New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009 · 2017. 9. 28. · AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T


Publication of the Armenian Missionary Association of America Oct/Nov/Dec 2009 - XLIII No. 5 (ISSN 1097-0924) AMAA news . In This Issue 90th Annual Meeting of the AMAA AEWC Executive Committee Meets Christmas in October Children Helping Children APC Honors Andy Torigian Visits - UN Armenia Ambassador and Karabagh Prime Minister ¾ÙÙ³Ýáõ¿É - ²ëïáõ³Í Ø»½Ç лï

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New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (3)

Publication of the Armenian Missionary Association of AmericaOct/Nov/Dec 2009 - XLIII No. 5 (ISSN 1097-0924)

AMAA news .

In This Issue90th Annual Meeting of the AMAAAEWC Executive Committee MeetsChristmas in OctoberChildren Helping ChildrenAPC Honors Andy TorigianVisits - UN Armenia Ambassador and Karabagh Prime Minister¾ÙÙ³Ýáõ¿É - ²ëïáõ³Í Ø»½Ç лï

New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (4)

AMAA NEWS is a publication of The Armenian Missionary Association of America, 31 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ 07652. Tel. (201) 265-2607; Fax (201) 265-6015E-Mail: [emailprotected]; Website: www.amaa.orgThe AMAA is a Tax Exempt, not for profit organization under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3)

Andrew Torigian, Executive DirectorDikran Youmshakian, Field DirectorAl DePaola Jr., Operations Director

OFFICERSH. Steven Aharonian, M.D., PresidentPeter Kougasian, Esq., Vice PresidentJeanmarie Papelian, Esq., Vice PresidentHarry Dulgarian, Recording SecretaryDavid Hagopian, Recording SecretaryGary Phillips, Esq., Recording SecretaryNurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., TreasurerDavid Hekemian, Assistant Treasurer

EDITORIAL BOARDAndrew Torigian, EditorLouisa Janbazian, Associate Editor, Art DirectorDikran Youmshakian, AdvisorAl DePaola, Advisor

CHANGE OF ADDRESSIn order to keep our mailing list up to date, pleasesend all corrections, along with the old address to: AMAA NEWS31 W. Century Rd.Paramus, NJ 07652E-mail: [emailprotected]

PRINTINGPrintsolutionsEnglewood, NJ Tel. (201) 567-9622

Andrew Torigian

E d i t o r i a l M e s s a g e

Cover Photo: Summer Camp/Christmas Committee members with some of the AMAA staff.

The 90th Annual Meeting of the Armenian Missionary Association of America held in Providence, Rhode Island

The Gift of Christmas

"Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him

what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:25-32). WhataChristmasgiftSimeonreceivedthatfirstChristmas!Thiswastrulythefinestblessinghecouldhavehopedfor.ToseehisRedeemerborntobringsalvationtotheworld.Ithelpsustoreflectonalltheblessingswe enjoy because of such love and care He expressed by coming down to earth for us. As we celebrate the beautiful Christmas season, let us give thanks for all the blessings we have received throughout the year. We at the AMAA are very pleased that we have been fortunate to be able to continue to spread the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in all 24 countries we serve. WewanttofloodtheworldwiththeknowledgethatGodsentHisonly begotten Son to us to save us from our sins. We celebrate this event each Christmas because Christ is God’s gift to us.

On a personal note, I wanted to take this opportunity to say “adieu” to all our members, friends and supporters of the AMAA. I will be retiring at the end of the year as Executive Director of the AMAA. Looking back, I thank God that he has given me the pleasure and opportunity to serve the AMAA and has allowed me to serve 24 years as a Board Member, two yearsasTreasurer,fouryearsasVicePresident,nineyearsasPresidentand 7½ years as Executive Director of the AMAA. We welcome with open arms our new Executive Director, Levon Filian, who will begin in January 2010. We shall give him our full support as he assumes his new position. I wanted to leave you with a glimpse into my heart for all of you by quotingapassagewrittenbytheApostlePaulinEph1:17-19,whichexpresses my feelings: "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.'" This, my brothers and sisters, is the very reason He came that first Christmas day. Let me extend our very warm wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.

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(Christ in born and is revealed, good tidings to you and to us.)Now you can join us on Facebook (AMAA) and follow us on Twitter (AMAATweets).

New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (5)



90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund

The Armenian Missionary Asso-ciation of America (AMAA) held its 90th annual meeting in Provi-dence, Rhode Island from Octo-

ber 16-18 marking a significant milestone not just for the missionary organization, but also for the Armenian Children’s Milk Fund, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The Armenian Children’s Milk Fund, an all-volunteer organization, which works in partnership with the AMAA, has been send-ing life-saving infant formula to Armenia since 1989 and was AMAA’s highlighted affiliated organization at its annual banquet this year. Over 100 people attended the AMAA meeting, including AMAA board members, Armenian Evangelical ministers, church rep-resentatives, chapter delegates, worldwide mission partners and friends from all over the world. On Friday, October 16, all were welcomed by Rev. Mgo Mekredijian, pastor of the host church, The Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church of Providence, R.I. with introductory greetings by Dr. H. Steven Aha-ronian, President of the AMAA. A seminar Investing and Financial Stewardship was presented by speakers Harold Nahigian, President of Nationwide Investments & Insurance, Inc. as well as Todd Polyniak, CPA, Principal and Director of accounting and auditing at Sax, Macy, Fromm & Co., AMAA’s independent auditors. Following the seminar, the AMAA Board of Directors meeting began where all who were present heard the updates and reports of the activities as well as a discussion of future plans. The 90th annual meeting began on Sat-urday, at 9:30 am at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, R.I., with reports from officers and administrators as well as from the numerous committees, affiliated boards, organizations, churches and chapters. The names of the newly elected members were announced as follows: H. Steven Aharonian M.D., Charles

Ani A. Janbazian, DMD

Bilezikian, Rev. Ara Guekguezian, Berjouhy Gulesserian, Lucy Janjigian, Aram R. Min-netian, Robert Messerlian, Carol Bezirganian Perez, M.D., and Michael Voskian, D.M.D. The annual meeting banquet was held that evening in The Bristol Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza where all members and guests were welcomed by Andrew Torigian, Executive Director of AMAA, followed by an invocation by Rev. Mgo Mekredijian. Guests of the evening and the participants in the program were introduced by the Master of Ceremonies, Melanie Zeitounian of the host church. Warm greetings were given by H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. (AMAA President), Rev. Joseph Matossian (Minister to Armenian Evangelical Union of North America), Rev. Joel Mikaelian (Armenian Evangelical Union of France President), Rev. Harout Selimian (Armenian Evangeli-cal World Council President) and Rev. Dr. René Leonian (AMAA Armenia Represen-tative). The highlight of the evening was the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Armenian Children’s Milk Fund, where the organization’s chair Jeanmarie Papelian, Esq. acknowledged the fund’s milestone with a video presentation that depicted the 20 years of bringing life-saving infant formula to the children of Armenia. In addition to the video presentation a special guest, Lilit Galstyan, from Vanadzor, Armenia was introduced. Lilit was one of the thousands of infants from Armenia who received the infant formula during the first few years of her life when she was unable to be breast fed because she and her mother were both suffering a life threatening infection from tainted well water. Without the formula, she may not have been alive today. Now 17 years old and healthy, Lilit gave an emotional testimony and a word of gratitude and thanked the AMAA and the Milk Fund for their support. A beautiful musical program followed with soloist Gohar Manjelikian and pianist Levon

