Blue Archive: Sparda-Sensei's Chronicle - Chapter 28 - Arcreed (2024)

Chapter Text

Volume 2 Chapter 1 (VIII)


In a room filled with an array of screens and computers, a girl with wavy, shoulder-length blue hair was frantically sifting through a barrage of messages, video footage from street CCTVs, and reports from field officers. She had been relentlessly performing this task for hours since the previous night, showing no signs of stopping even as the sun rose, casting a faint light through the blinds.

To her, a little fatigue was insignificant compared to the paramount importance of locating the Head Prefect, whom she had been unable to contact since they split their forces yesterday. For Amau Ako, any physical discomfort was a trivial price to pay in the pursuit of finding the Head Prefect.

"Senior Administrator Ako, I implore you, please take a rest. You've been at this nonstop, and—" a voice interrupted her fervent work.

Ako twitched. She turned around in her seat, her eyes blazing with intensity as they fixed on the girl who had spoken—a girl with shoulder-length hime cut that obscured her eyes, wearing a hat that almost shielded her expression.

"Take a rest?" Ako's voice trembled with barely contained fury. "The Head Prefect is missing, and you want me to rest?! How dare you even suggest such a thing!"

The girl with the hat recoiled, her expression morphing into one of utter panic as she fumbled to explain her rationale. "S-she's not strictly missing... It's just that we haven't been able to establish communication with her since last night and–"

"That is called missing!" Ako yelled, her voice echoing through the room with a sharp finality.

"Hii?!" The girl with the hat nearly jumped out of her skin, bowing her head quickly in a gesture of apology and respect. "I-I'm sorry, Senior Administrator Ako! It's exactly as you said!"

Ako exhaled deeply, attempting to release the tension that had built up within her body. Just then, a knock echoed through the room.

"Who is it?" Ako asked, her voice tinged with impatience.

"Ako-chan, it's me," came the familiar voice of Iori. The door creaked open, and Iori stepped inside, her expression quickly morphing into one of bewilderment. "Whoa, what's going on here?"

"Nothing important," Ako replied dismissively, waving a hand as if to brush away the concern. "Anyway, Iori, what do you have to report?"

"I've just received some news for you," Iori said, stepping closer to Ako with a tablet in hand.

"You found clues about the Head Prefect's location?" Ako asked, her eyes lighting up with a flicker of hope.

"Err, no," Iori responded, her tone apologetic. "But, we do have these." She began transferring files to Ako's device.

Although deflated, Ako opened the files and began scrutinizing them intently. "These are... Problem Solver 68 and the Sensei from SCHALE?"

The files that Iori had shared contained two still images. The first depicted three members of Problem Solver 68, their expressions intense and resolute. The second image showed Sensei standing alongside students adorned with the Abydos High School logo on their uniforms. Their appearances were slightly disheveled, as though they had just been through some kind of an ordeal.

"They were spotted at different locations simultaneously," Iori explained.

“SCHALE came into contact with Abydos? Not to mention, Sensei has an established connection with Problem Solver 68 and the recent kidnapping of Ibuki…” Ako's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the images once more, her mind racing to find the connective thread. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as a realization struck her. “Fu…fufufufu. I see…so that’s how it was…” Ako muttered under her breath, glaring at the image of Sensei with newfound intensity.

"A-Ako-chan?" Iori gulped, sensing the shift in Ako's demeanor.

"Sensei... if you think you can conspire with Abydos to take down Gehenna while the Prefect Team is around, you're dead wrong," Ako declared, her voice dripping with conviction.

“Err…Ako-chan, I think you’re jumping the gun a little bit here,” Iori interjected cautiously.

Ako ignored Iori, her eyes widening in sudden realization. “Don’t tell me…no, it can’t be, but it’s the only logical answer!”

“Huh?” Iori’s confusion deepened.

“Iori! Mobilize all our forces and find Sensei and the members of Problem Solver 68 immediately! Chairwoman Hina has been captured by them!” Ako’s voice rang with urgency.

“Wait–Ako-chan? Now you’re really starting to not make any sense! In the first place, how could Chairwoman Hina be caught by anyone? You know how strong the Head Prefect is!” Iori protested, her voice rising in alarm.

“That’s right. The Head Prefect is incredibly strong, stronger than anyone else. That’s why…they must have employed a really dirty tactic. For example, using Ibuki as blackmail to force her to surrender…” Ako reasoned, her voice dropping to a menacing whisper.

“T-that’s—I don’t think Sensei would do that…” Iori stammered, doubt etched across her face.

“Are you certain? Can you say with absolute certainty that it didn’t happen, Iori? Are you sure that the Sensei from SCHALE has no intention of going against Gehenna and the Prefect Team after all you’ve seen?” Ako's face drew closer to Iori’s, her piercing gaze demanding an answer.

Iori took a hesitant step back, her confidence wavering under Ako’s intense scrutiny. “I…I…” she gulped, her voice reduced to a barely audible whisper. “I don’t know.”

Ako smirked triumphantly, her expression one of vindicated certainty. “See?” she said, turning back to her computer with a sense of purpose. “Iori, this is your mission. Locate Sensei and the members of Problem Solver 68, and rescue the Head Prefect. Take Chinatsu with you. Together, the two of you should be able to find them in no time at all.”

Iori stood there in silence, her mind racing as she processed the gravity of the task assigned to her. The weight of Ako’s words hung heavily in the air.

“What do you say, Iori?” Ako pressed, her voice brooking no argument.

“Roger…” Iori replied finally, her voice steadying as she accepted the mission.



“Hnngg!” Hoshino groaned as she stretched her arms wide, the morning sunlight streaming through her window and bathing her room in a warm, golden glow. Having just woken up, she rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

With a satisfying crack of her neck and shoulders, she turned her attention to a photo on her desk, housed in a dainty pink picture frame adorned with tiny hearts. The photograph depicted two individuals, capturing a moment of pure joy and camaraderie. One was a petite girl with shoulder-length pink hair and a striking pair of heterochromic eyes, standing with a scowl on her face. The other was a taller girl, her long, flowing cyan hair cascading over her shoulders, her ample bosom prominent as she embraced the smaller girl with a radiant, affectionate smile.

Hoshino's eyes softened as she looked at the photograph, her lips curling into a tender smile. “Good morning, Yume-Senpai,” she whispered, her voice imbued with warmth and fondness.

Springing out of bed with newfound energy, Hoshino swiftly undressed and retrieved her school uniform from the closet. As she changed, she glanced back at the photo, a sudden realization dawning upon her.

“Yume-Senpai, I haven’t told you what happened yesterday yet, have I?” Hoshino mused aloud, as if the woman in the picture could hear her. “You know that adult man I brought home? It turned out he really is a Sensei, and he’s employed by the General Student Council, no less. The club he heads is called SCHALE.”

She paused, considering her next words carefully. “I still don’t know what the GSC intended by employing an adult to be a teacher. Since there’s no such thing as a good adult, I don't think I should put any hope in him. But Ayane-chan seems to really trust Sensei, so I think I’m going to be a good Senpai and put my faith in Ayane-chan’s trust.”

Hoshino then laughed softly, the sound carrying a blend of amusem*nt and incredulity. "Besides, that Sensei is quite funny and interesting, to say the least. Well, actually, he's a weirdo. He can smell like a dog, and because of that Serika-chan kept her distance from him all day yesterday after she landed a punch on his jaw."

Her laughter faded into a more contemplative tone. “Well, it doesn’t matter if Sensei intends to help us protect Abydos or not; I’ll do it either way, no matter the cost,” Hoshino declared with resolute determination.

She tightened her tie, making sure it was perfectly in place, and then picked up her school bag, feeling the familiar weight on her shoulder.

“Well, then, Yume-Senpai, I’m heading out,” she said, casting one last affectionate glance at the photograph before stepping out of her room.


“Alright, can anyone explain to Ojiisan what this setup is all about?” Hoshino asked, stepping into the clubroom with a look of bemusem*nt.

The moment she opened the door to the clubroom, she was greeted by an unexpected and peculiar sight. The usual clutter of papers and stationery had been meticulously set aside to make way for five plates, each laden with an identical assortment of breakfast foods: pancakes, scrambled eggs, salad, sausages, sliced fresh tomatoes, baked mushrooms, and potatoes. In the center of the table stood a clear jug filled with ice-cold lemon tea, with neatly arranged paper cups beside it.

“Hoshino-Senpai, good morning,” Ayane greeted, munching contentedly on a serving of potatoes.

“You’re late. Hurry up and eat before the food gets cold,” Serika said, slicing her pancake with precision before taking a mouthful.

Shiroko was too engrossed in her meal to even look up, her focus solely on the food in front of her.

“Mmm~, these pancakes are amazing,” Nonomi exclaimed blissfully. “Sensei, what syrup is this?”

Sensei, the only one not actively eating, was deeply absorbed in reading some papers. Without lifting his gaze, he replied, “Buttermilk.”

Scratch buttermilk; why was Sensei wearing an apron again?

No—before that…

“Anyone mind answering Ojiisan’s question? Ojiisan might cry at this rate,” Hoshino pleaded, her tone a mix of mock despair and genuine curiosity.

“It’s breakfast. It’s good,” came a very succinct answer from Shiroko.

“Shiroko-chan, Ojiisan appreciates that you answered, but could you provide a bit more detail, please?” Hoshino implored, her curiosity only growing with each passing moment.

“Shenshei whahs–” Ayane attempted to explain while still munching on her food.

“Ayane-chan? Ojiisan can't understand a word you're saying if you speak with your mouth full.”

Ayane quickly swallowed her food. “Sensei was the one who cooked all of this.”

“Sensei did?” Hoshino asked, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized Sensei.

Sensei shrugged, his eyes never leaving the papers he was reading. “I had a lot of free time this morning. I tried several times to leave for the city since last night, but navigating Abydos' desert, especially during a sandstorm, proved to be exceptionally challenging. I could hardly distinguish between east and west, or north and south. By the time the sun rose, I had realized my folly in trying to cross the desert unaided and gave up,” he explained, his tone matter-of-fact.

Hoshino had no idea what to feel as she heard him describing his foolish attempts to cross the desert in the middle of the night. Forget ‘weirdo’, at this point she might as well call him ‘suicidal’.

Perhaps…he was a no-good adult, after all?

“Oh, and if I somehow angered you by borrowing your stoves without permission, I apologize.”

“No one would be angry about something like that, Sensei. Besides, it’s the school’s stoves, not just ours,” Nonomi responded cheerfully.

Hoshino took a seat as she eyed the food. “I didn’t know you could cook, Sensei. But why did you bother doing all of this?” Hoshino asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Well, I noticed yesterday that you girls were only eating food from the convenience store. You really need to start your day with a proper breakfast to give you energy and keep you healthy,” Sensei explained. He paused briefly before adding, “Well, it’s nothing fancy, really. And don’t worry about the cost for the ingredients, I…” Sensei hesitated, “I had it covered.”

Hoshino sensed a moment of tension in his pause.

“Anyway, Hoshino, you should eat your breakfast before it gets cold,” Sensei suggested.

“Eh, I’m not hungry,” Hoshino replied dismissively.

“You already ate?” Sensei asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I drank a bottle of milk on the way here,” Hoshino answered nonchalantly.

“Don’t you think that’s too little?” Sensei asked, his concern evident.

“It’s enough for me,” Hoshino replied stubbornly.

“Hoshino-Senpai, since Sensei went out of his way to make this breakfast, you should really give it a try,” Nonomi said, then added with a playful smile, “If you don’t, I might not lend you my thighs to rest on today~.”

“Eeeeh?” Hoshino whined. She glanced at the food served on the plate and, with a resigned sigh, decided to pick the one that hadn’t been touched.

Picking up a fork, she eyed the food one last time before scooping a bite into her mouth. As she chewed, her eyes widened in surprise as the flavors filled her palate.

“So? What do you think?” Nonomi asked eagerly.

“It’s... good,” Hoshino admitted, a hint of surprise in her voice.

Out of the corner of her eye, Hoshino glimpsed a ghost of a smile adorning Sensei’s face.


“Alright, now that we’ve filled our bellies, let’s turn our attention to the matter at hand,” Sparda declared, addressing the five members of the Foreclosure Task Force. Each girl in the room bore varying expressions of anticipation. “First and foremost, let’s discuss Abydos’ debt,” he continued, noting the collective tensing of the room’s occupants. “I’d like to gain a clear understanding of your current efforts to accumulate the necessary funds to address this debt.”

Shiroko raised her hand, and Sparda gestured for her to proceed. “Yes, Shiroko.”

“I typically go out to pursue bounties,” Shiroko began, holding up her phone to show Sparda a webpage displaying a list of delinquents and lawbreakers with bounties on their heads. The amounts ranged from 100,000 to 200,000 yen. “It’s quite lucrative,” Shiroko added.

