President’s Activities during January 2024 (2024)

During the month of January 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s activities varied, both locally and abroad. The activities comprise field tours, conferences and internal visits, receiving heads of state and kings, receiving foreign Arab and African officials, phone calls and telegrams, and delivering speeches. Following are the monthly activities of the president in detail:

Meetings with government officials

On January 1, 2024,President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Prime Minister, Dr. Moustafa Madbouly, and Minister of Social Solidarity Nevine El-Qabbaj.The meetingtackled a number of issues, primarily the protection and improvement of the quality of life of the elderly in Egypt and ways to address the challenges they encounter. President El-Sisi was briefed on the services provided to them, including social, insurance and healthcare services. The discussion also touched on the need to facilitate transactions for the elderly in all institutions, in addition to coordinating efforts and developing a common vision toward providing them with the means to live in dignity.
The President gave directives to further enhance and develop programs for the care of the elderly, set standards for the quality of services offered to them and compile the budgets allocated to their benefits and services. President El-Sisi also directed to allocate 100 million pounds from the “Long Live Egypt Fund” to support the “Fund for the Elderly”, which is set to be established once Parliament approves the Elders’ Rights Law.
The President stressed the necessity to start studying ways to boost social, health and legal protection for the elderly, and stimulate their community participation across all levels, emanating from the belief in the state’s responsibility towards its citizens in this age group.The meeting also focused on the government’s efforts to bolster the societal role of ”Nasser Bank” and the bank’s projects which target economic empowerment, expanding the solidarity sector, and developing social responsibility. This includes in particular offering financing to stimulate local demand and the various banking and savings products to meet the needs of customers from the various strata.
President El-Sisi stressed the need to strengthen efforts toward modernizing and developing the bank’s information and technology systems, and facilitating procedures of financial inclusion and electronic banking, in line with the state’s endeavors toward digital transformation.The President was briefed on the government's efforts to regulate civil society work, the procedures currently being implemented to activate the automation of the civil society work system, and the development of the electronic services to expedite the procedures for obtaining permits and approvals for projects and grants. This aims to confirm the powerful contributions of civil society in addressing societal issues, participating in national projects and achieving the sustainable development indicators.The President instructed to strengthen the technological element in civil society work, in general, and boost training for relevant staff to meet international best practices in harnessing this element. This is in addition to facilitating and providing technology to civil society organizations, so as to streamline management practices and achieve the utmost economic benefits and social returns from civil society programs.

On January 13, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Ayman Ashour, President's Advisor for Urban Planning Major General Amir Sayed Ahmed, and Head of the Armed Forces Engineering Authority Major General Ahmed Al-Azzazi.The meetingdiscussed the state’s efforts to develop higher education facilities in Egypt. The President was briefed on the progress of work in projects to establish new universities across the country.The minister of higher education presented the proposed visions by the relevant committee for plans to develop Historic Cairo to restore the city’s splendor and alleviate the challenges it faces, as many buildings require restoration. This is in addition to the increase in population density in those areas, adding to the pressure on the facilities.
President El-Sisi gave directives to continue studying the proposed visions and plans from all aspects, stressing that the main goal is to preserve the authentic heritage value of the historic city. This is while facilitating the access of citizens to facilities and services, and increasing green spaces, in a way that guarantees citizens’ right to a clean environment. Also, linking archaeological and tourist attractions, within the framework of plans to enhance local and foreign tourism.

On January 17, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Prime Minister, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly; Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, El Sayyed El Quseir; Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Dr. Hani Sewilam, and Executive Director of Egypt’s Future Authority for Sustainable Development, Colonel Bahaa El-GhanamThe meetingfocused on the state's efforts to forge closer agricultural cooperation with the African continent. This will be pursued in alignment with the vision to boost regional integration mechanisms, strengthen the continent's resilience in the face of international economic fluctuations, and leverage Africa’s resources in order to boost self-sufficiency in the continent and safeguard food security.
President El-Sisi was briefed on the challenges facing public and private investments in the continent, and the state's vision on how to support these investments.President El-Sisi gave directives to work toward boosting Egyptian investments in African countries in an array of fields, mainly agricultural investment, logistical areas, and relevant activities such as agricultural manufacturing.
The President stressed the need to give priority to the Egyptian private sector to spearhead the implementation of cooperation projects in this regard. President El-Sisi also directed the government to study and prepare appropriate mechanisms to minimize risks for investors, while empowering them in a manner that realizes shared prosperity for Egypt and its brothers in the African continent.