Lilit Galstyan of Vanadzor, Armenia with Jean Marie Papelian, Esq., Armenian Children’s Milk Fund Chair

Andy Torigian, AMAA Executive Director presenting a framed letter from Mr. Henry Morganthau to Mr. Stephen Philibosian from 1916 and picture of Mr. Morganthau to Mrs. Joyce Philibosian Stein in honor of the generosity of her father, Mr. Stephen Philibosian

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Hovsepian. Andy Torigian presented to Dr. Albert Phillips and his wife Sue a certificate of appreciation for all their work in coordi-nating and leading a medical team to Arme-nia in July 2009. They gave a presentation of the work accomplished there and shared their appreciation for the hard work of their entire team. Also, a letter from Mr. Henry Morganthau to Mr. Stephen Philibosian from 1916 and picture of Mr. Morganthau were beautifully mounted and presented by Andy Torigian to Mrs. Joyce Stein in honor of the generosity of her father, Mr. Stephen Philibosian, in both time and finances to assist needy Armenians. A benediction by the Rev. Dr. Vahan Tootikian concluded the

evening’s banquet. The 90th Annual Meeting Worship Service and Installation of AMAA officers were held the next morning at The Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church. Rev. Ave-dis Boynerian, moderator of the AEUNA, presented the Armenian sermon with Rev. Greg Haroutunian delivering the English sermon. Executive Director Andy Torigian gave a service of remembrance “to those AMAA members who concluded their earthly pilgrimage during the past year and joined the heavenly audience.” The service was concluded with the installation of the newly elected AMAA Board members by the Rev. Dr. Vahan Tootikian, Executive Director of

Andy Torigian, AMAA Executive Director presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. & Mrs. Albert & Sue Phillips Soloist Gohar Manajelikian and pianist Levon Hovsepian

the Armenian Evangelical World Council. The entire weekend would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the AMAA staff, The Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church, their minister Rev. Mgo Mekredijian and the Church Council for hosting the meeting and the ladies of the church for preparing the lunches and dinners, as well as Carlos and Nancy Taraktzian of the host church for playing a key role in handling the weekend’s logistics. The 90th annual meeting was once again a success, bringing all participants together in fellowship to praise God for AMAA and its services in 24 countries around the world. q

AMAA’S New and Continuing Leadership

It is with pleasure that the Board of Directors of the Armenian Missionary Association of America announces its new Executive Director. The AMAA Board, at its December meeting, elected Mr. Levon Filian as its Executive Director, effective January 2010. Mr. Filian of Pasadena, California is a current Board member of the organization. He has a strong background in business, real estate, as well as education, having served as the principal of the Sahag Mesrob School of Altadena, California for twelve years. He accepts the helm from Mr. Andy Torigian who capably served the AMAA for many years in various capacities, most notably as its President for nine years, and as Executive Director for 7 ½ years. The AMAA Board thanks Mr. Torigian for his exemplary and illustrious service and wishes him happiness and good health during his retirement years. The Board congratulates Mr. Filian on his new appointment, and wishes him and the AMAA continued success, in the service of the Lord and the Armenian nation, both in the Diaspora and the Motherland. The Board of the AMAA is also proud to announce the re-election of Dr. Steven Aharonian as President of the organization for the next year. Dr. Aharonian has ably served the AMAA as President for the past five years, and he and the Board look forward to working with Mr. Filian, to continue the work of the AMAA in the service of the Lord. q

New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (7)



AEWC Executive Committee Meets in Providence, RI

The Executive Committee of the Armenian Evangelical World Council (AEWC) held its annual meeting on Friday, October 16, 2009, at the Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church in Providence, Rhode Island.

The following representatives of the member organizations of AEWC were in attendance: Rev. Haroutune Selimian — President; Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian — Executive Director; Rev. Avedis Boynerian — Vice President; Rev. Joel Mikaelian — Secretary; Mrs. Joyce Stein; Mr. Andrew Torigian; Dr. Steven H. Aharonian; Rev. Joseph Matossian; Rev. René Léonian; and Rev. Gilbert Léonian. Due to circ*mstances beyond their control Rev. Megerditch Karagoezian, Rev. Samvel Kirakos-sian and Mr. Albert Momjian were absent. After adopting the agenda and approving the minutes of October 17, 2008 meeting, the Executive Committee first dealt with the following three items under old business: 1. Protocol regarding movement of the Armenian Evangelical pastors between AEUNA and UAECNE. A document prepared by Rev. Ron Tovmassian, on behalf of the Protocol Committee was discussed and the Executive Committee resolved to receive the Protocol with thanks and recommend that it be adopted and implemented not only by AEUNA and UAECNE but also by the other church Unions of AEWC. 2. Update on Evangelisic work in Belgium. The AMAA leadership, the representatives of the Armenian Evangelical Union of France and the Armenian Evangelical Fellowship of Europe gave a progress report on the seven churches and fellowships of Belgium. Also an update was given on the newly-purchased church building for the Armenian Evangelical Church of Brussels by the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). Because this building needs extensive repairs (estimated at 300,000 Euros), and because the local congregation’s resources are limited, it was recommended to appeal to the larger family of Armenian Evangelical churches for financial assistance. It was resolved to receive the various encouraging reports on the evangelistic work in Belgium and extend its appreciation to the AMAA for purchasing a church building for the Armenian Evangelical community of Brussels. It was further resolved to urge Armenian Evangelical churches worldwide to lend a helping hand to their sister church of Brussels. 3. Status of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Baghdad. The Armenian Evangelical Church of Baghdad had applied for membership to the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. It was reported that the church was formally received as associate member of UAECNE and is expected to be in full membership in the future. Because the church is going through a difficult

time financially, it was recommended to appeal to all Amenian Evangelical churches to support this church. It was resolved to welcome the decision of UAECNE to accept the Armenian Evangelical Church of Baghdad as an associate member and look forward to the day when it will be a church in full standing in the UAECNE. It was resolved to encourage all Armenian Evangelical churches to help the Armenian Evangelical Church of Baghdad financially. Under new business, the Executive Committee acted upon the following: 1. Resolved to receive with thanks the oral report of the Council’s President Rev. Haroutune Selimian and the written reports of the Executive Director Rev. Vahan H. Tootikian and Treasurer Albert Momjian. 2. Resolved to thank the Executive Director, Rev. Vahan H. Tootikian for compiling eight volumes of important documents and correspondence of the Armenian Evangelical World Council and had them bound in book form. These volumes, presently housed in the AEWC archives, cover material between the years 1978 to 2008, with the exception of the years 1992-1999. It was further resolved to request the AMAA office to make available their files of AEWC material to Rev. Tootikian so that he can complete his compiling work. 3. In view of the increasing cost of office expenses, it was resolved to increase the annual office allowance with an additional $2,000.00 as of January 1, 2010. 4. An evaluation of the Armenian Evangelical outreach

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, AEWC Executive Director

(Front Row L to R): Dr. H. Steven Aharonian, Rev. Avedis Boynerian, Rev. Harout Selimian, Rev. Dr. Vahan Toutikian, Joyce Stein, Andy Torigian. (Back Row L to R): Rev. Dr. René Léonian, Rev. Gilbert Léonian, Dikran Youmshakian, Rev. Joe Matossian and Rev. Joél Mikaélian.