“I see. And generally speaking, how many bounties were you able to capture in a month?” Sparda inquired.

“It varies,” Shiroko replied. “On a good month, I managed to capture up to twenty individuals, but on a bad month, it might be as few as six. I also received a bonus if I managed to apprehend an entire gang in one go.”

“Aah, if only we had handed those Kata Kata Helmet Gang members over to the Valkyrie yesterday, we would be swimming in cash by now,” Hoshino lamented, her eyes fixed intently on Sparda.

Sparda responded with a knowing smile, “Thank you for your understanding.”

“Next time they come around, we’ll make sure to turn them over to the Valkyrie. Agreed, Sensei?” Serika asked, her tone firm and resolute.

Sparda shrugged nonchalantly. “Certainly, if that’s what’s necessary to set them on the right path. Besides, I made it clear to them that it was a one-time concession and that I wouldn’t be lenient again.” He clapped his hands together to regain focus. “Now, Nonomi, I’d like to hear about your contributions.”

“Me?” Nonomi said, pointing to herself with a touch of surprise. “Well, I’ve been setting aside a portion of my monthly allowance,” she said with cheerful enthusiasm.

“Monthly allowance? And how much do you typically contribute?” Sparda inquired, curious about the specifics.

“Just enough,” Nonomi replied, her expression remaining upbeat.

Sparda stared at Nonomi for a moment, his gaze unwavering. Nonomi, in turn, maintained her cheerful smile, giving nothing more away.

“She’s not going to elaborate, is she?” Sparda thought, crossing his arms with a hint of resignation. “Alright, Hoshino?”

“I’m doing something similar to what Shiroko-chan does~,” Hoshino said with a playful tone.

“Ah, so you’re also involved in tracking down and apprehending delinquents. Understood,” Sparda affirmed, his gaze shifting as he made a mental note. “Ayane?”

“Most of the time, the local residents send me requests, and I assist them with those,” Ayane replied.

“An exemplary citizen and dedicated student. Well done, Ayane,” Sparda praised her warmly. Finally, his attention turned to Serika, his gaze shifting with a hint of curiosity.

“What?” Serika asked, a touch of apprehension in her voice.

Sparda tapped his left index finger against his right arm, considering the situation with a hint of amusem*nt. “I don’t necessarily need to ask, but since this seems like it could be entertaining, I’ll ask anyway.”

“Serika, do you mind sharing what you do to raise funds?” Sparda inquired.

Serika looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I..."

"Now that I think about it, Serika-chan never told us what she does to raise funds," Ayane suddenly remarked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Ha?!" Serika's shoulders jumped in surprise.

"That's right, Serika-chan! It's unfair if you're the only one whose job remains a secret!" Nonomi chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"N-Nonomi-Senpai?!" Serika exclaimed, her voice rising in panic.

"Nn, I'm curious too," Shiroko added, her tone calm but inquisitive.

"Shiroko-Senpai too?!" Serika's voice wavered.

"Ojiisan also wants to know what secret Serika-chan's been hiding~," Hoshino said playfully, raising her hand.

"I-I-I-!" Serika stammered, at a loss for words.

Sparda clapped his hands together to regain control of the situation. “Alright, that’s enough teasing for now. I’m sure Serika has been diligently working for the benefit of her community and has been rewarded accordingly,” he said reassuringly.

Serika nodded vigorously, her expression a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

Serika nodded rapidly, seizing the opportunity to explain. "T-that’s right! I-I do volunteer work and odd jobs for the community, just like you, Ayane-chan!" she hurriedly said, forcing a strained smile. She grabbed a cup of lemon tea and took a large gulp.

Sparda decided to elaborate, “Yes, for instance, helping the kind old Master Shiba from Shiba Seki Ramen with preparing the ingredients for his noodles.”

“BFFTTTT!!!” Serika spluttered, spitting out her lemon tea in a dramatic spray. She sprang to her feet, glaring at Sparda with a mix of indignation and embarrassment. “You!!”

“What are you getting upset about? I was simply using it as an example,” Sparda said calmly, his expression unruffled.

Ayane, her curiosity piqued, asked, “Sensei, you’ve been to Shiba Seki Ramen?”

Sparda nodded, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, I have.”

Shiroko then chimed in, “The ramen there is truly delicious.”

Sparda agreed wholeheartedly. “Indeed, it is.”

Serika looked around at her friends, her expression turning pale. “D-don’t tell me…e-everyone’s been there?”

In perfect unison, all four girls responded, “Yes.”

Serika instantly sank back into her seat, covering her face with her hands in a futile attempt to hide her embarrassment.

“Serika-chan?” Hoshino's voice was gentle, filled with concern.

“I-it’s nothing!” Serika said quickly, her voice muffled by her hands.

Sparda looked on, amusem*nt dancing in his eyes. However, he soon cleared his throat and redirected the conversation. “Alright, let’s get back on track. Ayane, you mentioned yesterday that the monthly interest on the debt is 8 million yen. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being barely able to manage the interest payments and 10 being easily able to pay the interest and make a dent in the principal, where would you rank your efforts so far?”

Ayane hesitantly raised three fingers.

“Three, huh?” Sparda echoed thoughtfully. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he let out a sigh. “Does anyone have any plans to improve our current situation?”

Hoshino raised her hand eagerly. “Ojiisan has a great idea.”

Sparda's eyes narrowed slightly in skepticism. “I have my doubts, but please, go ahead.”

“Trinity. Gehenna. Millennium. Do you know what the biggest schools in Kivotos have in common?” Hoshino asked, her eyes glinting with enthusiasm. When no one responded, she continued, “It’s the number of students attending them. More students mean more funding, more activities, and a larger pool of resources.”

Sparda leaned forward, intrigued. “So, what exactly are you proposing, Hoshino?”

“We need to increase our student enrollment,” Hoshino declared with a confident smile. “If we can attract more students to Abydos, we’ll boost our revenue through tuition and other fees. Additionally, a larger student body will help us gain more recognition and support from various organizations and sponsors.”

Sparda leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow. “And how exactly do you propose we accomplish that?”

“It’s simple,” Hoshino said, her smile widening as she made an 'ok' gesture with her hand. “If we hijack their buses and force them to enroll at Abydos, everything’s going to be just fine!”

“B-bus hijacking?!” Ayane shrieked in shock, while Sparda listened to Hoshino’s proposal with a pensive expression.

“That’s right,” Hoshino continued, undeterred. “If we hijack their buses and make it so that the only way they can leave is by signing enrollment forms for Abydos, we can solve all our problems easily!”

“Uh…” Ayane trailed off, her eyes pleading for Sparda to intervene.

“Hmm? Hmm…” Sparda mulled over Hoshino’s idea, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.

Shiroko suddenly stood up, a determined look in her eyes as she tightly gripped her rifle. “That sounds like a brilliant idea. Should we start right away? Who’ll we be targeting first? Trinity? Gehenna? Millennium?”

Ayane, incensed by the absurdity of it all, finally lost her composure. “Rejected!!” she yelled.

“Ehh?” Hoshino whined, her smile fading.

“Think about it! If we do something like that, do you think the other schools would just sit by and do nothing?!” Ayane argued, her voice rising in frustration.

“Ayane,” Sparda interjected calmly, catching her attention. “Let’s not be too hasty in rejecting Hoshino’s idea outright.”

Ayane looked stunned. “S-Sensei?! Are you seriously considering her proposal?”

“Well, I’ll explain my reasoning later. For now, let’s hear what everyone has to say,” Sparda suggested, and Ayane reluctantly relented. “So, who’s next?”

Shiroko raised her hand.

“Alright, Shiroko-Senpai, go ahead,” Ayane said warily.

“Bank robbery,” Shiroko stated plainly.

“Bank robbery?!” Ayane yelled once more, her face flushing with frustration.

Sparda tapped his finger on the table thoughtfully. “Robbery… hmm…” he muttered under his breath.

Shiroko quickly jumped in to explain her plan. “I’ve done surveillance on the major banks and mapped out their security routes. I’ve devised several detailed plans, and if we execute one swiftly, we could net at least a hundred million yen in a single heist.” Then, Shiroko took out several balaclavas and laid them on the table. “I’ve also prepared these for all of us.”

“Rejected!” Ayane shouted, her voice rising in exasperation.

“Eh?” Shiroko looked genuinely surprised by the vehement rejection.

“Robbing a bank… Do you want to become a criminal and be arrested by Valkyrie, Senpai?!” Ayane pointed out sharply. Sparda stopped tapping his finger on the table, drawing Ayane’s attention to him. “Sensei?”

“Ayane, once again, let’s not be too hasty,” Sparda gently reminded her. “We need to hear all ideas before making a decision. Now, please continue. Who’s next?”

“I’ll go~,” Nonomi volunteered with a cheerful tone.

“Go ahead, Nonomi-Senpai," Ayane said, albeit with visible reluctance.

"Don't worry, Ayane-chan. My plan is completely legal and harmless~," Nonomi said, sparking a flicker of hope in Ayane's eyes. But this hope was quickly extinguished when Nonomi revealed, “Yes, we'll be idols! School idols!”

“... Huh?” Ayane froze.

Sparda raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “You want to become objects of worship?”

Nonomi blinked and then giggled. “Fufu, Sensei, you’re so silly. When I say idols, I mean this~!” She took out her phone and showed Sparda a video.

“They’re dancing and singing on a stage… I see, you mean you want the whole club to become performers representing Abydos,” Sparda said, nodding slowly as he began to understand.

“Yes! By becoming school idols, we can attract attention and support for Abydos. We could perform at various events, gain sponsorships, and even sell merchandise,” Nonomi explained with boundless enthusiasm. “It’s a way to generate income and enhance our school’s reputation without resorting to criminal activities.”

Sparda glanced at Ayane, who was visibly trembling, her eyes fixed on him. It was clear she wanted to outright reject Nonomi’s proposal, but she restrained herself, awaiting Sparda's reaction.

Sparda sighed deeply. “A viable option for sure, but let’s see if Serika has any other ideas before we make a final decision,” he said.

All eyes turned to Serika, who, with a proud puff of her chest, pulled out a flyer showcasing a particular product.

“Look at this! If we invest in these bracelets, the return is guaranteed to be a thousand times more, and the bracelets are supposed to improve our luck!” Serika declared, her excitement palpable.

Sparda and Ayane leaned in to scrutinize the flyer, then exchanged knowing glances.

“Rejected,” they both said in unison.

“E-eeeeeeeeehhh?!” Serika exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief.

“Serika, no matter how you look at it, this is a scam aimed at exploiting unsuspecting victims,” Sparda explained patiently. “It's a different guise, but the method is almost identical to those of snake oil salesmen.”

Ayane nodded in agreement, her voice firm but gentle. “We can’t afford to invest in something so dubious and untrustworthy.”

Serika’s shoulders slumped in defeat, her face a picture of dismay. “No way… they’re… fraudulent?” she asked, her voice trembling as tears welled up in her eyes. She glanced down at the bracelets adorning her wrists, each one a symbol of her misguided hope. “And I even bought enough for all of us…”

Sparda’s gaze softened as he took in Serika’s disappointment. “Let’s return them later, okay?” he suggested gently. “I’ll help you ‘negotiate’ with the merchant. We’ll get your money back.”

Serika gave a small nod, her gratitude evident despite the lingering disappointment in her expression.

Sparda then turned his attention to the rest of the group, his tone shifting back to a more authoritative one. “So, was that all the ideas?” he asked, scanning the room. “If so, let me offer my perspective. I’ll try to be as objective as possible and give you inputs from an outsider’s point of view.”

With that, Sparda stood up and picked up a marker, moving to the whiteboard at the front of the room. He began drawing three circles—one large, one small, and one of medium size. In the largest circle, he wrote Hoshino’s name; in the smallest, Shiroko’s name; and in the medium one, Nonomi’s name.

“This is to help you visualize which plan, in my opinion, will have the most lasting impact on Abydos,” Sparda explained as he stepped back to give the girls a clearer view. “These circles don’t indicate which plan is more likely to succeed or which is the best solution to Abydos’ debt crisis. Instead, they represent the potential long-term benefits and sustainability of each idea.”

“Long-term benefits and sustainability?” Ayane asked, a hint of confusion in her voice. Sparda nodded, prompting her to continue. “Umm… I don’t think I follow…”

Sparda offered a patient smile. “What I’m trying to do is take a more holistic approach—considering a solution that not only resolves Abydos’ immediate debt but also ensures that the school can thrive in the long term.”

“Huh? Why do you think it won’t? We’ll make sure it does,” Serika chimed in, her voice tinged with determination.