On January 27, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Ayman Ashour.

President El-Sisi followed-up on the implementation of the state’s plans to improve the quality of university education and link it to the labor market and development needs.

The minister of higher education presented the state's executive strategy for technological education, including the expansion of the establishment of technological universities to cover all governorates and the development of their systems to keep pace with the successive scientific development.

The President was also briefed on the government's program to accommodate the rapid increase in the number of university students, as well as international students, and the ongoing efforts in this regard to establish a city for international students to accommodate the increasing numbers.

The President reviewed the developments to activate the Alliance and Development Initiative, which aims to strengthen alliances between the universities and industrial authorities, to set development plans from each governorate, based on linking and integrating the educational process with development needs. The Ministry of Higher Education has allocated one billion Egyptian pounds from donors to activate this initiative.

The meeting also reviewed the developments of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank Initiative. President El-Sisi gave directives to continue activating this initiative, so as to contribute to improving the classification of Egyptian universities, institutions and research centers internationally, and to ensure strengthening the knowledge economy and benefiting from the enormous potential of human capital in Egypt.

The meeting also touched on efforts to develop university hospitals, increase their numbers, provide educational and training programs at the highest levels, and offer modern therapeutic services. The budget of university hospitals was reviewed, which has increased three-fold over the last 10 years to ensure the provision of the best levels of service to citizens.

President El-Sisi gave directives to continue intensive work to raise the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of university education in Egypt, focus on the quality of the academic output, enhance its developmental component, and link it to economic and development needs. The President also gave directives to provide all support to the existing and new initiatives in the field of higher education, in light of the priority given to the education sector and in a way that reflects positively on achieving the state’s goal to enhance the scientific and cultural formation of the Egyptian human personality, the competitiveness of Egyptian human resources regionally and globally, as well as striving to transform Egypt into an attractive regional destination for distinguished university education, whether through various Egyptian universities, or by expanding the establishment of branches of foreign universities with high international rankings in Egypt.

Field tours

On January 5, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inspected new roads and axes projects that have been or are currently being implemented in the New Cairo area. These projects aim to inject life into a 15-thousand feddan area between the south of Sokhna Road and New Cairo and take full advantage of it in an array of economic and urban fields, in order to increase national income and generate jobs in a variety of sectors.

On January 6, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inspected Egypt International City for Olympic Games in the New Administrative Capital. The President also met with the national football team, which is in the process of training to prepare for its participation in the African Cup of Nations in Côte d’Ivoire. President El-Sisi stressed the need for the team to exert every effort to please the Egyptian fans.

On January 6, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi witnessed the Christmas Mass Ceremony at the Nativity of Christ Cathedral in the New Administrative Capital. The President extended heartfelt greetings to the Egyptian people, wishing them a year of goodness, safety and security.

On January 24, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi attended a celebration marking the 72nd anniversary of the Police Day and met with members of the Supreme Police Council.