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Whoever Has the Son, Has it All 1 John 5:12

Spiritual Corner

The Holy season of Christmas is a celebration of God’s promise fulfilled. From the beginning, God promised eternal life, even before the creation. This promise was fulfilled with the birth of Christ and the assurance of His second coming. While God’s promise is eternal; our acceptance of it is temporary. God promised more than what we usually receive or experience during the Holy Season – gifts and music, victory and peace, joy and glory, worship and praise, gatherings and loved ones, etc. The Scripture says, “Whoever has the Son has life” (1 John 5:12). Do we have the Son or are we simply satisfied with what He brings? God gave His Son for us to receive, not just to accept the blessings He brings with Him. Otherwise, it would be similar to accepting gifts we know we can return once Christmas day is over. These gifts were never appropriate to our lives. To have God’s promise of eternal life we need to accept Jesus in our hearts and make Him part of our daily lives. Not only follow Him or look at Him as our model of good behavior but also live with Him this Christmas and every single day before His second coming.

There is no life without Jesus. When you take Him; you take it all. q

Dikran Youmshakian

in Armenia was made. Members expressed the need to intensify their interaction and partnership with the AMAA. They also expressed their gratification in the increasing role of leadership of the local ministers. The recent election of Rev. Samvel Kirakossian as President of Evangelical Church of Armenia was warmly welcomed. It was resolved to congratulate Rev. Samvel Kirakossian on his election as President of Evangelical Church of Armenia. It was further resolved to extend AEWC’s appreciation to Rev. Dr. Rene Leonian for his dedicated service and leadership in Armenia for the past 15 years. 5. Because of their far-reaching ramifications, amendments of Armenia’s constitution on freedom of faith, particularly the law of prosetylism, have been a serious concern to all members of AEWC during the past year. All members have worked hard to see the government of Armenia repeal these amendments. It appears that the non-favorable report of the “European Commission for Democracy Through Law” (The Venice Commission) must have made an impact on the Armenian legislature to rethink the proposed amendments. Although at this stage there are no changes, there are, however, some signs of hope that the National Assembly may withdraw the proposed amendments and may draft a new law in consultation with various churches and religious organizations. The Executive Committee remains hopeful that the proposed amendments of Freedom of Faith in the constitution of Armenia will be withdrawn, and in the event of a new law the Evangelical Church of Armenia will be in consultation with the National Assembly of Armenia. 6. AEWC’s relationship with the See of Etchmiadzin was reviewed in the aftermath of Rev. Selimian’s visit with Catholicos Karekin II in April 2009. It was resolved to send a delegation to Etchmiadzin on November 30, 2009, composed of Rev. Haroutune Selimian, Dr. Paul

Haidostian and Mr. Andrew Torigian, for the purpose of strengthening spiritual ties with the Holy See and explore areas of mutual cooperation. 7. The Protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey, signed on October 10, 2009 were discussed at length. Because of their missionary and philanthropic status and because this is primarily a church and community issue, the delegates of AMAA and Stephen Philibosian Foundation wished to exempt themselves from the discussions. Thus the five member church Unions of AEWC participated in the deliberations and resolved that although they welcome the Protocols between Armenia and Turkey, and although they welcome the commitment of the two nations to normalize their relations with each other, they are very concerned about the following two veiled preconditions: (a) The agreement that the Republic of Armenia has no territorial claims from Turkey; (b) Armenia’s acceptance of the establishment of a commission of historians to examine historical records and archives regarding the Armenian Genocide. Such an enterprise would be counter productive and an evasion of the issue, because the Armenian Genocide is already a historically established fact. These preconditions are detrimental to the Armenian Cause. 8. Due to the shortage of time, it was resolved that the reports of the church unions and organizations of AEWC be given during the AMAA annual meeting. on Saturday, October 17, 2009. 9. It was resolved to convey thanks to the Armenian Euphrates Evangelical Church of Providence for hosting the annual meeting of AEWC. 10. It was resolved to hold the next AEWC’s biennial meeting on Friday, October 15, 2010 at the Headquarters of the AMAA, 31 West Century Road, Paramus New Jersey. q

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A r m e n i a

Every year, 25,000 needy chil-dren in 50 different towns and villages throughout Armenia, Karabagh and Georgia eagerly

anticipate the arrival of the Christmas sea-son. For these children and their families, the coming of Christmas means one time out of the year when they can look for-ward to a joyous celebration where they can come together and glorify Christ’s birth with each other. The AMAA Summer Camp and Christmas Committee’s mission each October is to raise monetary support to provide their underprivileged Armenian little brothers and sisters an annual Christ-mas Program where they can hear the miracle of the Nativity Story in a theatri-cal presentation, worship with songs and receive a Christmas Joy Package, which for many of them is the only gift they receive for Christmas. This year, the AMAA Summer Camp and Christmas Committee celebrated their “Christmas in October” fundraiser on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at the elegant Seasons restaurant in Washington Township, N.J. Over 80 guests who attended were seated at tables with a Christmas wreath in the center, adorned with red and white Christ-mas ball ornaments tied with strings to donation cards. Guests generous-ly donated and wrote their names on the cards and had them hung on a Christmas tree in the center of the ballroom. The luncheon beganwith a word of wel come from Summer Camp and Christmas Committee Chair-person, Elbiz Bagh- Baghdikian, who intro-

duced Rev. Dr. René Leonian, AMAA Ar-menia Representative, to give the luncheon prayer. Rev. Leonian then introduced a spe-cial guest, Ms. Lilit Galstyan from Arme-nia. Galstyan was a recipient of AMAA’s help in many ways; one of them was the receipt of infant formula from the AMAA’s Armenian Children’s Milk Fund during the first few years of her life when she was un-able to receive her mother’s milk. Without the formula, she may not have been alive today. Now 17 years old and healthy, Ms. Galstyan thanked the AMAA and recited an Armenian poem. Greetings were given by Lucy Janjigian, National Chairper-son of the Summer Camp and Christmas Committee, followed by a moving video presentation that portrayed impoverished families throughout villages in Arme-nia and children receiving necessary care packages and Christmas gifts from AMAA. The Armenia Summer Camp and Christmas Committee members each year have volunteered their time and efforts to organize the annual fundraiser luncheon to