Sparda closed his eyes briefly, carefully selecting his words to avoid discouraging the girls. He wanted them to grasp the gravity of the situation without crushing their spirits. “And what happens after you graduate? Or will you stay here even after you have graduated?” he asked gently, allowing the question to linger in the air, urging them to think beyond their immediate circ*mstances.

“I’ll stay,” Hoshino responded without a moment’s hesitation, catching Sparda off guard with her swift reply. “If necessary, I won’t graduate. Besides, the idea of graduating, becoming an adult, and dealing with the workforce sounds like a real pain for this Ojiisan~. I’d much rather stick around and live a lazy student life~,” she added with a lazy smile, her tone light but resolute.

Sparda blinked, momentarily taken aback, and silently studied Hoshino. Her nonchalant demeanor contrasted sharply with the serious nature of the conversation. As she lazily opened her right eye, her vibrant orange iris met his piercing blue gaze. Sparda tried to decipher the reasoning behind her willingness to forgo her future for the sake of Abydos.

Noticing his scrutiny, Hoshino smirked. “Anyway, Sensei, you better keep going; we don’t have all day to dwell on this~,” she urged, her tone playful but laced with an undertone of impatience.

Sparda blinked again, deciding not to overanalyze her response for the time being. “Indeed, you’re right,” he agreed, acknowledging the need to keep the discussion moving forward. He had already planned to seek assistance in getting to the city after this meeting, so time was of the essence.

Returning his focus to the task at hand, Sparda resumed his explanation. “Let’s start with your proposal, Hoshino. The fundamental premise of increasing student enrollment is sound. However, the method you’ve suggested is highly problematic. There’s no need to resort to illegal means to achieve your goal, as long as you’re willing to set aside your personal feelings and approach the situation pragmatically.”

“Is that so? Then, Sensei, are you saying you have a solution for that?” Hoshino inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Sparda paused, contemplating his response. “I do,” he finally replied, “but I’ll share it after I’ve given my input on Shiroko and Nonomi’s proposals. Shiroko, let’s start with you.”

Shiroko straightened up in her seat, ready for his assessment. “Nn.”

“Shiroko, your idea, while daring, is inherently flawed because it involves robbing a financial institution. However, the underlying concept of acquiring untraceable funds isn’t entirely without merit. Consider what else in Abydos, or perhaps outside of it, might hold large amounts of cash that can’t be easily traced back to you or the school,” Sparda suggested, prompting her to think outside the box.

Shiroko tilted her head slightly, considering his words. “For example?”

“Well, in the place where I come from… whenever I was in need of funds, I would target illegal syndicates—smugglers, criminals, that sort of thing. I’d take their cash and sell any valuable items on the legal market,” Sparda explained casually.

“Sensei…” Shiroko began, her eyes lighting up with admiration. “You’re a true vigilante,” she declared, her voice filled with awe.

Sparda's expression immediately flattened as he realized the unintended impression he had left on Shiroko. Recognizing the need to steer the conversation back on track and away from any glorification of unlawful behavior, he swiftly decided not to continue talking about Shiroko’s proposal and instead moved on to the next topic. “Alright, let’s proceed. Nonomi, you’re up next,” he said, redirecting the discussion with a sense of urgency.

Nonomi raised her hand cheerfully. “Yes~.”.

Sparda began with a fundamental question, hoping to ground their conversation in reality. “Let me ask the most basic of questions: have any of you ever learned to dance and sing before?”

The answers were less than encouraging.

“Unfortunately not,” Nonomi admitted with a slight frown.

“No,” Hoshino responded, her tone flat and uninterested.

“Never,” Serika added, shaking her head.

To everyone’s surprise, Shiroko chimed in. “I sang in a karaoke.”

“Shiroko-Senpai, you went singing in karaoke?” Ayane asked, her curiosity piqued by this unexpected revelation.

“Nn, once, when I was doing surveillance,” Shiroko explained matter-of-factly.

Sparda, sensing the conversation drifting, brought them back to the practicalities of the situation. “Then, it would not be feasible to rely on your plan to resolve Abydos’ debt. Training you all from scratch in singing and dancing will take far too long. And that’s without considering the significant financial investment required for the marketing and advertising necessary to attract an audience willing to support you—let alone pay to see your performances.”

Nonomi’s cheerful demeanor visibly waned at Sparda’s words, her shoulders drooping slightly as a disappointed sigh escaped her lips. “Uuuu…” she murmured, clearly disheartened.

However, Sparda’s tone softened as he addressed Nonomi, hoping to alleviate her disappointment. “I’m not suggesting that you should abandon your dream of becoming an idol if that is truly what you aspire to be,” he began, his voice gentle and reassuring. “In fact, your collective charm and appeal are undeniable, and I have no doubt that, given the right platform, you could indeed attract a sizable and devoted number of supporters. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I have reservations about whether charm alone would be enough to generate the sustained support necessary to resolve Abydos’ debt.”

He paused thoughtfully before continuing, “That being said, establishing an idol club could be a wonderful way to make the most of your youth and to showcase your talents, even if it might not directly contribute to solving our current financial crisis. And, if I’m being honest, it wouldn’t be entirely untrue to say that I wouldn’t mind seeing a group of cute and talented girls performing as idols.”

Hoshino burst into laughter at his candid confession. “Sensei, you really have a talent for saying the most shameless things without batting an eye, don’t you?”

Ayane’s face flushed a deep red as she chimed in, “Shameless might be an understatement. That’s borderline harassment, Sensei!”

“Nn. Sensei is a natural playboy,” Shiroko added, her usual calm demeanor making the comment even more cutting.

Nonomi, recovering some of her earlier cheer, joined in with a playful tune. “Playboy, Sensei is a playboy~,” she sang, her voice light and teasing.

Sparda sighed in mock exasperation. “Please, don’t call me a playboy. I have a bad memory associated with that word.”

Serika, however, wasn’t as amused. “Then stop spouting such nonsense! Seriously, it’s so embarrassing I feel like tearing my ears off!” she shouted, her face flushed with mortification.

With a wry smile playing on his lips, Sparda quipped, “Would you prefer I lie and call you ugly instead?”

Serika, caught off guard by his blunt retort, momentarily froze, her indignation swiftly deflated. “Urk!” she managed to stammer, clearly taken aback.

But Sparda wasn’t quite done. “Besides, even if I didn’t say it, it’s clear to anyone with eyes that such a thought would be absurd. Anyone who thinks otherwise really ought to get their vision checked.”

Serika’s face grew even redder as she tried to contain her growing frustration. “Like. I. Said…” she growled, her voice low and trembling with exasperation. Sensing that he had pushed her far enough, Sparda quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

“Alright, alright. I get it. I’ll stop,” he conceded.

But as quickly as the playful banter had begun, Sparda’s demeanor shifted back to seriousness. He straightened up, his expression growing more focused as he prepared to return to the matter at hand. “Now then,” he began, taking a deep breath to reset the tone of the conversation, “let’s circle back to Hoshino’s proposal.”

Hoshino, with her trademark smirk, couldn't resist a jab. "I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever hear about your solution, considering how deeply you seemed lost in your perverse thoughts," she teased, her tone light yet mischievous.

Sparda, quick to defend himself, shot back with a hint of exasperation, “I assure you, my thoughts were anything but perverse.” He then shifted back to the topic at hand, his voice growing more serious. “Anyway, the crux of your proposal hinges on the necessity of increasing the student population at Abydos as swiftly as possible. There is indeed a method to achieve this without breaking any laws. However...” He trailed off, his hesitation palpable.

“But?” Hoshino prompted, her curiosity piqued.

An awkward silence hung in the air as Sparda paused, seemingly lost in thought.

Hoshino raised an eyebrow, the silence stretching on a bit too long for her liking. “Sensei, if you’re expecting us to read your mind, I’m afraid you’re sorely mistaken,” she remarked with a bemused smile, a bead of sweat forming on her temple.

Sparda let out a small huff, as if deciding whether or not to share his idea. “There were... a number of students I encountered recently who didn’t seem to belong to any schools. To be more precise, I didn’t notice any school insignias on their uniforms.”

“Really?” Serika interjected, her skepticism evident. “How is it that we’ve never encountered them before?”

Sparda gave her a knowing look. “You have, in fact. Just yesterday, you came across several of them,” he said, letting his words sink in.

Serika’s brow furrowed as she replayed the events of the previous day in her mind. Serika’s eyes widened as realization dawned on her, the pieces of the puzzle finally clicking into place. She wasn’t the only one; the understanding rippled through the group, their expressions shifting as they grasped what Sparda was suggesting.

Serika clenched her fists, her voice trembling with disbelief. "No."

"No?" Sparda echoed, tilting his head slightly.

"Of course not!" Serika burst out, her voice brimming with a mix of disbelief and indignation. "You're seriously suggesting that we recruit those Kata Kata Helmet Gang members as students of Abydos? Are you out of your mind?!"

Sparda met their collective gaze, his expression calm yet resolute. The girls stared back at him, each reflecting a mixture of unease, confusion, and outright rejection of his proposal.

Aware of their concerns, Sparda softened his tone, his voice steady but understanding. "Let me clarify that this is merely my input," he began, his eyes moving from one girl to the next, ensuring they understood his sincerity. "I fully acknowledge the potential pitfalls associated with this course of action, and I understand why you might find it unappealing. However, it's worth considering that the benefits could outweigh the risks in the long term."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "But I must also emphasize that I am not a student of Abydos. I am merely an outsider offering advice. At the end of the day, Abydos is your school, run by you–its students. Therefore, the decisions on how to resolve its issues should be made by you. You are the ones who will live with the consequences, and so it is only right that you have the final say."

A heavy silence fell over the room, the weight of his words pressing down on each of them. The minutes ticked by slowly, stretching into what felt like an eternity. No one spoke, the air thick with contemplation. Sensing the growing tension, Sparda decided to steer the conversation back into more manageable territory.

"Well," he said, finally breaking the silence as he eased back into his seat. "Try not to stress too much over these matters. There are still plenty of options available to you. We just need to find the one that best suits Abydos."

As if struck by a sudden thought, Sparda added, "On a related note, I nearly forgot to ask—who is Abydos’ creditor?"

"Kaiser Loan," Ayane promptly replied.

"Kaiser... Is it affiliated with Kaiser Charity by any chance?" Sparda inquired, his interest piqued.

"If it has the name Kaiser, then it’s likely connected," Hoshino chimed in, her tone casual but certain.

"I see..." Sparda murmured, his mind clearly turning over this new information.

Ayane, sensing something was amiss, asked, "Did something happen between you and Kaiser Charity, Sensei?"

Sparda hesitated for a moment before answering with a nonchalant shrug, "No, nothing major. Just had a little disagreement with them a few days ago." He then shifted the conversation back to the pressing matter. "When is this month’s loan payment due?"

"Today," Shiroko responded, her voice as calm as ever.

Sparda blinked, unsure if he had heard her correctly. "Today?" he echoed, a note of disbelief creeping into his voice.

"Nn. Today," Shiroko confirmed with a nod, her expression unchanging.


"Thank you for your continued support of Kaiser Loan! I'm here to collect your payment for this month!" a cheerful, well-dressed male robot announced, his synthetic voice tinged with a practiced politeness. The robot, clad in a formal suit, stood in front of a white van prominently displaying the name "Kaiser" on its side,

Ayane stepped forward, clutching a briefcase tightly in her hands. The case held exactly 8,321,844.50 yen—a sum they painstakingly earned to cover the monthly interest payment of 8 million yen and reduce Abydos’ debt no matter how miniscule.

The situation felt precariously tight—too close for comfort, at least from Sparda's perspective. If he were the one managing such a hefty monthly obligation, he would aim to secure at least 10 million yen, ensuring a cushion for unexpected expenses or future needs. But he quickly reminded himself that 8 million yen was an enormous burden for students like them. It wouldn’t be fair to impose his own expectations on top of their already heavy responsibility.

Or was it? Sparda found himself pausing, reconsidering. What was the average salary for part-time and full-time jobs in Kivotos, anyway? Was 8 million yen truly that large of a sum?

Ayane’s voice snapped him back to reality. "Here’s this month’s payment," she said, extending the briefcase towards the robot. Just as she was about to hand it over, Sparda intervened, gently taking the briefcase from her grasp.

"Sensei?" Ayane's voice held a note of confusion as she looked up at him.

"Allow me," Sparda replied, his voice calm and reassuring. He then turned to the robot, putting on his most genuine ‘smile’. "On behalf of these students, allow me to express our deepest gratitude for your ongoing support and the diligent work you do. I trust you will continue to treat them with the same kindness and consideration in the future."

The robot's digital eyes transformed into a cheerful expression, resembling ^-^, as it responded with an artificial but unmistakable enthusiasm, "Why, thank you very much for your kind words! Of course, I'd be more than happy to assist them in the future!"