Receiving kings and presidents

On January 8, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, at Al-Ittihadiya Palace.The two Presidents held an expanded session of talks, attended by the two countries’ delegations, on the ongoing developments in the Palestinian Territories. Palestinian President Abbas offered an overview on the latest in the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip and the subsequent humanitarian catastrophe unfolding there, as well as the situation in the West Bank, where tension and violence have been escalating from the Israeli side. President El-Sisi reviewed Egypt’s intensive efforts and current contacts with the various actors to push for a ceasefire and for the immediate and unfettered delivery of humanitarian assistance and relief, in sufficient quantities, to the Gaza Strip in order to end the suffering of the civilians in the sector.During the talk, there was an emphasis on the pivotal role assumed by the Palestinian National Authority and on the vital need to take all necessary measures to provide support to the Palestinian Authority, in order for it to function effectively. President El-Sisi and President Abbas stressed that the Palestinian cause is currently passing through a critical phase, which requires that the international community and active players exercise the highest degrees of responsibility, historically, politically and at the humanitarian level, in order to work toward a just and comprehensive settlement, that envisages the establishment and acknowledgment of an independent Palestinian State, along the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as this is the fundamental guarantor for security and stability in the region.
The two Presidents reiterated the unequivocal and absolute rejection of any endeavors and attempts, aimed at liquidating the Palestinian issue or the forced displacement of the Palestinians outside their lands in any form.Palestinian President Abbas expressed immense appreciation for Egypt’s role in support of the Palestinian issue, historically and up until the present moment, in which Egypt is exerting unwavering and persistent efforts across all levels to end the bloodshed of the Palestinian people and support their efforts to obtain their legitimate rights.
On January 21, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, at Al-Ittihadiya Palace, for talks on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and enhance the regional situations.

Receiving Arab and foreign officials

On January 3, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received a bipartisan Congressional Delegation, led by Senator Joni Ernst, of Democrats and Republicans from various committees. The meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry.The two sides emphasized the significance and centrality of the strategic partnership and close relations between Egypt and the U.S. The Congressional Delegation underscored the U.S. commitment, particularly Congress', to further advancing areas of joint cooperation, given Egypt’s status and regional role, as well as its unwavering efforts to reinforce security, stability and development in the region.There was an open discussion between President El-Sisi and the U.S. Delegation on regional developments, notably in the Gaza Strip. The President reviewed the current situation, and reiterated the critical need to work, in earnest, toward achieving a just and comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue, through the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, in line with the approved terms of reference. President El-Sisi affirmed that currently the utmost priority is to achieve a ceasefire, protect civilians and ensure unfettered delivery of humanitarian relief aid in sufficient quantities into the Strip to address the humanitarian tragedy and immense suffering of its people, in line with and implementation of the relevant UN resolutions. President El-Sisi stressed Egypt’s categorical and absolute rejection of any attempts to liquidate the Palestinian issue through the forced displacement of the Palestinians from their lands.Members of the Congressional Delegation commended Egypt’s valued role and efforts along the political and humanitarian tracks. They were keen on getting a better understanding of President El-Sisi’s future vision in this regard. The President reaffirmed that the only way to achieve sustainable security and stability in the region is through a just settlement, paving the way for true security for all the peoples of the region and defusing crises and wars. The President also underlined the crucial need to exert intensive and responsible efforts to avert factors conducive to the expansion of the conflict in the region, given the grave and momentous repercussions this would have on regional and international peace and security.

On January 8, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit.The Secretary-General of the Arab League congratulated the President on his re-election for a new presidential term, wishing him success in achieving the interests of the Egyptian people and the Arab nation.President El-Sisi expressed his appreciation and confirmed commitment to maintaining Egypt's supportive approach to the Arab League, stemming from belief in its pivotal role in joint Arab action and preserving Arab unity in the face of the complex and unprecedented challenges facing the region.The meetingtackled the most important regional issues and challenges, mainly the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip, and the intensive efforts aimed at reaching a ceasefire and ensuring access to humanitarian aid. This is in addition to effectuating the two-state solution track, which would lead to the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights as well as the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, in accordance with the endorsed international references.

On January 11, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received the US Secretary of State, Mr. Anthony Blinken, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of the Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, Major General Abbas Kamel.

The US Secretary of State conveyed US President Biden’s greetings and appreciation to President El-Sisi, noting the continued Egyptian efforts to calm the situation in the region and reinforce peace and stability. This was appreciated by President El-Sisi, who stressed Egypt’s keenness to continue coordination between the two sides for the interest of regional security and stability.