AMAA Summer Camp/Christmas Committee Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Christmas in OctoberAni A. Janbazian, DMD

help raise funds to bring some joy into each Christmas season for Armenian children. It was for that reason that during this year’s luncheon, Andrew Torigian, AMAA Execu-tive Director, gave a word of appreciation to the chairpersons Lucy Janjigian and Elbiz Baghdikian, past co-chairperson Lucienne Aynilian, and present and past committee members for their hard work on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the formation of this committee. Each committee member re-ceived a plaque and came together on stage for a round of applause of great thanks. Fol-lowing the plaque presentation, the guests enjoyed a musical performance by the Har-

monia Chamber Players ensemble. The closing prayer was given by AMAA Field Director, Dikran Youmshakian. Prior to the arrival of the guests at the lun-cheon, an empty, lone Christmas tree stood in the center of the ball-room. Shortly after the luncheon program be-gan, the tree was over-whelmingly filled with ornaments of donation cards. Each ornament symbolized at least one child who will receive a gift of joy this coming Christmas season. Over $40,000 was raised to-wards this year’s Christ-mas Joy Packages. q

AMAA Armenia Summer Camp & Christmas Committee members: (back row L to R): Lucy Janjigian (National Chairperson), Louisa Janbazian, Marie Alberian, Adrienne Talanian, Seta Nalbandian, Lucienne Aynilian (past Co-Chairperson), Andrew Torigian (AMAA Executive Director), Ida Gueyikian, Janet Avakian, Elbiz Baghdikian (Committee Chairperson), (front row L to R) Maral Shishmanian, Jacky Voskian, Lily Anne Babigian, Carol Goulian Stewart, Elizabeth Aynilian, Rosemarie Goulian, Rose Torigian

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A r m e n i a

Close to 200 guests attended the 14th annual AMAA's "Children Helping Childring" Luncheon event at the Belmont Country Club in Belmont, MA, which again

offered a unique opportunity for supporters from all Boston area churches to come together to help underprivileged children in Armenia and Karabagh. The event featured television personality Mike Wankum in an exciting live auction as well as a sea of sparkling tables designed by Orphan and Child Care Committee members. A prayer was offered by AMAA Field Director Dikran Youmshakian, reminding us all to be thankful for all we have. All proceeds from the event have been donated to the AMAA Orphan and Child Care Fund, and generous hearts persisted even in these economic times. The event also included a silent auction, with a range of items eagerly pursued by bidders. In addition, unique and colorful artwork by Armenian children were offered for sale, as well as books by Armenian author and artist Nonny Hogrogian. In the end, guests enjoyed a lively afternoon of fun and friendship, and departed happily with items such as box seats to Red Sox and Patriots games, framed Armenian alphabet, pearl necklace, and many others. The Boston committee is most grateful to Dikran Youmshakian for his continuing support, and to all who attended the event and share the AMAA’s mission of lifting up children. The committee offers thanks as well to all individuals and businesses who donated items. We are proud of our efforts over the years, and continue to welcome new members. If you would like to sponsor a child, make a donation, or join the committee, please contact Michele Simourian, 508-785-0569. q

“Children Helping Children” at Belmont Country Club

Tigran Melkonian (right), Supervisor of the Sponsorship Department of AMAA accepts another wheelchair donated by John Hamre (left), President of Wheelchair Sports Federation, to be sent to the Armenian Association for the Disabled "Pyunic" in Yerevan.

Wheels For Charity

Committee member Joyce Janjigian shows off framed Armenian Alphabet

TV Celebrity Mike Wonkum conducting the live auction

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N e w s & N o t e s

On Sunday, November 22, 2009, the Armenian Presbyte-rian Church, Paramus, NJ had their Thanksgiving Dinner in honor of Mr. Andrew Torigian. Andy has been a key

individual in many Christian, Armenian, and other philanthropic organizations for many, many years making a significant difference in the lives of many people. This was evident at the dinner which was packed with a crowd of over 250. The dinner was exceptional and emotionally stirring as person after person commented on how much they appreciated Andy’s labor of love and guidance. There were some lighter moments, too, as his children shared fond and sometimes humorous memories of their dad over the years. First came his daughter, Dr. Cathy Torigian, who spoke of her father’s influence in her life and memories of love expressed in many tangible ways throughout her life. She mentioned that he had rescued an eight-year-old boy by diving into a pool fully clothed. Then, Dr. Christine Torigian gave a refreshing presentation into the many humorous and fun-loving moments in Andy’s life. His son, Dr. Drew Torigian underwrote the cost of the dinner. In the end, it was apparent how much Andy had done for his children and the love and appreciation they have for him. Mr. Matthew Russo, Administrator of the Armenian Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (ANRC), commented on the wisdom and guidance provided to the ANRC and to him personally. Andy serves as President of the ANRC. Dr. Herand Markarian, Executive Secretary of the Armenian Medical Fund (AMF) spoke on Andy’s leadership proficiency as Vice President within the organization. The AMF fights tuberculosis in Armenia and Lebanon. Mr. Leo Manuelian, Grand District Representative of the Knights of Vartan (KOV) commented on strategic direction Andy has provided to the organization. The KOV was formed to allevi-ate the suffering of the Armenian people; to ensure the safety of displaced Armenians; and to train leaders to serve the religious, cultural, and charitable needs of the Armenian people. Andy was the only Commander to serve three consecutive terms. In 1998, he became the Commander of the Mid-Atlantic Lodge in NYC and subsequently became the Chairman and Master of Ceremonies of the Annual Times Square Genocide commemoration which takes place each year at NYC Times Square. In 1999, Andy became the

Chairman and Master of Ceremonies of the Annual National Grand Convocation of the KOV. He also received the KOV Man of the Year award in 1999. Mr. Frank Scott, Commander of the Paramus American Legion, spoke on the aptitude Andy brought to the organization in helping to set and steer its course. The American Legion is the oldest national veteran’s organization requiring wartime service to be a member. Andy was a Navy Pilot in WWII. He served as Post Commander for 20 consecutive years. He served three times as the Grand Marshall of the Paramus Memorial Day Parade. He was chosen to serve with the NJ State Circle of Honor Committee which erected the monuments at the Hackensack Court House Park, honoring veterans from WWI to the Gulf wars. Andy was also awarded the American Legion Man of the Decade award. Ms. Maureen O’Brian, Paramus Councilwoman, commented on the wisdom, guidance, and direction Andy provided to the town. Andy served five years on the Paramus Planning Board and several years as President of the Paramus Republican Club and Paramus Veterans Council. He served seven years as the editor of the Paramus Republican Club Newsletter. He served as Co-Chair to upgrade the Veterans Memorial Monu-ment at Memorial Middle School. Andy received the Conference of Christians and Jews Humanitarian Award and an award from the Mayor for serving as Marshall of the July 4th Parade. Mr. Al DePaola, Operations Director of the Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc. (AMAA), shared Andy's unbelievable record of almost 40 years of service to the AMAA in positions on the Board, as President, Vice President, Treasurer, and most recently, Executive Director. It was encouraging to see how much of a difference the life of one selfless individ-ual can make. Andy has been that selfless, self-sacrificing individual, exemplifying the love for humanity we all should apply to our own lives. Andy has given much to the community in time and resources. His sacrifices reflect his tireless commitment to the Lord’s work and the improvements for humanity he influenced and facilitated, which will be his legacy. q