Seizing the opportunity, Sparda leaned in slightly, maintaining his composed demeanor as he inquired, "By the way, good sir, would it be possible to request a meeting with your higher-ups to discuss the current... situation in more detail?"

The robot's cheerful expression faltered, and its demeanor shifted as it processed the request. "Unfortunately, I am merely a humble collector," it replied, the earlier enthusiasm now noticeably diminished. "I lack the authority to arrange a meeting with the executives. However, I can certainly relay your message to them!"

Sparda’s smile remained polite, though his eyes sharpened ever so slightly. "I see," he murmured, taking a step closer until he was just inches away from the robot. With a deliberate slowness, Sparda leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper as he spoke into what he assumed was the robot’s right ear. "Please inform them... that it would be unwise for them to trouble these girls more than they already have. If it’s too hard for them to understand, I’ll be more than happy to pay them a personal visit and educate them thoroughly."

The robot's reaction was immediate and exaggerated; it jolted backward with a startled "HII?!" The sudden shift in its posture and the noticeable stammer in its synthesized voice betrayed a level of fear that seemed almost comical for a machine.


“I-I-I-I’ll be going now! Goodbye!” The robot stammered in a flurry of nervousness, retreating with an exaggerated haste that made it look as though it were in a hurry to escape. It clambered into the van, which sped away with an unnaturally swift acceleration, leaving the group in its dust.

As the van disappeared down the road at a speed more fitting for a racing car than a delivery vehicle, Hoshino turned to Sparda with curiosity. “What did you say to him, Sensei?”

“Oh? Nothing of great significance,” Sparda replied casually. Once the van was out of sight, he turned to address the group more seriously. “By the way, do any of you know where informants might be gathering?”

“You can find a lot of them in the Black Market,” Hoshino responded.

“The Black Market?” Sparda inquired, intrigued.

“Yes, it’s a lawless district within the city that has been neglected and unmanaged for years. Even the General Student Council has yet to address this problem,” Hoshino elaborated.

Sparda’s interest was piqued. A thoughtful smile spread across his face as he considered the implications. “I see. So, this will be a chance to accomplish two objectives at once.”

The girls exchanged glances, and after a brief moment of silent agreement, they nodded in unison.

“We’ll accompany you, Sensei,” Ayane declared. “We’ll act as your guides.”

“You don’t need to—” Sparda began, but Ayane interrupted with a determined expression.

“Please! It’s far more reassuring for us if we can keep an eye on you!” Ayane pleaded earnestly.

Sparda looked at Ayane, baffled by her insistence.

“That’s right,” Nonomi chimed in. “We’ll be too concerned about what you might do if we’re not there to watch over you.”

“Besides,” Serika added with a hint of exasperation, “what if you get lost? Actually, no, I can already imagine it. You’ll probably end up in all sorts of strange situations or do something bizarre that will create problems for all of us by the end of the day!”

“Nn. Sensei is a weirdo, after all,” Shiroko remarked nonchalantly.

“So, it’s settled then?” Hoshino asked, raising her hand with a mock-serious expression. The other girls responded with enthusiastic nods. “Then, mission: ‘Babysitting Sensei’...start!”

The girls erupted into a spirited cheer, raising their hands in unison. “OOOOO!!”

“What have I done to be slandered like this? Don’t I have a say in this?” Sparda protested, but his words fell on deaf ears as the group continued their cheer.


As Sparda stepped into the lawless zone known as the 'Black Market,' a wave of disappointment washed over him, quickly replacing the anticipation he had felt. The area, far from matching his expectations, seemed underwhelming and almost mundane.

“This is the Black Market?” Sparda muttered, his tone tinged with disbelief. “How should I put this... it looks rather lackluster.”

Nonomi, noticing his discontent, couldn’t help but ask, “What exactly were you expecting, Sensei?”

Sparda paused, gathering his thoughts before responding, “Well, considering that we’re in Kivotos, I envisioned something far more dystopian—chaotic and barely functional. But what I see here is... much more ordinary than I anticipated.”

Serika rolled her eyes, her tone laced with mild exasperation as she commented, “You’ve clearly been watching too much sci-fi.”

Sparda chuckled softly, but immediately his demeanor turned serious, his mind refocusing on the tasks at hand. He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate, straining to catch even the faintest trace of Ibuki’s scent. However, much to his frustration, the scent had completely dissipated. He cursed softly under his breath. “Damn it, I was too late. Her scent has completely vanished.”

Ever since they had arrived in the city, Sparda had been trying to track Ibuki’s scent, but it was a futile effort. The lingering traces had gradually faded, signaling that she was no longer anywhere near the area. This realization gnawed at him, fueling a growing sense of urgency. As a side note, he did manage to detect the distinct scents of Aru, Kayoko, and Haruka—and, to his surprise, they were unexpectedly close by.

Sparda rubbed his face in resignation, feeling the weight of indecision press down on him. What should he do now? He mentally listed his options, each carrying its own set of implications. He could attempt to shift his focus back to gathering information from local informants about Kaiser Loan. Alternatively, he could seek out Aru, Kayoko, and Haruka, and be reunited with them. Or, he could broaden his search radius in order to locate Ibuki.

As he crossed his arms, deep in thought, weighing his options, the air around them suddenly erupted with a deafening BOOM!!

Sparda’s head snapped up, his eyes narrowing as he processed the unexpected sound. “Now what?” he muttered, irritation seeping into his voice.

Before anyone could react, another explosion reverberated through the area, this time much closer to where they stood. The ground shook violently, and a large cloud of dust and debris hurtled towards Sparda and the girls, forcing them to shield their eyes against the onslaught.

“Hey, come back here, you scoundrels!” a voice rang out, full of frustration and urgency.

“Over here, Hifumi!” another voice called out, filled with determination.

“D-don’t rush me, Azusa-chan!” a third voice stammered, breathless and clearly struggling to keep up.

Suddenly, two girls came barreling towards Sparda, their frantic movements betraying their desperation. Leading the charge was a girl with long, flowing silver hair, her features obscured by the gas mask she wore, giving her an enigmatic and somewhat intimidating appearance. Her hand was tightly gripping the wrist of another girl, who had her light brown hair styled in low twintails, each adorned with a yellow-black ribbon and a small wing-shaped hair ornament.

The silver-haired girl abruptly halted her sprint, skidding to a stop right in front of Sparda and the Abydos girls. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the unexpected sight. “There’s more of them?!” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with both surprise and frustration. Without a moment’s hesitation, she swung her assault rifle up, aiming it directly at the group, her finger hovering dangerously over the trigger.

“W-wait, wait, wait, wait!” Serika stammered in a panic, raising her hands in a desperate attempt to defuse the situation before it escalated.

Hoshino quickly sprung into action. In one swift motion, she deployed her shield, Iron Horus, in front of Sparda and the other girls. The bullets, which had just been fired in their direction, clinked harmlessly off the shield's reinforced surface, falling to the ground with a series of metallic pings.

Hoshino shot a dry look at Sparda, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she remarked, “Looks like Serika-chan was right on the money. Sensei really does have a knack for attracting trouble.”

The silver-haired girl’s eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. “A shield?” she muttered, quickly switching tactics. Without missing a beat, she reached into her pouch and pulled out a grenade, preparing to throw it.

However, before she could act, her companion—the girl with the light brown twintails—intervened, grabbing her arm with a firm grip. “S-stop it, Azusa-chan!” she pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency.

“Don’t stop me, Hifumi! This is the enemy's territory, if we don’t take the initiative, we will lose!” the silver-haired girl, Azusa, said.

"I'm telling you, I think you got it all wrong!" the girl with the twintails, Hifumi, exclaimed, her tone laced with frustration as she tried to reason with her companion.

As Sparda observed the escalating argument between the two girls, he silently began to take note of their distinct appearances, mentally cataloging every detail.

The girl called Azusa, with her silver hair, had an air of mystery to her as her face was largely obscured by the gas mask she wore. Her halo resembled a woven laurel, depicted as an unclosed yellow circle that mirrored the crescent moon, adorned with various olive leaves. Her hair was styled with a collection of purple floral accessories and a black ribbon, adding a touch of elegance to her otherwise formidable presence. She donned a long-sleeved white capelet, its design embellished with the yellow Trinity logo on her right sleeve and an unknown emblem on her left. The capelet was fastened at the front with a gold brooch, also bearing the same mysterious emblem and adorned with delicate flowers. Beneath this, Azusa wore a collared white shirt layered under a black dress, which was trimmed with frills and decorated with floral patterns. Her ensemble was completed by white pointed shoes and black cuffed socks, giving her an aura of both grace and intimidation.

Turning his gaze to Hifumi, Sparda quickly assessed her appearance as well. She had bright yellow eyes that stood out against her light brown hair, styled in low twintails. Her halo was composed of a yellow outer ring with a pair of wings on either side, and a simpler inner ring. Hifumi was dressed in white Trinity uniform, distinguished by a large yellow ribbon at the front and the school's logo emblazoned on her left sleeve. She wore a blue pleated skirt decorated with white clover patterns and layered with white frills underneath. Her outfit was complemented by black pantyhose and white sneakers with pink accents. Notably, Hifumi carried a familiar Peroro mascot backpack, with two grenades hanging off the front zipper and multiple rifle magazines neatly tucked into the pouches.

Something clicked in Sparda's mind as he scrutinized the girls' attire.

"Wait a moment," Sparda began, his voice tinged with realization, "the two of you are students from Trinity?"

Azusa’s demeanor shifted instantly, her stance becoming more guarded. "Who's asking?" she retorted, her voice cold and filled with menace. "Depending on your answer, your life might be forfeited."

"Azusa-chan!" Hifumi interjected, her exasperation evident as she glanced between her friend and Sparda, clearly distressed by the escalating tension.

Ayane's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "What are Trinity students doing here?"

Hifumi, clearly flustered, was about to respond when the conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of shouting from within the swirling dust clouds nearby.

"Where are they?!" a sharp female voice called out, echoing through the haze.

"I can hear their voices from here!" another voice fiercely responded.

Sparda's senses sharpened as he heard the rapid approach of multiple footsteps. His eyes narrowed, assessing the situation with a growing sense of urgency. The dust was thick, obscuring the figures that were rapidly advancing toward them, but the danger was unmistakable.

"Aah…they’re getting closer…" Hifumi murmured, her fear evident as she glanced nervously in the direction of the approaching figures.

The tension in the air was palpable as Sparda remained on high alert, his gaze fixed on the emerging silhouettes. Hoshino, Nonomi, Shiroko, and Serika instinctively prepared to defend themselves, their weapons at the ready, prepared to open fire if the approaching figures turned out to be hostile. Ayane, feeling the weight of the situation, moved closer to Sparda, deploying her drone to gather more information on the incoming threat.

As the silhouettes emerged from the dust, the tension only grew thicker. But as the figures became clearer, Sparda's eyes widened in recognition—an expression that was mirrored by Ayane.

"There you are—wait, Sensei and Ayane-Aneki?!" one of the newcomers exclaimed, her tone shifting from a battle cry to one of sheer disbelief as her sight darted between Sparda and Ayane.

The girls who had appeared before them were a trio of female delinquents, each sporting matching black masks with white Xs painted over them, giving them an intimidating and unified appearance.

The first girl to appear had shoulder-length, curly blonde hair that framed her yellow, slit-pupil eyes, giving her a fierce and predatory look. She was clad in a light bluish-grey coat that reached down to her ankles, accompanied by similarly colored long pants. Her top was unconventional—merely a strip of white cloth wrapped around her chest, leaving much of her midriff and shoulders exposed. Slung across her body from her left shoulder to her right hip was a line of ammunition, clearly meant for the minigun she carried on her back with ease.

The second girl, sporting long black hair tied into a single side ponytail, carried a submachine gun with a casual air of readiness. Her eyes were dark, matching the jet-black of her hair. Her attire, though slightly more conservative than her companion's, was still far from modest. She wore a light bluish-grey uniform that barely reached her navel, revealing her toned midsection. Her skirt, cut provocatively above her knees, fluttered with each step, prompting Sparda to worry that it might inadvertently reveal more than intended.

The third girl, the tallest of the trio, also had black hair and eyes, but her hair was cut just above her shoulders, giving her a sleek and sharp appearance. Of the three, her outfit was the most sensible, at least in Sparda’s opinion. She wore a light bluish-grey uniform that fully covered her torso, and her long skirt ended modestly just above her ankles. A shotgun rested in her hands, its weight seemingly inconsequential to her as she surveyed the scene with a calm and steady gaze.

Sparda instantly recognized these girls. They were the same delinquents he had encountered on his very first day in Kivotos—the ones he had crossed paths with during his attempt to regain control of Sanctum Tower.

The blonde delinquent was the first to speak, her voice laced with confusion as she stared at the group. "Why are Sensei and Aneki here?"

