room house, the number of bricks required will vary depending on the size of the rooms and the type of brick being used.

What is the fence law in South Africa? ›

Any person who climbs over, or crawls through a fence without the permission of the owner or lessee of the land on which it is situated commits a criminal offence. Any person who damages, or removes any fence commits a criminal offence.

How thick are exterior walls South Africa? ›

A single leaf externally plastered block wall must be not less than 140 mm thick; • A single leaf brick wall must not be less than 190 mm thick; • Must be a masonry cavity wall • Precast concrete walls of not less than 40mm thick may be used to form part of a garage or garden store, provided that any joints in this ...

How high should a house ceiling be in South Africa? ›

Standard ceiling heights in South Africa are between 2.1m and 2.4. This means that you ideally want a ceiling fixture that is no more than 40cm in height and it should not be hung lower than 2m above the floor.

What are the different types of boundary walls in South Africa? ›

There are various boundary wall or boundary fencing options available. You can choose between concrete panels, plain brick, concrete blocks, plastered brick, metal fencing, wooden fencing, palisade / vibracrete. Often there are building restrictions when it comes to erecting a boundary wall.

How close to property line can a structure be built? ›

The minimum distance from the back and side property lines should be 10 feet and 3 feet from any easem*nt. For lots with a width of 50 feet or less, the distance from side property lines will be 5 feet. If the accessory structure exceeds 75 feet from the front line, the back/ sideline distance should be 3 feet.

What are the requirements for a bund wall in South Africa? ›

Wall-type bunds at tank storage facilities should be from 0.5 m to 1.5 m high, depending on the required containment capacity and the distance to the tank—the closer the wall to the tank, the higher the wall should be. The distance between tanks and bund walls should be at least 1 m.

What is the difference between setting boundaries and building walls? ›

Boundaries communicate what we want in our relationships, are flexible (when appropriate), and are created in the context of dialogue. These maintain healthy relationships, allow for honest disclosure of feelings, and respect the emotions of all. Walls are impersonal, prohibit intimacy, and arise upon anger/conflict.

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