Armenian Presbyterian Church Honors Andrew Torigian

Andy Torigian enjoying the moment

Al DePaola, AMAA's Operations Director

Dr. Christine TorigianAndy Torigian's daugther

Dr. Cathy TorigianAndy Torigian's Daugther

Andy Torigian and Rev. Berj Gulleyan

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N e w s & N o t e s

On Saturday, November 6, Mr. & Mrs. Krikor and Maro Kalayjian hosted an AMAA evening at their residence in Clovis, CA with the AMAA Field Director and over 25

AMAA members and friends attending. The evening was organized by Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Rosanne Saliba. Both the Kalayjians and the Salibas are active members of the First Armenian Presbyterian Church of Fresno. Members of the Armenian Pilgrim Congrega-tional Church were also invited. Mrs. Saliba welcomed the guests and thanked Krikor and Maro for graciously opening their home. Rev. Ara Guekgeuzian, Pastor of the Pilgrim Church, opened the evening with prayer. The guests enjoyed a delicious dinner. Mr. Dikran Youmshakian, AMAA Field Director, was the speaker for the evening. He updated the guests about the current ministries and service programs of the AMAA, which he said are faithfully carried on even when the world is experiencing one of

Two congregations in Montreal, Canada, support the service ministries of the AMAA directly or through the partner organization, AMAC (Armenian Missionary Association of Canada). To keep these two congregations involved and informed,

a few times each year AMAA representatives visit Canada. On the weekend of October 10 and 11, AMAA Field Director Mr. Dikran Youmshakian and AMAA Armenia Representative Rev. René Léonian visited Montreal Canada and held meetings with the pastors, lay leaders and church members. On Saturday morning, at the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Montreal, Armenian Evangelical pastors in Montreal had a breakfast meeting with the AMAA representatives. Present were Revs. Jerair Bizdikian, Georges Dabbo, Mardiros Eylenjian, Manuel Jinbachian and John Zarifiam. Saturday evening a worship service was held at the Armenian Evangelical Church in Laval. All local ministers participated. The Field Director gave a short report on AMAA ministries around the world focusing mainly on child care programs. Rev. Léonian gave an inspirational message on how to achieve success and also reported on current events in Armenia. At the end of the service, participants had a chance to ask questions mainly related to the protocol that was signed that same day. On Sunday, October 11, a worship service was held at the First Armenian Evangelical Church in Montreal. Here also both AMAA representatives participated with their reports and messages. A DVD on AMAA child care programs was aired which created enthusiasm and many individuals responded to the appeal to help sponsor needy children. q

Kalayjian’s host an AMAA Evening at their home in Clovis, CAthe greatest economic challenges. Economic difficulties felt in the US create more of an urgency for us to help those in other poorer areas around the world, he added. The Field Director gave an update on the capital campaign of the AMAA, which he said is on track, and thus far has helped AMAA open its Center and Church in Yerevan, Armenia; has en-abled AMAA to purchase land in Armenia to expand the Khoren and Shoushanig Avedisian School in Malatia Sepastia, Armenia; and has raised significant funds to renovate the Heritage Building of Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon. There are two other major projects pending, he said, that need financial support. He also shared needs in other areas of the field, such as the renovation of the church building recently acquired in Brussels, Belgium and the plight of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Baghdad, Iraq. The congregation in Baghdad, he said, needs special attention as they worship in an area where danger is imminent, yet their faith in the Lord remains strong. Last year, the entire second floor of the Church was destroyed due to hostilities in the area. To-day, there is a greater danger as many churches have been bombed. One immediate need is an electric generator to light the Church. Over 300 congregants, and 150 children in Sunday school, worship in the dark. This event was one leg of the Field Director’s visit to the West Coast. On the following Sunday, he participated in two worship services at the First Armenian Presbyterian Church challenging the congregation and the West Coast youth gathered for their annual conference to support the ministries of the AMAA. The following week the Field Director visited AMAA members in the Los Angeles area and on Sunday worshiped at the Armenian Christian Fellowship in Orange County. The fellowship is an active partner of the AMAA, supporting church work in Armenia. q

AMAA Field Director and Armenia Representative Visit Montreal, Canada

Field Director Dikran Youmshakian gives an update on the Capital Campaign of the AMAA

(L to R) Rev. Georges Dabbo, Rev. Jerair Bizdikian, Rev. Mardiros Eylenjian, Rev. Manuel Jinbachian, Rev. René Léonian, Rev. John Zarifian and Dikran Youmshakian

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N e w s & N o t e s

The Armenian Missionary Association of American (AMAA) enjoys a lasting and warm relationship with the permanent representatives of Armenia at the United Nations.

On Thursday, October 22, the newly appointed Ambassador, the Honorable Garen Nazarian, gave a courtesy visit to AMAA head-quarters where he met with the Executive Director, Andy Torigian, and Field Director, Dikran Youmshakian. The Ambassador expressed his appreciation for AMAA sup-port and assured a continued cordial relationship with the AMAA. He was briefed about the ongoing ministries of the AMAA in 24 countries around the world including our homeland, Armenia. The AMAA representatives expressed their gratitude to the Ambassador for this visit and for the cooperation of the Armenian government helping AMAA make its services efficient and effective. AMAA remains committed to support the homeland through various religious and humanitarian projects, including the support provided to the Armenia staff at the U.N. Mission. q

“AMAA is one of the only two diaspora organizations that support kindergartens in Karabagh.” These were some of the words of appreciation that the Prime Minister of the Republic

of Karabagh expressed during his recent visit to the headquarters of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). The Prime Minister, Mr. Ara Harutiunyan, visited AMAA headquarters on Wednesday, November 18, 2009. He was accompanied by Mr. Davit Babayan, the Press Secretary of the President and Mr. Robert Avetigyan, the permanent representative of Karabagh in the U.S. Welcoming the guests were the Executive Director, Andy Torigian, and Field Director, Dikran Youmshakian, of the AMAA. The Prime Minister focused on the upcoming telethon to support the city of Shushi, which he said is essential for the existence of Karabagh. He thanked AMAA for their active involvement in Shushi with the Bed-rosian Summer Camp and the Bilezikian kindergarten. Both these programs he said are very appreciated. He also presented the urgent need of renovating the kindergarten in Hadrut. AMAA operates six kindergartens in major cities in Karabagh. Andy Torigian assured the Minister that AMAA remains committed to support Karabagh with various humanitarian and religious program services. The Prime Minister extended an invitation for both the Execu-tive Director and Field Director to visit him while they travel to Armenia. q

U.N. Armenia Ambassador Visits AMAA

Karabagh Prime Minister Visits AMAA Headquarters

(L to R): Dikran Youmshakian-AMAA Field Director, Honorable Garen Nazarian-UN Armenia Ambassador and Andy Torigian-AMAA Executive Director

(L to R) Dikran Youmshakian, AMAA Field Director, Andy Torigian, AMAA Executive Director, Ara Harutiunyan, Karabagh Prime Minister, Robert Avetigyan, Karabagh Permanent Representative in the U.S.

Members of the Haigazian University Women's Auxilliary gathered recently for an appreciation luncheon in honor

of Haigazian benefactress Anahis Derian at the Malibu, CA home of Joyce Stein. Pictured (Front L to R) are Phyllis Hamo, Anahis Derian, Joyce Stein and Joyce Abdulian. (Back L to R) Grace Kurkjian, Rita Tilkian Hasserjian, Ida Levy and Elizabeth Agbabian.