The second girl, the one with the side ponytail, chimed in with her own bewilderment. "Wait, Aneki being here makes sense since she’s an Abydos student, but what are you doing here, Sensei?"

"I could just as easily ask the three of you the same question. What exactly are you doing, chasing after these two ladies from Trinity?" Sparda inquired, his tone calm but probing as he assessed the situation.

Ayane added with a hint of concern, "You’re not causing trouble, are you?"

The tall delinquent, sensing the tension and eager to clear up any misunderstandings, quickly raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "Hold on, Sensei, Aneki, it’s not what it looks like. We’re not the ones stirring up trouble. It's that girl over there who’s been causing chaos with her explosives," she explained, pointing an accusatory finger at Azusa.

Sparda turned his attention to Azusa, his gaze questioning as he asked, "Is that true?"

From behind her gas mask, Azusa responded without hesitation, her voice steady and unapologetic. "Preemptive attacks on enemies are common sense."

The blonde-haired delinquent, clearly frustrated, couldn’t hold back her irritation any longer. "I already told you, we weren’t trying to mug you!" she yelled, exasperation clear in her voice. "You two looked like a couple of lost rabbits in a forest full of wolves. We were trying to warn you to get out of here, but you had to go and mess everything up with your explosives!"

Azusa, unimpressed and unfazed, shot back with equal disdain from behind her mask, "And you expect me to believe anything coming from someone dressed like you?"

The blonde delinquent, not one to back down, retorted sharply, "Like your getup is any better!"

The tension in the air was palpable as the two sides exchanged sharp words, the misunderstanding between them only growing deeper. Sparda could sense that this situation, if not carefully managed, could easily escalate into something far worse. He knew he needed to diffuse the tension before it boiled over into violence again.

Sensing the growing tension between the two groups, Sparda decided it was time to intervene before things spiraled further out of control. With a calm yet authoritative demeanor, he stepped between the girls, raising a hand to signal for them to stop.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Sparda said, his voice firm but not unkind. “This back-and-forth is getting us nowhere, and frankly, it’s starting to give me a headache. How about we find somewhere to sit down and talk this out like civilized people?”


Ayane found herself in a state of inner turmoil, her thoughts spiraling as she sat quietly at a small café, just a short ten-minute walk from the site of the earlier confrontation. She was accompanied by Hoshino, Shiroko, Nonomi, and Serika, each of them seated around the table with varying degrees of casualness. Meanwhile, at a separate table, Sensei was sitting with Hifumi, Azusa, and the three delinquents, intent on hearing the full story and mediating the conflict.

From where she sat, Ayane couldn’t help but glance over at the other table, her gaze lingering on the animated exchange taking place. Azusa and the blonde-haired delinquent seemed to be locked in a heated debate, their words flying back and forth with increasing intensity. Hifumi, on the other hand, looked utterly lost, her bright eyes wide with confusion as she teetered on the brink of tears, clearly overwhelmed by the situation. Sensei calmly intervened whenever the discussion threatened to escalate, keeping the blonde delinquent in check whenever Azusa’s sharp words provoked her.

But despite the tension at the other table, it wasn’t the nature of the conversation that troubled Ayane. No, her concern stemmed from something far more personal, something that had been gnawing at her ever since they had settled into the café.

“So… Aneki, is there anything more we humble servants could do for you?” Hoshino’s teasing voice broke through Ayane’s thoughts, the playful tone impossible to ignore.

“Aneki, would you like another serving of parfait, perhaps?” Nonomi chimed in, her question dripping with mischievous affection.

“Nn. Aneki, should I get you something to drink?” Shiroko offered, the slight smile on her lips suggested she was enjoying the playful banter.

“You guys, if you keep this up, Ayane-chan’s going to get angry,” Serika warned, though the hint of a smirk on her lips betrayed her amusem*nt.

Ayane’s cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she felt the weight of their relentless teasing. Ever since the moment they had overheard her being called ‘Aneki,’ the nickname had become a source of endless amusem*nt for her friends. She looked down at her feet, feeling the heat of embarrassment rising from her very core, almost as if steam were escaping from her ears.

"P-please stop it!" Ayane pleaded, her voice soft and tinged with desperation as she fidgeted in her seat. The teasing was all in good fun, she knew that, but the sheer embarrassment of being called ‘Aneki’ was almost too much for her to bear.

Sensei’s calm voice cut through the playful teasing, drawing the group’s attention. "You girls seem to be having quite the time," he remarked with a hint of amusem*nt.

Nonomi looked up at him, her tone light but curious. "Sensei, are you done with your sermon?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Sensei’s lips. "I wouldn’t call it a sermon. Just a matter of setting the record straight."

Behind Sensei, Hifumi and Azusa stood together, both appearing somewhat subdued. Hifumi, in particular, fidgeted nervously, her eyes darting between Sensei and the Abydos girls. Finally, summoning her courage, she spoke up, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "Umm... We’re really sorry for all the trouble we caused!" With that, she bowed her head deeply in apology. Turning to Azusa, she urged gently, "Come on, Azusa-chan, please apologize for inconveniencing everyone…."

Azusa, still wearing her gas mask, hesitated for a moment. Then, with a resigned sigh, she reached up and removed the mask, revealing her face for the first time. Beneath the mask was a strikingly beautiful girl, her sharp pink eyes fading into a captivating shade of blue at the edges. Her expression was calm, though there was a hint of reluctance in her gaze as she met the eyes of those around her.

Hoshino let out a low whistle. "Ooohh~, who would’ve thought there’d be such a cute girl hiding behind that mask. It’s a shame not to show off that face to the world, right, Sensei?"

Sensei’s response was as straightforward as ever. "Why are you asking me?"

Hoshino’s grin widened mischievously as she leaned back in her chair. "Well, you’re our resident harem collector, after all," she teased, her words dripping with playful sarcasm.

Sensei sighed, sounding tired.

"A-a-anyway!" Hifumi stammered, attempting to steer the conversation back on track. "Azusa-chan, please apologize to everyone for the trouble you've caused."

With Hifumi’s gentle but persistent urging, Azusa reluctantly stepped forward. Though her reluctance was evident, she managed to mumble an apology, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry."

Before the tension could dissipate, the three delinquents, who had been lingering in the background, stepped forward. The blonde one, who seemed to be the most outspoken of the trio, crossed her arms and addressed the Trinity students with a serious tone."Next time, you two might want to think twice before coming to the Black Market in your school uniforms. Trinity students like you would make prime hostages, and there are plenty of folks here who wouldn't hesitate to use you against the school."

Hifumi, clearly chastened, nodded in understanding. "We understand, and we're really sorry for the misunderstanding," she apologized once again, bowing her head in earnest.

Curiosity piqued, Ayane couldn't help but ask the question that had been on everyone’s mind. "But why would two Trinity students venture all the way to the Black Market in the first place?"

Hifumi’s face lit up with a cheerful smile as she revealed their reason for being there. "We heard a rumor that extremely rare Momo Friends' merchandise was being sold here, and we just couldn’t pass up the opportunity!"

The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone processed what they had just heard. Disbelief was etched on their faces, and the delinquent with the ponytail couldn’t hold back her incredulity. "This is the first time I’m hearing about this. You risked your safety just for some merchandise?"

Azusa, unfazed by the skepticism, crossed her arms defiantly. "My information isn’t wrong. The exclusive, limited edition of Peroro and Skullman plushies are definitely here in the Black Market."

Hifumi then added, with a tone of deep reverence, "Peroro-sama isn’t just some merchandise. He’s… he’s so much more."

The group found themselves momentarily stunned, caught between the urge to laugh at the girls' determination and the genuine concern over how far they were willing to go for their cherished mascots.

The tall delinquent, seeking to break the awkward silence that had settled over them, asked, “S-So, Sensei and Aneki, what brings you here with such a large group?”

Ayane, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the spotlight, stammered, “Ah, S-Sensei’s trying to find some informants.”

Sparda, sensing the need to cut to the chase, added, “Yes, I just need to know one thing: Kaiser Loan—where is the money they collect being transferred to?”

Hifumi, clearly taken aback, blurted out, “Kaiser Loan?!” Realizing that everyone’s attention had shifted to her, she quickly shrank back, suddenly self-conscious.

The tall delinquent, her tone more serious now, asked, “Sensei, Aneki, what are you two doing getting mixed up with a shady group like Kaiser Loan?”

The blonde-haired delinquent chimed in, “Yeah, most folks around the Black Market know better than to mess with them unless they’re really desperate for cash.”

“It’s that bad?” Sensei asked.

“Bad is understating it,” the ponytailed delinquent replied.

“The truth is…” Ayane began, her voice tinged with the weight of the situation, as she started explaining the circ*mstances surrounding Abydos’ debt.

As she spoke, the faces of the delinquents and Hifumi grew increasingly pale, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Azusa, however, appeared unphased, clearly unfamiliar with the topic at hand.

When Ayane finished recounting the tale, the tall delinquent could only offer a blunt yet honest assessment, “Welp, Aneki, you’re screwed.”

The ponytailed delinquent chimed in, her voice somber. "Yeah, if this place is an ocean, then Kaiser Loan is the shark among the loan sharks. They're not just big—they’re masters of the game. They know how to manipulate their prey using the very laws meant to protect them. So, whatever methods they used to acquire Abydos’ debt, while they might be unethical, it’s unlikely they were illegal."

Hifumi, nodding in agreement, added, “I’ve heard plenty about Kaiser as well. The Tea Party at Trinity has had to fend off multiple attempts by Kaiser to gain a foothold in our school. We’ve even been explicitly warned to stay clear of any dealings with them.”

Azusa, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up, “So, they’re basically terrorists, then?”

Hifumi hesitated, considering her words carefully. “Terrorists might be too harsh a term... but they’re definitely dangerous.”

Sensei, who had been listening intently, seemed lost in thought, his brow furrowed as he pondered the gravity of the situation. “Hmm…”

Breaking the silence, Hoshino suddenly spoke up, her voice cutting through the tension. “So, what are you going to do, Sensei?”

Ayane turned to her, surprised. “Hoshino-Senpai?”

Hoshino continued, her tone steady, “Are you going to quit? I mean, that would be the sensible thing to do, right? After all, you’re up against Kaiser Corporation. But don’t worry, Sensei. We can handle this, just like we always have.”

Sensei blinked in surprise, taken aback by her words. And then, to everyone’s astonishment, he laughed—a deep, hearty laugh that echoed through the room. He laughed for a solid minute, as if Hoshino’s words were the most amusing thing he had ever heard.

Then, as abruptly as he had started, he stopped laughing. With a gentle smile, he placed a hand on Hoshino’s head and began to ruffle her hair affectionately.

“Wha—? Sensei?!” Hoshino protested, but Sensei ignored her protests, continuing to tousle her hair.

“Hoshino,” Sensei began, his voice warm yet firm, “there are two things you need to understand. First, despite all the talk about ‘the sensible thing to do’ or ‘common sense,’ the truth is that there’s no real difference between adults and children. We’re just better at hiding our childishness behind the mask of reason, better at concealing our greed, and better at suppressing our fear of losing. And secondly,” he paused, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, “quit? Me? Hoshino, there’s nothing more satisfying than making a spectacular comeback from a losing position.”

Hoshino, still flustered, looked up at him with wide eyes. “Uheee? Sensei, it’s almost like you’re treating this whole thing as a game. It’s kinda unfair that you’re the only one having fun, don’t you think?”

Sensei’s chuckle was light, almost teasing, as he responded, “Call it the unfairness of adults.” He paused briefly before continuing, his tone taking on a more strategic edge. “And as an unfair adult dealing with other unfair adults, it’d be a pity if I didn’t at least level the playing field a bit.”

Hoshino tilted her head, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean by that, Sensei?”

“Simple,” Sensei replied with a sly grin. “We need to make sure everyone plays under the same rules. No shadows to hide in.” He then shifted gears, his gaze sharpening as he asked, “You girls know where Kaiser Loan is transferring the money they’ve collected, don’t you?”

The three delinquents exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, the blonde delinquent spoke up, her voice steady. “There’s really only one place, Sensei. The dark bank controlled by Kaiser. Rumor has it that it’s also where Kaiser Loan’s headquarters is located.”

Sensei’s smirk grew wider, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Now, this is starting to sound deliciously scandalous,” he mused, his voice almost dripping with anticipation. “You girls know what to do, right?”

Shiroko, her eyes sparkling with excitement, leaned forward eagerly. “We’re going to rob a bank?” she asked, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Sensei’s expression shifted instantly, becoming utterly neutral. “No,” he said firmly.

Shiroko’s face fell, her shoulders slumping in disappointment.

“We’re going to conduct a little infiltration,” Sensei explained, his tone smooth and calculated. “Gather some evidence from that bank. Bring some light into the dark corners where they operate.”