The meetingtouched on the regional situation, especially in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories. Mr.Blinken was keen to share with President El-Sisi the course of his expanded tour in the region and to listen to Egypt’s vision regarding the prospects for a solution.

The meeting outlined the Egyptian efforts to communicate with all parties, with the aim of reaching an immediate ceasefire and ensuring accessibility to humanitarian aid.

President El-Sisi stressed the need for the international community to undertake its responsibilities to implement the relevant UN resolutions in order for assistance to enter in sufficient quantities to end the humanitarian plight in the sector and save the people of Gaza from the enormous suffering they are experiencing. It is also imperative for the calming efforts to lead to a just and comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue, which addresses the roots of the current situation, enables the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights, and achieves security, development, and prosperity for all the peoples of the region.
The two sides agreed to maintain intensive consultations on the current situation and to communicate with various parties to advance efforts to calm the situation and prevent the conflict from expanding.

They also affirmed their categorical rejection of the principle or attempts to displace Palestinians from their lands and their commitment to the two-state solution as the basis for achieving stability in the region.

On January 14, 2023, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Foreign Minister, H.E. Wang Yi.The meetingwas also attended by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, senior Chinese officials and China’s Ambassador to Egypt. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Foreign Minister, H.E. Wang Yi.China’s Foreign Minister conveyed a letter from President Xi Jinping to President El-Sisi, congratulating him on his re-election for a new presidential term. President Xi Jinping also confirmed China’s commitment to further advancing the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, and valued Egypt’s role in consolidating security, stability, and development in the Middle East.President El-Sisi expressed gratitude to President Xi Jinping, and highlighted Egypt’s pride in its relations with China, which are based on the principles of mutual respect and common interests.
President El-Sisi stressed Egypt’s persistent support for the One-China principle and commitment to fostering closer coordination to reinforce international peace and stability.The meeting touched on ways to strengthen frameworks of joint cooperation, with both sides stressing resolve to continue joint economic development projects, at both the bilateral level and within the framework of their membership of the BRICS grouping as well as the “Belt and Road’ Initiative.The President and China’s Foreign Minister exchanged views on regional and international developments, notably the ongoing escalation in the region against the backdrop of the Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip.
President El-Sisi underscored the imperative need to reach a ceasefire in Gaza to protect the civilians, provide them with relief from the catastrophic humanitarian situation they have been enduring, defuse tension in the region and avoid aggravating factors of regional instability.China’s Foreign Minister concurred with Egypt’s position, and valued its internationally recognized role along both the political and humanitarian tracks. The two sides reviewed the historical and humanitarian responsibility Egypt has assumed in mobilizing, receiving and assembling humanitarian assistance from all over the world and its efforts to surmount the impediments and complexities encountered in the process of delivering this aid to the people of Gaza, which took place in full coordination with the UN and the international community. They also discussed the assistance and relief that Egypt’s government and people have been providing, which represent the vast majority of the total aid offered. There was an emphasis on the critical importance for the international community to assume its responsibilities in this regard so as to enforce the delivery of relief into the Gaza Strip, in line with the relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.
During the talks, Egypt and China also underscored their positions with regard to the vital need to comply to international law, reiterating their vehement and categorical rejection of individual and collective forced transfer or forced displacement of the Palestinians from their lands.
The two sides also agreed on the necessity to address the root causes of the crisis through a just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian issue, based on the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.
On January 16, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of French shipping and logistics company, CMA CGM Group, Mr. Rodolphe Saadé. The meeting was also attended by Prime Minister, Dr. Moustafa Madbouly; Minister of Transport, Lieutenant-General Kamel Al-Wazir; Chairman and Managing Director of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), Admiral Osama Rabie; and First Deputy Chairman of CMA CGM Group, Mr. Patrice Bergamini.
The CEO of CMA CGM Group briefed the President on progress of the French company’s projects in Egypt, commending the current state of cooperation between the two sides. Mr. Saadé confirmed CMA CGM Group’s interest in expanding the scope of this cooperation to include new projects, given the enormous and promising prospects for business in Egypt, in the fields of port development and logistics hubs.