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N e w s & N o t e s

Andy Torigian, Executive Director of AMAA, on his recent visit to Los Angeles in November, met with many supporters, members, friends and donors of the AMAA and came away with very positive results. To date the total amount of our pledges received is $11,475.813. The AMAA is well on its way to meeting its campaign goal. q

Together We Can Build Miracles Capital Fundraising Campaign

(L to R) Harut Sassounian, Senior Vice President of the Lincy Foundation and President of the United Armenian Fund, Joe Stein, Vice President of the United Armenian Fund, Joyce Stein, President of the Stephen Philibosian Foundation and AMAA board member, Andy Torigian, Executive Director of the AMAA. Discussion was held on how we may all work together more closely. It was a very productive meeting.

(L to R) Kenneth Kevorkian, AMAA board member and newest member of the AMAA Development Committee, Thelma Kevorkian, member of Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary in Los Angeles, Andy Torigian, Executive Director AMAA, discussed ways of bringing additional funds into the capital fund campaign.

(L to R) Andy Torigian, Executive Director of the AMAA, Arsha Lousararian and Hagop Lousararian, Director of Armenian Evangelical Social Service Center, Arsha and Hagop Lousariarian were instrumental in helping the AMAA to open the first Armenian Evangelical School (Avedisian Armenian School) in Yerevan, Armenia. Hagop served as principal of the school with Arsha, his administrative assistant, where together they put the school on a sound basis, which eventually received the award of being the best school in all of Armenia.

( L to R) Nancy and her son Quincy, Anahis Derian (a major supporter of AMAA) and Andy Torigian, Executive Director of AMAA. Anahis Derian is interested in giving additional assistance to our current campaign.

"A Critical Study of Personalities and Events Encircling the History of Armenian Evangelism (1828-1922)" by Yervant H. Kassouny; Beirut, 2009"Karekin I - The Gift of Faith" Iris Papazian, Editor; London-New York, 2009§ø³ñ»ñÁ Ïþ³Õ³Õ³Ï»Ý¦ by Anahid Meymarian; Beirut, 2008

"The Peoples of Ararat" by Armen Asher and Teryl Minasian Asher, 2009"Haigazian Armenological Review" published by The Armenian Department of Haigazian University; Beirut, 2009"Armenian Column" - §Ð³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý ëÇõݳϩ©© ²Ýѳ×áÛ ÀÉɳÉáõ ºñ³ÝáõÃÇõÝÁ¦ by Yervant H. Kassouny; Beirut, 2009

Books Received with Appreciation

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F a \ ; r h n B a v i n

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W;r1 Au;tis Po\nhr;an*

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amsouan enjazqin4 |iso usi masin

.orfrda6;l 7gtakar krna\ ellal4 saka\n

^noundi t7ni ,abajn;re ke fandisanan

\armarago\n vamanake .orfrda6;lou |isousi

masin4 or 9Hmmanouhl0 h4 a\sinqn 9Astoua6 m;xi


Matjhos au;taranic ke matnan,h4 jh

fr;,takin3 |owsh'i ;u Mariami ;r;unale \atouk

n,anakoujiun ounhr4 na.apatrast;lou anonz

mitq;re galiq fra,ali dhpqin masin! Afa jh

i#nc gr;z au;taranice1 9A\s amhne ;[au4 orphsxi

kataroui Thro=mhn esoua6e margarhin mi=ozow4 or

k*esh1 **Afa a\s ko\se piti \[ana\ ou ordi piti

6nani4 anor anoune Hmmanouhl piti koc;n4 or

ke jargmanoui Astoua6 m;xi f;t**0 (Matjhos

É1 ÊË)!

|isous 9Hmmanouhl0 h4 a\sinqn 9Astoua6

m;xi f;t0! Astoua6 jo[ouz ;rkinqe4 mardou

k;rparanq a5au ;u a,.arf ;kau! |atkan,akan

h4 jh Astoua6 a,.arf ;kau orphs manouk msouri

me mh=3 ann,an ou animanali paragan;rou

tak! Ard;7q askh au;li fam;st ou ann,an i2nc

paragan;rou tak krnar Astoua6 a,.arf gal!

Ba\z Astoua6 oro,;z a\spisi paragan;rou tak

a,.arf gal4 ;u ;kau!

9Hmmanouhl0 ke n,anakh4 jh Astou6o\ gouje

,arv;zau m;xi famar ;rb t;sau a\n \ousafata-

kan wiyake4 oroun ;njarkoua6 hr mardkoujiune!

An a,.arf ;kau ;u m;r mh= bnak;zau4 orphsxi

m;nq gitakiz ella\inq4 jh an ke sirh m;x ;u ke

'a'aqi m;xi f;t ellal! 9Hmmanouhl0 ke n,anakh4

jh Astoua6 m;xi f;t h m;r k;anqi tarb;r

paragan;roun tak4 incphs angor6oujiun4 snan-

koujiun4 a[qatoujiun4 zau4 fiuandoujiun ;u maf!

9Hmmanouhl0 ke n,anakh4 jh no\nisk k;anqi am;nhn

davan ou t.our paragan;roun tak4 Astoua6 m;xi

f;t h4 ke sirh m;x4 k*a5a=nordh m;x ;u ke foga\

m;x! Y7xh` MqQh\p anoun Angliazi kr7nauor ;u

f;[inak me ke grh1 9O2w krna\ sir;l f;5oun;re

gtnouo[ Astoua6 me4 ;rb

m;nq ke ta5apinq! M;r

Astoua6e m;xi ,at au;li

m7t h4 qan a\n farz;re4

or m;nq ke dimagrau;nq!

An m;xi m7t h4 9Hmman-


Ke patmoui f7r

me masin4 or \i,;zouz ir

xauakin4 jh ;jh angam

me ;us cpafhr ir;n troua6 patouhrn;re4 ir;n

piti partadrhr gi,;re anzen;l w;rnatounin

mh=4 orphs enjriq oun;nalow faz ;u =our! :rb

t[an dar];al anfnaxand gtnou;zau4 fa\re xinq

w;rnatoun [rk;z! Enjriqi pafoun fa\re ckrzau

out;l4 orowf;t;u ke mta6hr ir xauakin masin! Kine

esau anor1 9Git;m jh inc ke .orfis4 ba\z phtq ch

t[an war kanc;s! :jh a\dphs en;s4 an dar];al

anfnaxand piti ella\ ;u ;rb;q piti cfauata\ qou

.7sq;roud! Orphs fa\r4 phtq h \arg;s qou .7sqd0!

Amousine;z1 9Qou .orfourdd ,itak h!

:s phtq ch im .7sqis faka5ak gor6;m4 orowf;t;u

;jh a\dphs en;m4 im xauaks ;rb;q piti cfauata\

im .7sq;rous! Ba\z ;s git;m4 jh an a5an]in h

fon0! :rb ma\re anko[in gnaz4 fa\re w;rnatoun

;lau4 t[oun f;t faz k;rau ;u =our .m;z4 ;u ;rb an

qnazau ta.taki wra\4 fa\re ir baxouke anor

bar] erau!