Serika raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that basically the same as robbing it?”

Sensei shook his head, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Not at all. It’s completely different. This way, it sounds much more stylish and sophisticated.”

Serika’s frustration bubbled over. “What is it with you and your obsession with style?!”

Sensei only grinned in response, but his demeanor quickly became serious again. “But to make sure we can gather enough evidence to expose them, we’ll need a distraction. Something to give us the time we need…”

Ayane noticed Sensei’s eyes scanning the room, looking at each of them. His gaze finally settled as he spoke, “We’ve got 11 people with us…”

“E-Eh? You’re including us in this?” Hifumi stammered, clearly flustered by the sudden turn of events.

“Consider it your... well, let’s call it ‘penance,’” Sensei replied with a casual smile. “No, better yet—community service. Yes, community service to make Abydos a better place.”

Hifumi’s face was a mix of confusion and exasperation. “B-but we’re not even from Abydos!” she protested.

Sensei waved off her concerns with a dismissive gesture. “Don’t sweat the small details. Everyone here is my student.”

Hifumi blinked several times, clearly struggling to wrap her mind around Sensei’s bewildering logic. “W-what kind of reasoning is that?” she asked, her voice filled with utter disbelief. Desperate for some semblance of sanity, she turned to Azusa, hoping her friend might inject a dose of reality into the situation. “Azusa-chan, please say something,” she pleaded.

Azusa, however, seemed unfazed. Instead, she cut straight to the point, her voice calm and measured. “What’s in it for us?” she asked, her sharp eyes focused intently on Sensei.

Without missing a beat, Sensei responded, his tone confident and persuasive. “I’ll make sure to help you procure those limited edition Peroro and Skullman plushies you’ve been looking for,” he promised, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Azusa’s expression remained impassive for a moment before she simply nodded. “Deal,” she agreed.

Sensei’s smile widened as he extended his hand. “It’s good to do business with you,” he said warmly.

With a firm handshake, the deal was sealed, their agreement solidified in that simple gesture.

Meanwhile, Hifumi looked on in horror, her eyes wide with disbelief. “A-Azusa-chaaaaan?!” she cried, her voice tinged with despair as she realized her friend had so easily been swayed.

Ayane raised a hand to her forehead, a headache beginning to throb at her temples. The situation had quickly spiraled out of control, and she wasn’t entirely sure how they had ended up here. All she knew was that she’d need to keep a close eye on Sensei—and perhaps invest in some aspirin.

The blonde-haired delinquent hesitated before speaking, her tone slightly uneasy. “Err, Sensei, as much as we’d like to help you out, we really can’t. We’ve got a job to do.”

“A job?” Ayane echoed, her curiosity piqued. “Oh, that’s right. Why did you three come to the Black Market in the first place?”

The tall delinquent took the lead, explaining their situation with a touch of frustration. “We’re here for a part-time gig. We were supposed to meet our client at a different location, but thanks to the squirt’s little fireworks display,” she shot a glance at Azusa, “that spot is now in ruins. So, I had to contact our client and redirect them to meet us here at this café instead.”

Feeling the weight of responsibility for the chaos they had inadvertently caused, Hifumi lowered her head, her expression a mix of guilt and regret. “I’m really sorry about the mess we’ve caused. We never intended to create so much trouble.”

Ayane, intrigued by the nature of their work, decided to dig deeper. “What kind of work are you involved in?”

The tall delinquent hesitated briefly, as if weighing her words before responding. “We’re supposed to act as some sort of ‘assistants,’ but we haven’t been given all the specifics yet. I guess we’ll get more details once our client shows up.”

Ayane’s curiosity only grew with each passing moment. “And who exactly is your client for this job?”

The tall delinquent’s expression remained unreadable as she answered, her voice steady. “Problem Solver 68.”

“Problem Solver 68, you say?” Sensei repeated without bothering to hide his surprise.

“Yes,” the delinquent confirmed.

As if on cue, the door to the café swung open, and three newcomers walked in.


Rikuhachima Aru trudged toward her destination, her heart weighed down with a deepening sense of dread as she stared at the screen of her phone. Not only had their efforts to locate Sensei or gather any information on his whereabouts proven fruitless, but now Mutsuki and Ibuki had also vanished without a trace. The situation was rapidly spiraling out of control, and the uncertainty distressed her immensely.

“How could this happen? Where could Mutsuki and Ibuki have disappeared to?” Aru's thoughts raced as she repeatedly tried to contact them, only to be met with the frustrating reality that her call would neither connect to Mutsuki's nor Ibuki's phones. Every unanswered call only fueled her growing anxiety.

"Mutsuki... Ibuki... Sensei... where are you?" Aru inwardly questioned, her worry escalating with each passing moment.

The original plan to launch an assault on Abydos now seemed like a distant, almost trivial concern. Their top priority had shifted dramatically—to finding Mutsuki, Ibuki, and Sensei, wherever they might be. Yet, this unexpected crisis had plunged them into a dire situation. Aru had already paid the students who were supposed to aid them in the assault on Abydos—a mission that should have proceeded smoothly to demonstrate the value and power of Problem Solver 68 to the President of Kaiser Corporation.

Instead, the operation had to be abruptly aborted. The entire day had been consumed by a frantic and fruitless search for Ibuki and Mutsuki, who had inexplicably gone MIA. She did try to recover the money she had forked out, and in a desperate bid to recover the funds she had paid upfront for the now-canceled assault, Aru, with Kayoko's assistance, attempted to negotiate with the students. Keyword being ‘attempted’, for Aru’s offer to sit and negotiate was met with a cold and mocking response.

"Nuh-uh. No way. Not our problem. Sucks to be you."

The flippant dismissal of her situation instantly ignited a furious response. Aru, alongside Kayoko and a particularly enraged Haruka, unleashed their wrath upon the students. The brutality of their retaliation was swift and merciless, with Haruka, in particular, venting her fury in a manner that left no room for doubt about the severity of the consequences.

Despite their best efforts, they still couldn’t reclaim the money they had lost. Faced with this financial setback, Aru began to contemplate taking out a loan from a bank to temporarily cover the costs of their operation. However, before any plans could move forward, they first had to locate Mutsuki, Ibuki, and Sensei.

As Aru exhaled a heavy sigh, Kayoko stepped up beside her, sensing her distress. "Boss, are you really sure about this?" Kayoko inquired, her voice laced with concern.

"What exactly do you mean, Kayoko?" Aru replied, glancing at her with a hint of weariness.

Kayoko elaborated, "Well, we're pretty much down to zero funds, and trying to hire new help after yesterday’s disaster doesn't seem like the wisest decision."

"Please, don't remind me about that," Aru pleaded, rubbing her temples in frustration. "Unfortunately, I can't think of any other option besides bringing in additional hands. Abydos is far too vast for the three of us to search alone. But don’t worry, I made sure to mention in the job posting that we have a limited budget and that anyone applying should expect minimal pay," Aru added, a small smile of triumph creeping onto her face.

Kayoko couldn't help but sweatdrop at Aru’s optimism. "That actually makes me even more anxious. What kind of people would willingly take on a job like this under those conditions?"

Aru attempted to reassure her, albeit with a shaky resolve. "D-don’t worry about it. The worst that could happen is we lose our money again, right?"

"Err, Boss? Are you trying to drive us into the negative?" Kayoko questioned, her concern deepening.

Aru, ignoring Kayoko's pointed question, led her and Haruka toward their destination. After a short walk, they arrived at a small, cozy café situated at a quiet intersection. At a glance, the café seemed rather unremarkable, with the only things visible from the outside being a few tables and chairs scattered around. However, the place did have a certain air of secrecy, making it feel like the kind of spot where outlaws might gather for a secret meeting.

"Is this really the place?" Aru asked hesitantly as she reached for the door. With a deep breath, she pushed it open. "Excuse me," she called out.

As soon as she stepped inside, her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. Standing there, as if he had been waiting for her all along, was someone she hadn’t expected to see.

"Aru? Kayoko and Haruka, too," the familiar voice greeted them.

It was Sensei.

"Sensei?" Aru muttered in disbelief, hardly able to process the sight of him standing there.

Sensei walked over to her, and as he stopped right in front of her, he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It’s been… what, two days? How have you been holding up, Aru?" he asked, his tone sounded relieved.

Aru blinked, her emotions overwhelming her. Her vision began to blur, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.


"Waaaaaaaahh! Sensei!" Aru cried out as she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably. "Where did you go?! Do you have any idea how worried we were? We didn’t know where to look for you, and Ibuki was crying. And now Ibuki and Mutsuki are missing too!"

"Aru," Sensei called out gently, trying to capture her attention.

"And we even lost our money even though they didn’t do their job!" Aru continued, her voice rising with frustration.

"Aru," Sensei repeated, his tone firmer this time, as he looked down at her with a concerned expression.

Finally, Aru looked up, her teary eyes meeting Sensei's troubled gaze. The look on his face gave her pause, making her realize that she might be overreacting. "I don’t know what happened," Sensei began, his voice softening, "but you might want to calm yourself for now." He then leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to a whisper. "There are other people around."

Aru blinked in surprise, her mind starting to clear as she registered Sensei’s words. She shifted her gaze ever so slightly to peek around him, and the color drained from her face.

Around ten girls were standing nearby, all watching the scene unfold with varying expressions. Three of them had their faces hidden behind masks, making it impossible to read their emotions. Two others, a busty girl and a short pink-haired girl, were smiling, clearly amused by what they were witnessing. A girl with wolf-like ears maintained a neutral expression, while another two—a bespectacled girl and a twin-tailed girl—appeared quite uncertain and uncomfortable with what they were seeing. Then there was a girl with long silver hair, whose sharp, scrutinizing eyes seemed to pierce through everything before her. Finally, a familiar-looking cat-eared girl looked absolutely mortified, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief.

As the weight of their stares settled on her, Aru’s entire body slowly turned a deep shade of red. She felt as though her skin might start steaming from the sheer embarrassment she was feeling. Her eyes began to spin in a daze, and she quickly looked down, desperately trying to hide from the piercing gazes.

"Thisisjustadreamthisisjustadreamthisisjustadream…" Aru murmured repeatedly, almost as if chanting to herself in an attempt to escape the reality of the situation.

"Boss," Kayoko walked up to her, her voice carrying a resigned tone as she delivered the inevitable truth, "this is very much reality."

"Hurk!" Aru let out a small, strangled sound, overwhelmed by the situation.

Kayoko turned her attention to Sensei, her expression softening with relief as a warm smile spread across her face. "It's truly a relief to see you safe and sound, Sensei," she said, her voice carrying a tone of genuine gratitude. It was clear that at least one of their many worries had been eased with his presence.

"And I'm glad to see all of you as well," Sensei responded, his gaze steady. However, his brow furrowed slightly as he continued, "But what’s this about Mutsuki and Ibuki going missing?" Concern laced his voice, his usual calm demeanor momentarily disrupted.

Aru was just about to explain the series of unfortunate events that had unfolded since their separation, but before she could get a word out, Sensei suddenly interjected. "Actually, before we get into that," he said, his tone shifting to one of curiosity, "are those girls with you?" He gestured subtly behind them.

Instinctively, Aru, Kayoko, and Haruka turned around to see what he was referring to. The moment their eyes landed on the sight outside the café, Aru felt as though her jaw had hit the floor.

Standing just outside the café was a group of girls, each one possessing short, black, shoulder-length hair with bangs that completely obscured their eyes. They were uniformly dressed in black suits worn over white school uniforms with red ties, complemented by black skirts and matching black caps. Yet, it wasn’t their identical appearance that sent alarm bells ringing in Aru’s mind. It was the distinctive red armbands they wore, each emblazoned with a particular insignia that made Aru’s blood run cold.

The red armbands bore the emblem of Gehenna.

These girls were not just students of Gehenna; they were members of the Prefect Team.

As the realization settled in, Aru's shock quickly morphed into panic. "W-what’s the Prefect Team doing here?!"

Before anyone could respond, the café door swung open with a soft chime, and a girl entered, immediately drawing everyone's attention. She had long silver hair tied into twin tails with black bows, her bangs artfully covering her left eye. Her striking red eyes contrasted sharply against her fair complexion, and she possessed elven ears and a black devil's tail that swayed slightly as she moved. In her hand, she gripped a rifle with a sense of purpose that was impossible to ignore.

The girl's bright red eyes scanned the room with a calculating gaze, finally settling on Sensei.

"Shiromi Iori of the Prefect Team?!" Aru exclaimed, her voice a mixture of disbelief and trepidation.


Sparda stepped forward with measured caution, gently patting Aru on the shoulder, signaling her to step aside as he attempted to close the distance between himself and Iori, who was glaring at him with unwavering intensity.