President El-Sisi lauded the outstanding Egyptian-French relations across various levels as well as the ongoing cooperation between Egypt and the French company. The President highlighted CMA CGM Group’s role in the development of a number of Egyptian ports and in strengthening their logistical efficiency and capacity. President El-Sisi pointed out that this aligns with the state's vision of transforming these ports into hubs for trade and services, as part of the state's plan to bolster Egypt's role as a global logistics and commercial hub.
On January 17, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received Greece’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Gerapetritis. The meeting was also attended by Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry.The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs conveyed the greetings of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to President El-Sisi, reaffirming his country's commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation across all areas. This was appreciated by President El-Sisi, who underscored the significance of the strategic relations between the two countries.
The President also commended the persistent coordination and cooperation between the two sides on various issues, at both the bilateral level or through the Trilateral Cooperation Mechanism with Cyprus.
The meetingdiscussed the tense regional situation, with President El-Sisi warning of the danger of the military escalation in the region on multiple fronts. The President reiterated the vital need to defuse the current critical situation through an immediate and urgent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and enforcing the delivery of humanitarian aid so as to mitigate the impact of the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.
President El-Sisi emphasized that Egypt will continue its unyielding efforts to support the people of the Strip, provide them with aid and relief and work towards calming the situation.The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs concurred with President El-Sisi's stance, highlighting the pivotal status of Egypt as an indispensable cornerstone for stability in the Middle East.
The two sides also agreed on the imperative need to move quickly and in earnest towards a just and comprehensive settlement for the Palestinian cause, which is the central issue in the region and the path toward achieving peace, security, and stability.
On January 22, 2024, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Chairman of the Greek Copelouzos Group, Dimitrios Copelouzos, in the presence of Prime Minister, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Dr. Mohamed Shaker, and a number of senior company executives.During the meeting, the President was briefed on progress in the “GREGY Project” for power interconnection with Europe, particularly with the successful incorporation of the project into the initial list of projects of common interest in the European Union. This paves the way for embarking on the next phase of the project’s implementation, namely the preparation of the final technical and environmental studies as well as the study to determine the path of marine connection cables.
The President was offered an overview of the group’s plans for the production of renewable energy in Egypt. President El-Sisi was given a presentation on efforts exerted to boost joint work between Egypt and the group to implement a 9.5 gigawatt wind and solar power production project, which will strongly support the Egyptian economy and make a major contribution to efforts toward transition to clean energy in Egypt and Europe.President El-Sisi gave directives to proceed and expedite joint cooperation efforts between the two sides so as to complete the proposed projects as soon as possible. He also stressed the need to streamline procedures and eliminate any impediments that might be encountered during the course of the project’s implementation. The President confirmed Egypt’s keenness on playing a leading role in the international transition to clean energy, which will benefit Egypt at both the economic and environmental levels. President El-Sisi lauded the persistent cooperation between Egypt and Greece across all areas, which demonstrates the robust relations the two countries share.

Foreign visits

On January 10, 2024,President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi headed to Al-ʿAqabah, Jordan, to participate in an Egyptian-Jordanian-Palestinian summit, with King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.M. King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, and Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas. The three leaders are gathering for consultations on the Israeli military escalation in the Gaza Strip and endeavors to push and exert robust efforts toward stopping the escalation and salvaging the people of Gaza from the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in the sector.

During the summit, President El-Sisi is expected to review Egypt’s efforts to reach a ceasefire and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid and relief, and outline Egypt’s vision on ways to achieve a just and comprehensive solution for the Palestinian issue.the summit convened at a crucial moment for the Arab region. He added that President El-Sisi was keen on coordinating stances with his brothers King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.M. King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to ensure unity of ranks and positions and to preserve the security and stability of the peoples of the region.