A\s h ^noundi t7nin patgame1 9Astoua6

m;xi f;t0! Astoua6 m;xi f;t bnak;zau ;rkri wra\4

ta5ap;zau m;xi f;t4 ;u minc;u a\s7r ke bnaki

m;r mh= ;u ke ta5api m;xi f;t! An gith4 jh m;r

ta5apanqe w;r= me piti oun;na\4 ;u minc;u fasni

a\d 7re3 An ke frauirh m;x wstaf ellalou4 jh Ir

n;rka\oujiune m;xi f;t h ;u m;xi f;t piti mna\

k;anqi xanaxan paragan;roun tak! q

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Puzant C. Krikorian Puzant Krikorian was born in Aintab, Turkey on July 18, 1909 to Coffing and Lucia Krikorian. In 1919, having survived the genocide, the family was deported and moved to Aleppo Syria, Beirut Lebanon and Larnaca Cyprus, for short periods of time before settling in Jerusalem Palestine. Because of all the events in his life, Puzant did not receive a formal education until he was a teenager. Showing academic achievement, and upon the advice of his oldest brother, Samuel, his parents sent him to Beirut, Lebanon to study medicine at the American University of Beirut. In 1935, he graduated from medical school and moved to Tripoli, Lebanon to work at the Presbyterian Mission Hospital as second in command under Dr. Boys. In 1941, he married Margaret Badeer. While in Tripoli, two of their children, Jane and Eileen, were born. In 1949, they moved

Lillian Gulesserian Lillian Gulesserian passed away peacefully on June 18, 2008, in northern California. Born in Larnaca Cyprus on December 19, 1947, she was the eldest of four daughters of Vahram and Lydia (Manoogian) Gulesserian and granddaughter of Sarkis and Eleni Gulesserian of Aintab, Turkey and Rev. Sisag and Marika Manoogian of Lebanon. Lillian started her formal education at the American Academy in Larnaca, Cyprus and continued at LESG High school in Lebanon and earned her BA from the BCW in Beirut, Lebanon. Later she returned to Cyprus where she taught English at the Nareg Armenian School, and The English School in Nicosia. She immigrated to the United States in 1990 and settled in the Bay Area in northern California. She continued to teach in the Mount Diablo school district till the last days before her passing. Lillian had an immense curiosity and ap-preciation for our world. Always reading, ex-ploring, and discussing every possible issue. We will always remember her fascination of this world and great desire to share that love and knowledge with everyone. No wonder she spent most of her adult life teaching. She is survived by her sisters Lenia Case, Arda Melikyan and Yola Pakhchanian, her neph-ews and niece, Nick and Alex Case; Haig, Ida and Sarkis Pakhchanian as well as dozens of loving cousins and their families. q

Lydia Gulesserian Lydia was born in February 1923 in Jounieh, Lebanon, She was the youngest of five children of Rev. Sisag and Marika Manoogian. The family lived in Aleppo until she was 12 years old and then moved to Beirut, Lebanon. Lydia attended the British Syrian School in Beirut. As a teenager she received Christ as her Savior and remained faithful to the Lord till the end. She taught in a mission school in Sidon for one year and led many children to the Lord. She studied nursing at the American University of Beirut hospital (now American University of Beirut Medical Center). Due to her efficiency and work ethic she was assigned to work under the prominent surgeon Dr. Yervant Jidejian in the operating room. In 1947 she married Vahram Gulesserian, a textile merchant from Larnaca, Cyprus. She moved to Cyprus where they were blessed

Adrina Kayaian Adrina Casparian Kayaian, wife of Berge Kayaian, died peacefully at home on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. She was born on March 13, 1925 to Hrant and Hranoush Casparian in Brooklyn, NY. Before starting the first grade, they moved to 84th street in Jackson Heights, Queens, NY. Adrina graduated from Newtown High School and went to Cornell University as a student in Food and Nutrition in what is now the College of Ecology, graduating in 1947. She began working in the test kitchen of the Ladies Home Journal magazine and traveled across the United States interviewing families for the "How America Lives" series, testing recipes she brought back and made photography-ready from 1947-1955.

with four daughters Lillian, Lenia, Arda, and Yola. She was a very active member of the St. Helena’s Anglican Church in Larnaca Cyprus since 1965 as well as the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus. She was a fervent volunteer in her community and till the end of her life she helped other elderly homebound friends with their groceries, pharmacy runs, or paying the bills. She did not drive so all this was done on foot, with an umbrella in hand and a water bottle in her handbag. Her way of sharing God’s Good News was crocheting crosses and explaining the meaning of the cross. She made thousands of them and distributed them with her favorite Bible verse. On May 6, 2009 Lydia’s life of service for others came to an end. She walked off by herself to be with the Lord she loved. Her remains were discovered on May 25 in the outskirts of Nicosia. A Memorial Service and thanksgiving for her life was held in Larnaca on June 3rd. Her husband, Vahram predeceased her in August 2000 as well as her daughter Lillian, in June 2008. Lydia Gulesserian is survived by her three daughters Lenia, Arda and Yola (now all living in the USA); her grandchildren Nick and Alex Case and Haig, Ida and Sarkis Pak-hchanian; her sisters, Rhoda Carswell (UK); Jane Wilson, (UK) Ellen Sagherian (Lebanon), and sister-in-law Iola Manoogian (USA); as well as dozens of loving nephews and nieces and their families who live and serve the Lord in all corners of the world. q

In May, 1953, she married Berge Kayaian and raised three children, Elizabeth ("Buffy"), Paul and Robert. She was a life-long active member of the Armenian Evangelical Church of New York, and was the church's "Mother-of the-Year" in 1989. She was also a member of the Daughters of Vartan, Ani Otyag Lodge of Holy Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY. She spent many years working in the family drugstore, Tower Pharmacy, helping customers with cosmetic purchases and keeping the front of the store well organized. Later she worked at Bloomingdales in the Housewares Department, demonstrating kitchen equipment and giving cooking demonstrations. Adrina was an active alumnus of Cornell, attending annual reunions and frequently doing alumni interviews of prospective freshmen. Adrina was a huge history buff and loved to travel to the many places she read about. She has traveled to over 28 countries and 30 cities. She is survived by her husband, Berge; her three children and 5 grandchildren, Susan Garabedian; Peter and Alex Kayaian; Andrew and Sarah Kayaian. She was laid to her rest at Nassau Knolls Cemetery on September 26, 2009. Donations in her memory may be made to either the Armenian Evangelical Church of New York or the the AMAA for their "Christmas in October" Program. q


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_____________________________* Memorials designated for AMAA

TheAMAABoardofDirectorsandstaffalso wish to extend their heartfelt con-dolences to the families of the following deceased friends whose names were submitted to us for publication in the AMAA NEWS. Dr. Levon Fred Ayvazian Haydenville, MA* Victoria Karjian Wellesley, MA* Setrak Steve Balabanian Glendale, CA* Karnig Berberian Ormond Beach, FL Lenore Kartozian Walnut Creek, CA* Edward Kerbeykian Tenafly, NJ* Manasseh Manoukian Los Altos, CA* Asdghig Noradoukian Woodland Hills, CA Elizabeth Sarkis Los Angeles CA* Roxie Shamlian Sanger, CA