"I-Iori-san?" Ayane's voice trembled slightly as she muttered the girl's name, her apprehension evident.

Sparda found himself echoing her sentiment, his voice filled with a mix of concern and familiarity. "Iori."

Iori’s eyes narrowed as her gaze swept over the group, landing first on Sensei and then moving to Ayane, Aru, Hifumi, Azusa, and the three delinquents. Her expression hardened, her features tightening with a sense of betrayal. "So, Ako-chan was right… But to think Trinity is involved in this as well…" Iori's voice trailed off before she quickly composed herself. With a sharp intake of breath, she demanded, "Alright, Sensei, fess up, and I’ll make this quick. What are you plotting here?"

Sparda blinked, taken aback by the accusation. "Plotting?"

"Don’t play dumb!" Iori shouted, her voice ringing with indignation. "Kidnapping a member of the Pandemonium Society, colluding with lawbreakers like Problem Solver 68 and those delinquents, and secretly conspiring with Abydos and Trinity—what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?"

Sparda’s confusion deepened, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. But before he could formulate a response, a new voice echoed around them, cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Isn’t it obvious what they’re trying to do?"

Kayoko’s eyes narrowed in recognition, her scowl deepening. "That voice…" she muttered, her tone laced with disdain.

Suddenly, a hologram flickered to life in the center of the room, revealing the figure of a well-endowed girl with satin-soft blue hair that fell in wavy locks to her shoulders. Her hair was styled into two low twin tails at the back, with a side-swept fringe and two longer strands framing her face. A distinctive ahoge—a single lock of hair—stood upright at the top of her head, giving her an almost whimsical appearance. Her halo, a light grey crescent with a small circle in the middle, hovered above her, flanked by another crescent shape with a sharp-edged line intersecting it.

The girl wore a sleek black dress that hugged her figure, reaching just to the upper part of her thighs. The dress was side-less at the chest, revealing a modest portion of her cleavage. It was paired with a matching short black skirt that featured a slit on the side, exposing a glimpse of a black cloth beneath. Her ensemble was completed with thigh-high black stockings held up by a garter, black gloves that stopped at the back of her hands, and an elegant black choker with a small belt. Her shoes, also black, were stylish and refined.

Sparda really had to restrain himself from instantly commenting on her questionable sense of fashion.

"It’s because they’re trying to undermine Gehenna and all the efforts that the Head Prefect has made to ensure that the treaty does not go forward," the woman declared, her tone dripping with smug certainty.

"As I thought, it’s Ako," Kayoko muttered under her breath, her suspicion confirmed.

"Ako?" Sparda asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Amau Ako," Kayoko explained, her voice tinged with exasperation. "She’s the right-hand woman of Chairwoman Sorasaki Hina, the Head Prefect of Gehenna Academy, and overall a very troublesome girl."

Ako’s hologram tilted her head slightly, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Thank you for that succinct introduction, Kayoko-san. But don’t you think you ought to be looking in the mirror? You’re the troublemakers here, after all," she said with a disarming smile, her words carrying a sharp edge that cut through the air like a knife.

"Hold on. While I won’t deny that I took Ibuki away," Sparda began, already feeling the sharp gazes of the girls behind him, "the rest of your accusations are baseless."

"Oh? Then perhaps you’d like to explain what exactly you’re all doing gathered in such a suspicious place," Ako retorted, her tone sharp. "And while you’re at it, care to clarify the damage outside?"

Sparda opened his mouth to respond, but before he could get a word out, Ako interrupted him again. "No need to answer. I already know the truth," she said, her voice laced with mockery. "Isn’t that why you’ve taken Chairwoman Hina hostage? To prevent her from foiling whatever scheme you’re concocting?"

Ako’s smile remained, but as she closed her eyes, her expression shifted from feigned amusem*nt to barely-contained fury. When she reopened her eyes, they burned with anger. "I’ll say this just once: release Chairwoman Hina immediately, or we’ll make you do it."

"No, you’ve got it all wro—" Sparda attempted to correct her, but his words were cut off.

"Enough excuses!" Ako snapped. Turning to Iori, she barked, "Iori, they’ve refused to comply! You are authorized to use force to bring them down!"

Iori hesitated, sweat forming on her brow. "Are you sure? You seem a bit too worked up, Ako-chan."

"Do it," Ako commanded.

With a nod, Iori complied. "Troops, ready your weapons!"

"W-wait, why do we have to fight the Prefect Team all of a sudden?!" Aru exclaimed, her voice tinged with both exasperation and panic as the situation rapidly spiraled out of control.

"We have nothing to do with this! Please, just let us go!" Hifumi pleaded desperately, her eyes wide with fear.

"Silence! You’re all going to the detention cells!" Iori declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Hifumi’s plea fell on deaf ears as Azusa, calmly donning her gas mask, spoke up with determination. "Hifumi, she already sees us as enemies. There’s only one course of action left."

"And what would that be?" Hifumi asked, her voice trembling.

"We fight back," Azusa answered firmly, pulling out her explosives.

"Azusa-chan?!" Hifumi gasped, shocked by Azusa’s resolve.

Hoshino quickly brandished her shotgun and deployed her shield, ‘Iron Horus.’ "Well, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, but if it’s a fight they want, then Ojiisan here will give them one hell of a fight."

"Nn. We won’t go down without one," Shiroko agreed, her voice steady as she positioned herself and aimed her rifle at the Prefect Team, ready for battle.

"I won’t let you do as you please in Abydos!" Nonomi declared with fierce determination as she hefted her minigun, her resolve unshakable.

"Sensei! I demand an explanation once this is all over!" Serika shouted, her voice full of frustration as she swiftly kicked a table over to use as a makeshift barricade.

"Iori-san! I'm certain this is just a misunderstanding!" Ayane cried out, desperately trying to defuse the situation.

"Enough!" Iori's voice rang out. "You can talk all you want once you’re in the detention cells!"

The tall delinquent wasted no time, yanking Ayane with her to take cover behind the counter. "Aneki, it's pointless trying to reason with a blockhead like her!"

"That’s right!" the ponytailed delinquent chimed in, her voice laced with defiance. "You Prefect Team girls always messed with us whenever we pulled a job in Gehenna. Now it’s payback time!"

The blonde-haired delinquent, not one to be outdone, swiftly hoisted her minigun and took position next to Nonomi. They exchanged a determined nod before simultaneously pulling the triggers. "Take this!" they shouted in unison.

"Wait!" Sparda's voice cut through the air as he tried to intervene, but it was too late. The students of Abydos, save for Ayane, the three delinquents, and Azusa, had already opened fire on Iori and the Prefect Team, turning the situation into an all-out battle.

"W-what should we do?! Section Chief Kayoko?!" Aru shouted, her voice tinged with panic as she, Kayoko, and Haruka dodged the bullets and scrambled for cover.

Kayoko let out a resigned sigh as she drew her pistol. "We have no other option," she replied. "We’ve got to back up Sensei."

"I'll eliminate them… how dare they try to harm Aru-sama!" Haruka declared, her eyes burning with resolve as she leaped from cover, and began firing at the Prefect Team with her shotgun.

As Sparda ducked behind cover, narrowly avoiding the hail of bullets, he surveyed the utter chaos unfolding before him. The situation was spiraling out of control, and he knew he had to find a way to calm things down—fast.



A thunderous explosion rocked the cafe, sending shockwaves through the air.

"W-what was that?!" Aru exclaimed, her voice trembling with alarm just as a section of the cafe erupted in a fiery blast.

"Cough! Cough!" Iori sputtered, struggling to clear the dust from her lungs. "Explosives?! So you were expecting us all along, huh?!" she accused, her gaze narrowing in suspicion.

"We didn’t do anything!" Serika shot back, her voice a mixture of frustration and disbelief.

"Err... everyone, look... up there," Hifumi interjected, her voice shaky as she pointed skyward.

Following her gesture, Sparda glanced upward, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "Bollocks," he muttered under his breath.

Hovering ominously in the sky was a massive blimp, its grey and red hull emblazoned with the unmistakable insignia of Gehenna Academy. Yet, it wasn't the blimp itself that caused Sparda to curse. No, it was the sight of the heavily armored tank slowly descending from the sky thanks to the parachutes deployed from it. Perched atop the tank's cannon was a student, arms crossed and a gleeful grin plastered across her face.

"Kihihihihihihihi!! I found you, Sensei!!" she cackled, her laughter grating and all too familiar.

There was only one girl Sparda knew who possessed such a graceless laugh.

"Makoto..." he muttered, his voice tinged with resignation.

The situation had descended into pure, unadulterated chaos. There was no other way to describe it.

"Give back Ibuki, or else I’m gonna blow you away!" Makoto bellowed from her perch above, her voice carrying the threat of imminent destruction.

Sparda inhaled deeply, running a hand over his face as he took in the absurdity of the situation. Any hope of resolving things diplomatically had evaporated like smoke in the wind.

"You know what?" Sparda began, his voice low and resolute as he cracked his neck, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "I think I’ll just knock everyone out cold," he declared.

He prepared to summon Rebellion, the resolve in his eyes hardening as he embraced the inevitable confrontation.

But then, something entirely unexpected occurred, and it caused Sparda to freeze in his tracks.

It lasted only for a fleeting moment, but it was undeniable—something had happened.

And Sparda was the only one who sensed it.


For just an instant, he felt it.

The unmistakable stench of sulfur and the sudden surge of infernal energy—an ominous sign that a True Hell Gate had briefly been activated.

Sparda's head snapped in the direction from which the malevolent energy had emanated.

“It can’t be…” he murmured, disbelief and alarm washing over him.

In that moment, everything else—the chaos, the confrontation, the imminent battle—seemed utterly insignificant.

He could tell the general direction from which the infernal energy had come, and a sense of urgency gripped him. He had to find it, and quickly, before it could be fully opened.

Without wasting another second, Sparda took off, sprinting towards the source of the dark energy. But before he could get far, his path was abruptly blocked as the tank, with Makoto still perched atop it, landed with a thunderous crash.

"Kihihihi! Where do you think you’re going, Sensei?" Makoto taunted, her voice dripping with malice and delight.

Iroha, emerging from the tank, let out an exasperated sigh. "Sensei, just surrender and we can resolve this before Makoto-Senpai does something even more stupid."

"Did you just call me stupid?" Makoto asked, narrowing her eyes.

"You just dropped a tank in the middle of Abydos," Iroha pointed out with a deadpan expression. "If that’s not the pinnacle of stupidity, then I don’t know what is."

Sparda had neither the time nor the inclination to humor them any longer.

“Move,” he ordered, his voice cold and devoid of patience.

Makoto blinked in surprise. “Huh?”

"I said MOVE!!" Sparda shouted, his voice echoing with a fierce intensity that brooked no argument.


In a desolate, wrecked Kaiser base situated amid the arid expanse of Abydos’ desert, Asagi Mutsuki eagerly rummaged through a cache of explosive crates, her heart racing with exhilaration.

“Kufufufu~, with this many explosives, it will be a breeze to bury that Hell Gate beneath the sands before anyone even has a chance to discover it~,” she mused, her voice bubbling with malicious delight.

Suddenly, an intense surge of malevolent energy coursed through the air, sending a shiver down Mutsuki’s spine. The unexpected force caused her to fumble, dropping the explosive she had been holding.

Instinctively, Mutsuki’s gaze darted towards the source of the disturbing energy. Despite the smile still lingering on her lips, a bead of sweat began to trickle down her cheek, betraying her growing concern.

“Oh boy… has someone already discovered it?” Mutsuki murmured, her tone shifting from triumphant to apprehensive. Without hesitation, she began to move swiftly towards the direction from which the ominous energy had originated, her earlier confidence now tinged with unease.


“Huff… huff…”

No… not yet. We cannot afford to use it just yet.

Your power is beyond what I can currently manage.

I’m uncertain how many times I can muster such power before it becomes a burden on me.

We must reserve its use for when it is absolutely necessary. Only then, when no other options remain, should we unleash it.”


End of Chapter.

Below is an extra showing what Hina, Ibuki and Izuna were doing.


“Hina-chan, where do you think we are?” Ibuki asked, her curiosity evident as she stared into the cavernous expanse before them.

Hina, glancing back at Ibuki and Izuna, noted their awe-struck expressions as they illuminated the cavern walls with the beam from Izuna’s phone. She let out a weary sigh, her frustration palpable.

The sudden appearance of a massive sinkhole had caught them off guard while they were sheltering from the sandstorm. The earth had given way beneath them, sending them plummeting hundreds of meters below ground. When Hina finally regained consciousness, she found themselves in this intricate network of caverns. Fortunately, though the fall had been severe, the soft sands below had cushioned their landing somewhat.

Hina had attempted to contact Ako for assistance, only to discover that her phone’s signal was entirely lost—rendering any hope of calling for help futile. With no viable options left, she resolved that their only course of action was to explore the cavern.