During the summit, President El-Sisi highlighted Egypt’s tireless efforts to open dialogue with all parties to reach an immediate and urgent ceasefire in Gaza. The President underscored Egypt’s commitment to providing, coordinating and delivering humanitarian relief aid to the people of Gaza, which resulted in the entry of thousands of tons of fuel, relief and supplies and the reception of a large number of injured people for treatment in Egyptian hospitals. President El-Sisi noted, however, that what has been provided is insufficient to adequately protect the people of Gaza from the severe humanitarian catastrophe they are currently enduring, adding that this situation requires a robust stance from the international community to push for a ceasefire, which represents a crucial guarantee to protect the people of Gaza and prevent the region from sliding into further tension.
The three leaders agreed on the unequivocal and categorical rejection of any endeavors, attempts or proposals that aim to liquidate the Palestinian issue or forcibly displace the Palestinian people outside their land. They underscored their absolute dismissal of any attempts to reoccupy parts of Gaza, reiterating the imperative need to enable the people of the sector to return to their homes, and stressing the vital importance for the international community to shoulder its responsibility for the implementation of the relevant international resolutions, primarily those of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly.
The three leaders warned against the gravity of hostilities in the West Bank or any desecrations to religious sanctities, which will only aggravate tension in the region, plunging it into an uncontrollable state.The summit also reaffirmed full and unshakable support for the Palestinian National Authority to enable it to assume its tasks and protect the Palestinian people against the violations they have been enduring across the Palestinian territories.The three leaders confirmed vehement rejection of any endeavors to separate the tracks between Gaza and the West Bank, affirming that the only guarantor for the stability of the situation in the region and its protection from the expansion of the cycle of conflict and from matters spiraling out of control is reaching a just and comprehensive settlement for the Palestinian issue, envisaging the establishment and acknowledgement of an independent Palestinian State along the June 4, 1967 borders, with Arab East Jerusalem as its capital.


On January 23, 2024,President El-Sisi & President Putin Witnessed Pouring of Concrete for El-Dabaa Plant’s Power Unit 4.The President delivered the following speech:

“In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful”Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin,President of the Russian Federation,Honorable Attendees,At the beginning, I would like to express my sincere and profound appreciation and pleasure for the generous participation of my dear friend, His Excellency President Vladimir Putin, in the ceremony of pouring the first concrete into the foundation of Power Unit 4 at El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant, marking the groundbreaking for the Egyptian state’s major construction phase in the nuclear power plant.I would also like to extend gratitude to the distinguished guests.

Ladies and Gentlemen,It gives me pleasure, pride and honor to share with you this historic moment that shall forever shine in the history and memory of this nation and stand as a testament to the resolve of this great people who have shaped history over the ages, fueled by their determination, persistence and hard work. Today, they are writing a new bright chapter in history by fulfilling the long-held aspiration of all Egyptians of owning a peaceful nuclear plant, and demonstrating their willpower to move steadfastly on the path of development and construction and build a bright future for Egypt.This great event that we are celebrating today, represents another chapter in the close cooperation between Egypt and the Russian Federation. It is another milestone that is added to the parade of achievements of the joint Egyptian-Russian cooperation throughout history. It also reflects the enormous efforts exerted by both sides towards implementing Egypt's national project, with the establishment of El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant. The construction of the power plant is progressing faster than the planned schedule, surpassing time constraints and overcoming all difficulties. This demonstrates the huge importance the Egyptian State is according to the energy sector, emanating from a belief in its vital role as an essential engine for economic growth and one of the pillars of economic and social development, as envisaged in “Egypt’s Vision 2030.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,The crisis in global energy supplies that our world is witnessing today underscores the significance of the strategic decisions taken by the Egyptian State to revive the Egyptian peaceful nuclear program for the production of electrical energy. This shall contribute to providing safe, cheap, and long-term energy supplies, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and avoiding fluctuations in their prices.Introducing nuclear power into the energy mix that Egypt relies on to produce electricity is crucial to meeting the growing demands for electrical energy so as to fulfil the needs of economic and social development plans and contribute to boosting reliance on new and renewable energy, which achieves environmental sustainability and addresses climate change.