Azniv Balian Azniv Balian (Chekij- ian) of Watertown, MA passed away on Nov. 14, 2009. She was born in Aleppo, Syria in 1925 and was the youngest of nine children of Araxi Ajoian and Nazareth Chekijian. Soon after her father died, Azniv moved to Beirut, Lebanon with her mother and twin sister when she was still a young teen and all of her older siblings had started their adult lives. Then in 1947, she met Dikran Balian and soon after, they were married and blessed with three children, Koko, Ara and Rita. Azniv and Dikran established a wonderful and loving life in Beirut surrounded by many

friends and family. As Dikran’s successful career in the newspaper industry progressed, the family took advantage of an opportunity to move to America when he was recruited and sponsored by the Hairenik Armenian Newspaper to work for them in the United States. In May of 1962, the family moved to America and established their lives in Watertown, MA. Azniv was determined to learn the English language and taught herself by reading the dictionary every day. After a few years at home, she decided to go to work in Boston’s garment district as a seamstress. Azniv was a very creative and resourceful woman with incredible strength, independence and smarts. She later turned her love for arts and crafts into a little business and attended many local crafts shows and exhibits. In addition to her work and love for family, she devoted most of her life to her faith and her church. She was active in many capacities at the First Armenian Church in Belmont, MA. Azniv was an unsurpassable cook, an avid reader and active walker. Her greatest pleasure in life was spending time with her family and doting on her grandchildren. She is predeceased by her husband of 60 years, Dikran and is survived by her three children and their spouses: Koko Balian and his wife Armine of Studio City, CA; Ara Balian and his wife Nancy of Winchester, MA; and Rita Allen and her husband Tim of Belmont, MA; and four grandchildren, Jason, Jillian, Isabella and Alexa. She also leaves behind many nieces, nephews and friends. Azniv lived by the grace of God through the power of faith. She was led by the spirit and she indeed did lead by example. Funeral services were held on November 21, 2009 at the First Armenian Church in Belmont, MA. Memorial gifts may be made to the Armenian Missionary Association of America (Children’s Orphan Fund). q

to Beirut, Lebanon where they established the Christian Medical Center hospital. He partnered with Dr. Peter Manoogian and Augustine Badeer, Margaret’s brother, who acted as the hospital administrator. For 26 years the CMC hospital served primarily the Armenian community, and all others who walked through the doors of the hospital. Their third and fourth children, John and Claire, were born in Beirut. During the years in Lebanon, Puzant Krikorian served in many church, community, school and medical organizations to improve the state of the Armenian population which arrived in Beirut after the genocide, and demonstrated the love of Christ by his actions. In 1975, Puzant and Margaret moved to Fresno California where they have lived ever since. Margaret passed away August 1, 2008. Puzant passed away October 31, 2009. Jane Havoonjian, Eileen Shahbazian, John Krikorian, Claire Shakelian and their families would like to thank all who have expressed their love and prayers. We celebrate Puzant’s life and the rich legacy he left us of loving God and unselfishly serving people. If there is one verse in the Bible that would characterize His life would be 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” Donations, in lieu of flowers, may be made to AMAA for the benefit of KCHAG, the Christian Endeavor Summer Camp in Lebanon. Please make checks to the AMAA KCHAG Fund. Checks may be sent to AMAA, 31 W. Century Rd., Paramus, NJ 07652. Credit card donations may also be made at q

Arsine Schmavonian Arsine Schmavonian died at age 97 on August 9, 2009 in Washington, D.C. She was born in Constantinople, Turkey on April 1, 1912, the youngest child of Arsene and Edith Merriman Schmavonian. At the time of her birth, her father was pastor of the Armenian Evang'l Church in Con-stantinople. In 1915 when the Turkish massacre of the Armenians gathered force, her mother, Edith, and the children returned to America. Her father remained in Constantinople to attend to the needs of his endangered congregation. With the entry of the U.S. into World War I on the allied side in 1917, her father accepted the pastorate of the Presb. Church in Cazenovia, NY, and the family settled there. Arsine earned her B.A. from Hood Col-lege in Frederick, MD in 1934 and later an M.S.

in Library Science from Syracuse University. Her first job in 1936 was teaching history and social studies at Cazenovia Seminary. Upon her father’s death in 1940, she moved with her mother and sister to Syracuse, NY. Over her lifetime, Arsine worked for the Presb. Church in many capacities – first in Syracuse as church secretary at the First Presb. Church, then as assistant to the Presb. chaplain at Syracuse University, and later as office director at the church of the Covenant in Cleveland, Ohio. Some of her happiest memories were from her time in New York City, from 1957 until 1963, when she was an editorial assistant for the Presbyterian General Assembly. In 1963 she returned to Syracuse and worked as an editor, lastly with Syracuse University Libraries. Upon her retirement in 1975, she moved with her sister to East Dennis, MA, and then to Williamsport, MD, where her sister passed away in 1989. In 1998, in order to be closer to family, Arsine moved to Ingleside at Rock Creek in Washington, D.C. She was a member of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. Her final resting place is in the Schmavonian family plot in her beloved Cazenovia. Arsine is survived by her three cousins (once removed), Peter Reid of Georgetown, TX, Janice Myers of Charlotte, NC, and Donna McNeil of Kensington, MD, and their children and grandchildren. She will be missed greatly by her family and her friends. q


New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009· 2017. 9. 28.· AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (18)

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The Thirsty Enemy is a memoir that reads like a novel, a story in which a growing faith in God and awareness of purpose in life meet to form the adventure. The primary setting for the book is the city of Beirut in the land of Lebanon. It tells about the be-ginning steps in the creation of an institution of higher learning, and finds its theme in seven years of war, giving a drink to the thirsty enemy. From the Preface: “I was lying on the floor near the front door of our sixth floor apartment in Beirut, Lebanon, talking on the phone, but the roar of guns both small and large caliber was so loud that I could barely hear. It was the end of October in 1975. I was 58 years old and had been almost a pacifist since I was 18, yet there I was in the middle of a war.” John Markarian is an ordained Presbyterian minister with a doctorate degree in theology. In 1955, the AMAA and the Armenian Evangelical Church invited him to launch a new university program in Beirut, Lebanon to be named Haigazian College. His first and founding presidency ended in 1966. He was Dean of the Chapel and Chairman of the Religion Department at Central College in Pella, Iowa for three years. He returned to Beirut in 1969 to become Director of Development and Professor at the Near East School of Theology. He returned to the helm of Haigazian College in 1971 and retired in 1982. His memoir, The Thirsty Enemy, is published in his 92nd year.

AMAA Announces the Newly Published Book of Dr. John Markarian,The Founding President of Haigazian College (now University) of Beirut, Lebanon

The Thirsty Enemy


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New AMAA News OctNovDec 2009 · 2017. 9. 28. · AMAA NEWS, OCT/NOV/DEC 2009 - 3 A M A A 90th Annual Meeting of AMAA Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Armenian Children's Milk fund T - [PDF Document] (2024)
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