Despite their efforts, which had stretched on for hours according to the time displayed on their phones, they had yet to find any sign of an exit.

The cavern seemed to stretch endlessly.

“Ah!” Izuna exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. “Izuna’s phone is out of battery.”

“Did you bring a power bank?” Hina inquired, but Izuna shook her head in response. Without hesitation, Hina retrieved her own power bank from her coat and tossed it to Izuna. “Use this.”

“Thank you, Hina-chan-dono!” Izuna said with a grateful smile. “Still, this cavern is enormous, isn’t it? We’ve been walking for quite a while, and it just seems to expand more and more the further we go.”

“Perhaps it’s the lair of a supervillain?” Ibuki suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Let’s hope that’s not the case,” Hina replied tersely, her tone devoid of enthusiasm. “Dealing with a supervillain would be quite troublesome.”

“Boooo~, Hina-chan, aren’t you even a little excited about this adventure?” Ibuki asked, her voice laced with disappointment as she pouted.

Hina’s response was curt and unambiguous. “No.” Without further ado, she resumed walking, pointedly ignoring Ibuki’s crestfallen expression.

Moments later, a peculiar sensation against her skin caused Hina to come to an abrupt halt. “Stop,” she commanded, bringing Ibuki and Izuna to a standstill behind her. “Do you feel that?”

“Feel what?” Izuna inquired, puzzled.

“There’s an air current,” Hina explained, her gaze searching the cavern for confirmation. She could see that Ibuki and Izuna did not immediately grasp the significance of this observation. “If there’s an air current, it must be coming from an outside source.”

“You mean?!” Izuna’s eyes widened in realization.

Hina nodded affirmatively. “Yes. It means there could be an exit. Let’s proceed,” Hina instructed with a sense of urgency. “Move quickly, but remain vigilant for any potential hazards or changes in the surroundings.”

Ibuki and Izuna responded with energetic salutes.

“Aye aye, Captain Hina-chan!” Ibuki replied, her tone playful yet earnest.

“Understood, Hina-chan-dono!” Izuna echoed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

With a resigned sigh, Hina took the lead, navigating through the uneven terrain. The path proved more challenging than she had anticipated, requiring them to leap down into lower sections of the cavern to proceed.

After a period of arduous trekking, they finally reached a spacious chamber. However, describing it as merely “empty” would be a misrepresentation. The cavern had been meticulously designed to mimic the halls and corridors Hina had previously encountered in Trinity.

Hina cast her flashlight across the expansive hallways, revealing an eerie sense of familiarity. “This is…” she began, her voice tinged with both curiosity and concern. “It’s clear that someone has been here before us.”

"Hina-chan, Izuna-chan!" Ibuki called out, her voice tinged with excitement. "Look at this! There are drawings on the walls!"

Prompted by Ibuki's enthusiasm, Hina and Izuna directed the beams of their phones' flashlights toward the walls. The illumination revealed a series of murals, their images partially obscured by age and wear. The artwork was evidently ancient, with many sections faded and cracked over time.

Hina studied the murals with a critical eye, attempting to interpret the scenes depicted. One particularly striking image caught her attention: a group of human-like figures, perhaps in the act of kneeling. It was unclear whether they were engaged in a form of prayer or some other ritual. A conspicuous red line connected each figure, eventually converging at what appeared to be some sort of furnace or altar.

The scene was enigmatic and troubling. The red line seemed to symbolize a flow or connection, directing the attention toward the furnace. Hina pondered the significance of this imagery. The connection between the people and the furnace suggested a ritualistic or sacrificial aspect, hinting at a dark history behind these murals.

"Izuna-chan, what do you make of these drawings?" Ibuki suddenly asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Hina turned to see Ibuki and Izuna engrossed in another mural. Intrigued, she approached them to get a closer look. As the details of the painting came into focus, Hina's expression tightened with unease.

The mural depicted a stark contrast: on the right side, a horde of monstrous beings loomed menacingly, while on the left, a group of human-like figures knelt, their bodies connected by a continuous red line that led towards a large furnace. What drew Hina's attention most was the central figure—a humanoid creature adorned with horns and two pairs of wings. This enigmatic being wielded a massive sword with one hand, brandishing it protectively towards the monstrous horde as if to shield the kneeling figures from harm.

"Ibuki-dono, Hina-chan-dono! This scene bears a striking resemblance to a depiction from the 77 Vagabond Ninjas!" Izuna exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

"77 Vagabond...Ninjas?" Hina echoed, puzzled by the reference.

"Yes! In that scene, the Samurai Master is tasked with holding back a swarm of enemies to protect his Lord until reinforcements, led by Haibei, arrive!" Izuna explained eagerly.

Hina hesitated, unsure whether this mural was indeed illustrating a similar story. Nevertheless, she couldn’t ignore the apparent resemblance between the figure in the center and the Samurai Master’s role in the 77 Vagabond Ninjas. It seemed that the central figure was indeed serving a protective role.

As Hina’s gaze wandered upwards, she noticed a grand mural stretching towards the cavern's ceiling. This new depiction began with the humanoid figures ascending what appeared to be a towering structure. Above this tower, the mural featured blue and red circles, and from the red circle, the monstrous entities seemed to pour out almost endlessly. There were also three additional red circles that appeared to be contained within the primary red circle.

The most captivating feature, however, was the violet circular light with a jet-black void in the center—reminiscent of a total solar eclipse—painted on the ceiling. Surrounding this dark center were images of humanoid figures with halos, floating gracefully around the violet light. The grandeur and intricacy of the ceiling mural suggested its importance, but what that importance was Hina certainly had no idea.

Hina shook her head, her expression serious. "You two, remember that our primary objective is to find the exit," she reminded Ibuki and Izuna firmly.

“Oh, right!” Ibuki exclaimed, a note of realization in her voice.

"Izuna almost forgot!" Izuna added, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

The trio then turned their attention back to the seemingly endless network of hallways stretching out before them. The corridors appeared to expand infinitely, their distant walls lost in shadows.

Izuna swallowed nervously. “I-Izuna has a bad feeling about this,” she admitted, her voice tinged with unease.

Ibuki, too, nodded in agreement. “Ibuki feels the same way.”

Hina, too, felt a pang of apprehension, though she masked it with a composed exterior. Despite her own unease, these hallways represented their only lead to escape from the cavern.

With a sigh, Hina took charge. "I'll go first. You two stay here and keep watch."

"What? No way! Ibuki doesn’t want to be separated from Hina-chan!" Ibuki protested vehemently.

"Izuna feels the same! Izuna doesn’t want Hina-chan-dono to face danger alone!" Izuna added, her concern evident.

Hina looked at them, weighing their objections. "Alright, but stay close and be prepared for anything. We may encounter danger, so keep your guard up."

Both Ibuki and Izuna nodded resolutely, gripping their guns tightly as they followed Hina into the labyrinthine hallways.

To their surprise, after what felt like hours of monotonous walking, the anticipated threats remained elusive. The journey through the dimly lit corridors almost felt mundane.

“We were worried for nothing,” Izuna observed, her voice reflecting a mix of relief and embarrassment.

“Izuna-chan is just a scaredy-cat,” Ibuki teased playfully.

“I-Ibuki-dono was scared too!” Izuna retorted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Hina raised a finger to her lips, signaling them to quiet down. “Hold on,” she instructed, her tone serious. “Can you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Ibuki asked, her curiosity piqued.

Izuna strained her ears, focusing intently. “I think... I can hear someone talking,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“There are people here? Maybe they can help us!” Ibuki exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement and a flicker of hope.

“Until we’re absolutely certain they’re not a threat, stay vigilant,” Hina ordered, her tone firm and commanding, leaving no room for argument.

The trio moved cautiously, following the echo of voices that guided them deeper into the labyrinth. Soon, they emerged from the shadowy corridors into a vast chamber, dominated by a large structure at its center—a mausoleum, shrouded in an aura of eerie stillness.

“What is that?” Hina murmured to herself, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the mausoleum. The structure, though ancient in appearance, seemed to radiate an unsettling presence.

As her gaze shifted, she noticed two humanoid figures standing sentinel-like in front of the mausoleum's door. Clad from head to toe in pristine white priestly robes and wearing featureless masks of the same color, the figures appeared deeply engrossed in their conversation, oblivious to the trio's presence.

“Hide,” Hina ordered swiftly, her voice a whisper as they ducked behind a large pillar, the cold stone pressing against their backs.

“Hina-chan…” Ibuki began to whisper, but Hina silenced her with a sharp look.

“Quiet,” she hissed, focusing intently on the hushed conversation between the robed figures, trying to catch every word.

“It won’t connect… It remains silent…” one of the figures murmured, a hint of frustration evident in its voice.

“How could this be... The injury inflicted by the False God…” the other responded, its tone laced with concern.

“The False God has already begun to leave its mark...” the first figure continued, the weight of their words hanging heavily in the air.

“We must find another method… Time is running out…” the second figure suggested, their voice growing more urgent.

“But what if we inadvertently unleash the Emperor...?” the first figure questioned, a note of dread creeping into their voice.

“Then it is what fate has decreed…” the second figure replied solemnly, as if resigned to the ominous possibility.

The two robed figures eventually drifted away, their voices fading into the distance. After waiting in tense silence and feeling confident that the figures wouldn't return, Hina cautiously stepped out from their hiding spot behind the pillar.

"I think it's safe now," Hina murmured, her voice steady as she motioned for Ibuki and Izuna to join her. They hesitated for a moment before emerging, their eyes still wide with the lingering tension of the strange encounter.

"What was that all about, Hina-chan-dono?" Izuna asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and unease as she glanced back at the mausoleum.

Hina shook her head slightly, her brow furrowed in thought. "I have no idea," she admitted, her gaze locked onto the mausoleum. There was something undeniably unsettling about the structure, an ominous aura that seemed to pulse from its stone walls, yet despite the foreboding atmosphere, she felt compelled to investigate further.

If this mausoleum harbored anything truly dangerous, Hina was more than ready to destroy it right here and now, before it could become a threat.

"Waaaahhh! It's so huge!" Ibuki exclaimed in awe, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she marveled at the towering structure. "Hey, hey, Hina-chan! What do you think will happen if I push these doors? Do you think they’ll open?" Ibuki asked cheerfully, her curiosity getting the better of her as she skipped toward the massive doors of the mausoleum.

"Ah, wait—!" Hina began, her voice sharp with warning, but it was too late. Ibuki's hands had already made contact with the cold, ancient stone doors.

Suddenly, a deep, ominous crimson light began to seep through the cracks and gaps of the ancient doors, casting an eerie glow across the cold stone floor. The light was intense, almost pulsating with a menacing energy that sent a chill down Ibuki's spine.

"Hiii!" Ibuki shrieked in fright, instantly pulling her hands away from the doors as if they had burned her. Without a second thought, she bolted back toward Hina, her heart pounding in her chest. "Hina-chan, Ibuki's scared! What was that?!" she cried, her voice trembling as she clung to Hina, seeking comfort from the unsettling experience.

Hina's expression darkened as she kept her eyes trained on the doors, her senses heightened, ready for whatever might come next. The crimson light flickered and then faded, leaving only the silence of the tomb-like chamber. Sensing no immediate danger, Hina quickly decided their next move. "We should leave this place. Now. Let's follow the path those priests took," she instructed, her voice calm but firm, masking her own unease.

"O-okay," Ibuki stammered, still shaken, but nodding in agreement.

"Ibuki-dono, are you alright?" Izuna asked, concern lacing her voice as she looked at her friend with worried eyes.

"Ibuki's fine... just startled," Ibuki replied, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to regain her composure.

Hina turned to Ibuki, her gaze stern but not unkind. "Don't do that again," she cautioned. "We have no idea what we're dealing with here, and we can't afford to take unnecessary risks."

Ibuki lowered her head in shame, feeling the weight of her impulsive action. "Yes, Ibuki understands," she murmured, chastened.

As they began to move away from the mausoleum, Hina cast one last glance over her shoulder, half expecting something to emerge from the ancient structure. But the doors remained closed, and the unsettling light had vanished, leaving only the cold, silent stone behind.

With a quiet sigh, Hina redirected her focus on the task at hand—finding an exit and getting them all out of this strange, foreboding place. The urgency of their situation weighed heavily on her, and she knew they couldn't afford to waste any more time.

But after they left the chamber behind, a sinister glow began to pulse once more from beyond the doors, the crimson light intensifying with each passing moment, as if the ancient structure itself was waking from a long, dark slumber.


Actual End of Chapter.

Next upload will either be Volume 2 Chapter 1 (IX) or a Substory.

Blue Archive: Sparda-Sensei's Chronicle - Chapter 28 - Arcreed (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.