Campus Chronicles by EveSynthetic (2025)

NJred20007 days ago

What the difference with the paid version?


Maxlukas113 days ago

How can I move on android


VtvtvdgjHi14 days ago(+1)

how do you play in mobile?


Comet888820 days ago (5 edits) (+2)

hello i have seen that a lot of people has some problem finding stuff in the game so here is a walkthrough (there might be some spelling mistakes im not a native english speaker so bare with me but i tried to be as understandable as possible but if you has seen some spelling mistakes please write it down so i can fix it)

if you want a way betterwalkthroughthen go to the page on f95zone you can find a walkthrough there by KnightOf1

1. the first thing you will need to do is finding the ID card you can get it by talking to the blonde guard then you will need to go to the bush and then a button will appear click that and you get the ID card then go to the door and drag and drop the ID card on to it and now you can go in

2. talk to the girl in the gym after that you will need a weight plate you can get it by going to the french room and talk to with the red haired girl in there

then you will need a stool you need to go the canteen talk to the girl with green hair she will ask for a cigarette you need to go outside where the ID was there is a trash can inspect it and you will get some money. now talk to the guard with the hat and the black hair you can find her at the ground floor. after she gived you the cigarette go back tot he canteen and drag and drop the cigarette on to the green hair girl. now that you have the stool go back to the french room and drag and drop the stool on to the red hair girl. after you have the weight plate go to the gym and drag and drop the weight plate on the girl with the purple hair

3. talk to the girl with the brown hair at the ground floor. after talking with her go to the principal and talk with her (she can be found at the principal room) after you talked with her go out of the room and talk to the blonde girl (she can be found at the same floor as the principal room) she will give you a key so go down to the ground floor and go to the blue lockers a inspect button will appear click that and now you have the pads and a paper go in the washroom and drag and drop the pads on to the closed door and now you can go in the stock room.

(the stock room is the room with the ??? above next to the washroom) go in the stock room and between two of the shelf there will be an inspect button interact with it then go out and talk with the brown hair girl she will give you a flashlight go back to the stock room and now you can get the report. now go back to the principal room and drag and drop the report on to the principal.

4. go to the french room and talk to the girl with the red hair after you talked to her go to the library (which is next to the principal room) and talk with the girl in there after you talked with her go to the math room (its next to the canteen) and talk to the pink haired girl go in front of the canteen and talk with the brown haired girl she will ask for a mop so we need to go to the stock room and get the mop. after we have the mop go to the front of the canteen and drag and drop the mop on to the wet floor sign. now you will need some coin (you can get it in the stock room if you didnt pick it up earlier) if you have the coin talk to the girl with the blue hair in the canteen you will get the fanta pie now go back to the math room and drag and drop it on to the pink haired girl. now you have the calculus book go back to the library and drag and drop the book on the girl in the library. after she gived you the french book go back to the french room and drag and drop the book on to the girl with the red hair then you realise that its do nothing because thats the current end of the game.


Dereck10921 days ago

How do I store objects on a cell phone?


Abrielle122 days ago(+1)

where do u find the crying girl


Big Wampus22 days ago(-1)

Is there a cumshot button on android?


dung12345622 days ago(+1)

where is the report ??


dung12345622 days ago(-1)

where there cigarette everyone ???


Manoutofthecity23 days ago(+3)(-2)

Where do I find the french workbook??


debilsigma23 days ago(+1)

where the hell are cigarettes


stickmanlover23 days ago(+4)(-1)

im stuck i got the french book and the flashlight, but there arent anymore quest


Shiori23 days ago (1 edit) (+3)



HENTAILOVER11024 days ago

where do you find the pads


MonGirl24 days ago(-1)

where is the ID


K3ndrick24 days ago

where do i finf the cigarette


Campus Chronicles by EveSynthetic (2025)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.