In conclusion,I would like, once again, to extend gratitude to your Excellency President Putin for joining this ceremony. I would also like to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to the employees of Atomstroyexport, the Russian general contractor of the project, as well as the Nuclear Power Plants’ Authority, which is supervising the construction of this mega national project, wishing you enduring success in the next stages of the project.

Thank you, and may Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you

On January 24, 2024, President El-Sisi delivered a Speech at the celebration marking 72nd anniversary of Police Day:

“In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful”

Gentlemen, Members of the Police,Honorable Attendees,It gives me pleasure to extend to you my sincerest gratitude, appreciation and respect. Allow me at the outset to ask you to observe a moment of silence in memory of the souls of Egypt’s righteous martyrs.The great people of Egypt,Today, we are celebrating the 72ndanniversary of Police Day; this honorable day, when the brave heroes of the Egyptian police force stood steadfastly to defend the dignity and pride of their country in Ismailia in 1952. They offered their lives as a precious price for the sake of Egypt’s national pride, driven by an embedded belief that protecting the security of the country and citizens is the most sublime objective that transcends any other.The sacrifices of those heroes for their country on that day 72 years ago have emerged as a powerful and inspiring force that flows through the heart of this country to restore its youth and bring it closer to the day of its independence. And just as the sacrifices of the police officers in Ismailia ignited the motives of national pride, the sacrifices of the martyrs of the Armed Forces, the Police and the sons of Egypt in confrontations against terrorism over the past years shall also take their rightful place on the nation’s eternal wall of honor and heroism.Those are sacrifices that we highly appreciate and honor. We all bear the enormous responsibility to respond to the generosity of the martyrs with generosity, reciprocate their sacrifices with sacrifice and turn their dream for a precious and proud Egypt into a reality for their sons and grandchildren, generation after generation.

Ladies and gentlemen,Today’s commemoration comes at a crucial time, as the region is grappling with unprecedented challenges and as Egypt is facing a grave regional reality that is intertwined with international circ*mstances, unseen in the world for long decades.Our position on the recent regional developments and in the Gaza Strip has been clear since the very beginning, based on Egypt’s profound sense of historical and humanitarian responsibility to always stand side by side with its Palestinian brothers. Egypt will continue to embrace this role, guided by nobility, honor and impartiality until the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights are restored.The proud people of Egypt,Intertwined regional and international complexities have left Egypt grappling with formidable economic challenges. If it were not for the will of the great Egyptian people, we would not have been able to withstand them. Over the past years, the Egyptians’ will has established a solid foundation that will help us, God willing, to overcome the current circ*mstances.Let me tell you honestly: This generation of Egyptians was destined by Allah to face a monumental task, carrying their country through mountains of hardships and challenges.I am confident that this sacred mission, which is our shared responsibility, will always be a source of honor in the memory of history for everyone who persevered for the sake of this homeland and triumphed for it.

I am confident that, God willing, Egypt’s enduring strength will persist with the steadfastness, resilience and sacrifices of its people, their race against time to realize their dreams, and their belief in their right and the right of their country to a better future, in which the Egyptian nation secures the status it is worthy of among nations.Finally, I would like, once again, to congratulate the police force on their day and commend their heroic role in protecting the citizens and preserving their security. I would like to reiterate that the state, with all its capacity and capabilities, is determined to achieve security in its comprehensive meaning:As every mega national project, in which the youth of Egypt exert efforts, provides a source of security for Egypt against need and poverty.Every reclamation of Egypt's desert lands and their conversion into green gardens, which produce goodness and prosperity, provides a source of security for the people of Egypt against future threats.Every hospital built, school and university established, factory and road constructed, is a source of protection and security for the citizens, providing them and their children with a decent life.This is our role and this is our responsibility. We pray to Allah Almighty to help us all to fulfill this role for the good of this dear homeland and its noble people.

Thank youBy the greatness of Allah Long Live Egypt.. Long Live Egypt.. Long Live Egypt..

May Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you

President’s Activities during January 2024 (2024)
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